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Still Not Happy With These Flares At Football Matches

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The best football atmosphere i have ever been to was PSG V Lens about 4 years ago. There was flares going off everywhere big bangs which i had no idea what they were but i must say it all steamed from the chanting of songs and a bloke hanging on a fance with a megaphone getting the away fans going. Thats why i agree with Badger on this just imagine it. Having flares going off and no chanting?!?!?! Be the most weirdest atmosphere going. Flares would be awesome but fireworks is just asking for trouble. The problem we have got in this country there is always someone who doesnt agree with anything and i am afraid they have the biggest voice now.

I think there should be a section of the stadium where if you want to let off flares and get songs going and try and get behind your team without worrying about being told to be quiet. I tell you what after a while loads of fans would be replicaying it all over the place then. As it looks and sounds amazing it be a fortress gate then.

The problem is, are over zealous stewards. And that god awful health and safety malarky 'you cant do that' brigade

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I think before we even think about flares etc we need to start from the bottom and sort the basic chanting out. The atmosphere around Ashton Gate is horrific. As someone said in another thread, it is like going to the cinema.

When we first went up into H Block Atyeo to start Parkenders, it was an up hill battle from the start. Nobody is interested..... full stop. I've given up after the Coventry game last year. Not being funny, but if people weren't up for making noise at that game then the writing is on the wall for me. I've since left Forza to it as I'm not prepared to waste my valuable time and money trying to help increase the atmosphere in Ashton Gate if nobody is up for it. Parkenders has, and will fall flat on its face, not because of the effort that Forza and other have put into it (Eddie has done an amazing job) but because the modern football fan simply isn't interested. Its as simple as that for me.

Who is to blame? I suggest that Bristol City football club as a whole should shoulder some of the responsibility. I feel the club has slipped into a mode where they try and make it as hard as possible for fans to generate an atmosphere. Look at what happened to the boys in the EastEnd. Ciderhead was constantly struggling to get the club to engage. The club should cherish fans like that surely? Another example is moving lifelong season ticket holders in the Atyeo to make room for facepainting and mascot hugging!!! When you're battling against that sort of thing you can forget flares, forget atmosphere, forget fortress Ashton Gate and forget Forza Revolution. You cannot have revolution unless you get evolution, and as far as I'm concerned the club is more interested in catering for families and the prawn sandwich brigade that helping generate an atmosphere.

Good post.

I find it bizzar people can get offended by words and chants at football grounds. The way i see it, its our right to act like animals and swear, get pissed up and generally cause trouble.

Football is a fight 11 v 11, Its a place men young and old can come together and unite behind one cause. We can let our hair down and feel that Army togetherness that only war and fighting can bring, expect nobody gets hurt.

Sanitises football at your peril, the only reason English football is so dam popular is down to the fans and the Clubs, not the players!

I've said this time and time again on here, Asians watch English football because of the English fans, they like to see us go nuts, shout, chant and generally go crazy. What they dont want to see is Keith, Hilda and the twins on a day out watching the game like its a forking cricket match.

No Standing

No Swearing

No offensive/racist chanting

No smoking

No drinking

No flairs

No cameras

No fighting

I mean, what's next? It will be cheering wont it? We wont be able to cheer as it may cause offensive to the losing team or some crap like that.

These are all things that make football great, the players feed from the supporters and visa versa.

Football is war, if you don't like it then please take up fishing or knitting.

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And another thing... If I was at AG in whatever stand swearing at every player as i do and somone told me to stop i would find it terribly difficult not to get in a fight, when the blood is up, don't ******* try to reason with me, this is my time!

As for that Leeds fans, he got exactly what he deserved, even their own fans think he deserved that kicking.

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The best football atmosphere i have ever been to was PSG V Lens about 4 years ago. There was flares going off everywhere big bangs which i had no idea what they were but i must say it all steamed from the chanting of songs and a bloke hanging on a fance with a megaphone getting the away fans going. Thats why i agree with Badger on this just imagine it. Having flares going off and no chanting?!?!?! Be the most weirdest atmosphere going. Flares would be awesome but fireworks is just asking for trouble. The problem we have got in this country there is always someone who doesnt agree with anything and i am afraid they have the biggest voice now.

I think there should be a section of the stadium where if you want to let off flares and get songs going and try and get behind your team without worrying about being told to be quiet. I tell you what after a while loads of fans would be replicaying it all over the place then. As it looks and sounds amazing it be a fortress gate then.

The problem is, are over zealous stewards. And that god awful health and safety malarky 'you cant do that' brigade

The problem is the government, in particular Labour *nanny state* who wanted to make everything safe and passed laws making sure so, did they really care? Did they ****, it was all ass covering for insurance purposes. like absolutely everything, it all boils down to money.

I say fans should get pissed, swear as much as possible and cause as much offence to oppo fans, players, staff as possible and then some.

Personally i dont care much for flairs, but if a Steward tried to take mine, or my beer or even ****ing look at me wrong I would... well use your imigantion, I'm a psychopath.

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What I'm surprised no one has mentioned (maybe you haven't seen the vid) is that when we played the Gas on 22nd December 2000 (the first ever "Red'n'White" night), as the players come out a legendary supporter sets off a flare in the ATEYO!!

If you have city player check it out on the classic matches sextion.....

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Well I'm kind a stuck which side I want to fall with this one. I suppose it's down to my generation, which was an awkward one. My generation experienced the transitional years between then and now.

I caught the tail end of the crazy hooligan era, but never immersed myself as I was too young and attended too infrequently.

But I felt the buzz, the rush, and can see the draw, as I wanted more...

This wasn't because I am a deranged, off the rails bad apple. Never have been. It's because it was exciting, and let's be honest there isn't much excitement in our lives these days because we're not allowed to do anything.

That lovely natural chemical called adrenalin. We have it in our bodies for a very good reason, but sadly these days it's hard to unlock it.

Going off on one here, but obviously it harks back to our ancestry, and the need to evade a predator or catch our prey, by giving us a little free turbo boost, fear turns us all into forrest gump, and enables us to achieve things we wouldn't normally. It's fun. It's just quite hard to find it unless you have the time and money to jump out of a plane or go to alton towers every week, so it's easy to see why thousands of young men sought it at football where it was cheap and you got to make friends, form a tribal bond (again, ancestry), togetherness, and share that buzz with all your mates whilst at the same time get to see a football match which is intrinsically linked to the buzz. Well easy for me to see, anyway. Not so for plenty others it seems.

But if you missed all that, as the new generations have, they can't be expected to stand it. They're here for the game, and not much more. The same with standing. Those that missed it aren't bothered with wanting it back. Shame really, but can't blame them for not wanting something when they don't understand what it is they've missed.

Anyway, got sidetracked again here, and I don't blame you if you've already skipped my post.. I suppose I do embrace part of the modern era. Some is good. It just seems we're going down a cul de sac of sanitisation, and wonder if we'll ever come back out.

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Why are people confusing TRYING TO CREATE AN ATMOSPHERE with HOOLIGANISM, i dont think anyone on this thread or any others has said were going to throw the flares at opposing fans/players or try and beat the opposition to death after/during the game. Some of us find it a waste of money to watch a match in silence, yes we love football and want to watch it to but we want to make the most out of our money, and creating an atmosphere does exactly that plus it also helps the team and probably takes the oppositions mind out of the game, therefore we are playing a bigger part in Bristol City FC, if bringing flares to games is the only way to get peoples adrenaline pumping and get a better atmosphere down ashton gate then thats what we're going to have to do.

As AG isnt full atm im sure if someone is going to set off a flare next to you you can ask them to move away were there is more room and a group of people could go.

I will just like to add I went to Villa vs Chelsea last year and one sets of fans (believe it was chelsea) threw a home-made smoke bomb at the villa fans smoke was everywhere. THATS HOOLIGANISM

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The problem is the government, in particular Labour *nanny state* who wanted to make everything safe and passed laws making sure so, did they really care? Did they ****, it was all ass covering for insurance purposes. like absolutely everything, it all boils down to money.

I say fans should get pissed, swear as much as possible and cause as much offence to oppo fans, players, staff as possible and then some.

Personally i dont care much for flairs, but if a Steward tried to take mine, or my beer or even ****ing look at me wrong I would... well use your imigantion, I'm a psychopath.

i don't think your rather poor attempt at irony really adds anything to this debate.

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Can you explain what the inherent dangers of carrying a cup of tea in a football stadium are, then explain how this is a less dangerous activity than holding a flare?

There are unions of supporters groups abroad such as C.N.U [France] who campaign for the safe use of pyrotechnics - flares/smoke bombs, and they make sensible, clear and safe differentiation between holding and throwing objects. These member groups help to create the types of vocal and visual support some fans in the UK can only look towards and envy.

Ok so say I agree with holding and not throwing, what about:

  • Fans who suffer with asthma? The smoke from a flare can trigger breathing issues and could potential aggravate fans with breathing conditions
  • The fire hazard they can be if left unattended (they have been known to set fires at grounds)
  • The chance of crowd violence... imagine if fans start fighting and one then lights a flare.

There is also the fact that a cup of tea is hardly thought of as a weapon nor is it easy to throw over long distances as you're more likely to burn people in close proximity than the people far away, however should one idiot decide to throw a flare it's a whole different matter... just think how it would affect the club if a City fan threw a flare and it hit an away fan in the face... it would be a media nightmare.

FOr every good reason to have flares in the ground there are 3-4 not to have them.

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Ok so say I agree with holding and not throwing, what about:

  • Fans who suffer with asthma? The smoke from a flare can trigger breathing issues and could potential aggravate fans with breathing conditions
  • The fire hazard they can be if left unattended (they have been known to set fires at grounds)
  • The chance of crowd violence... imagine if fans start fighting and one then lights a flare.

can I add some more?

what about?

  • the chance of first contact with an alien race. They may decide to make contact with us whilst we are playing Aldershot at home in the FA cup. Somebody lights a flare and they perceive this to be a hostile act. Therefore, respond with a death ray.
  • the flame from the flare induces the crowd into a hypnotic trance that they are unable to wake out of. This has particular unpleasent side effects if we are playing Brighton.

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Ok so say I agree with holding and not throwing, what about:

  • Fans who suffer with asthma? The smoke from a flare can trigger breathing issues and could potential aggravate fans with breathing conditions
  • The fire hazard they can be if left unattended (they have been known to set fires at grounds)
  • The chance of crowd violence... imagine if fans start fighting and one then lights a flare.

There is also the fact that a cup of tea is hardly thought of as a weapon nor is it easy to throw over long distances as you're more likely to burn people in close proximity than the people far away, however should one idiot decide to throw a flare it's a whole different matter... just think how it would affect the club if a City fan threw a flare and it hit an away fan in the face... it would be a media nightmare.

FOr every good reason to have flares in the ground there are 3-4 not to have them.

Are you suggesting that asthmatics do not attend football matches abroad? Pyrotechnics are also used in Countries such as Germany and Holland in football stadiums, both Countries I would suggests do not have a couldn't care less attitude to safety unless Maybe Johnny Foreigner suffers from a different type of asthma.

The fire hazard ... Fans groups i.e C.N.U campaign for safe use, stewards simply drop these terrible weapons of mass destruction into buckets containing a substance called water.Entire stadiums should be burning down weekly in virtually every football league in europe using your logic.

Crowd violence ... Hardly frequent in the UK. What if the hools get their lighters out and turn them into flame flowers, what if they use the seating as weapons, what about they hurl scalding cups of tea and pies? Fold a programme and its a plane, could take somebodies eye out from the Dolman. Just think if a fan threw a cup of tea at another fan, or a seat at Ashton Gate Ashton Gate.That has happened, ban seats, ban hot beverages, err no that won't work let's wrap the crowd in cotton wool against neglible risks, or use common sense, cctv, organisation etc.

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can I add some more?

what about?

  • the chance of first contact with an alien race. They may decide to make contact with us whilst we are playing Aldershot at home in the FA cup. Somebody lights a flare and they perceive this to be a hostile act. Therefore, respond with a death ray. :laughcont:
  • the flame from the flare induces the crowd into a hypnotic trance that they are unable to wake out of. This has particular unpleasent side effects if we are playing Brighton.

Not forgetting the interruptions to in flight communications and the possibility that the flare may be mistaken for a distress signal, nobody wants a sea king landing on the edge of the 18 yard box when we are about to put the winner in against Leeds.

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Are you suggesting that asthmatics do not attend football matches abroad? Pyrotechnics are also used in Countries such as Germany and Holland in football stadiums, both Countries I would suggests do not have a couldn't care less attitude to safety unless Maybe Johnny Foreigner suffers from a different type of asthma.

The fire hazard ... Fans groups i.e C.N.U campaign for safe use, stewards simply drop these terrible weapons of mass destruction into buckets containing a substance called water.Entire stadiums should be burning down weekly in virtually every football league in europe using your logic.

Crowd violence ... Hardly frequent in the UK. What if the hools get their lighters out and turn them into flame flowers, what if they use the seating as weapons, what about they hurl scalding cups of tea and pies? Fold a programme and its a plane, could take somebodies eye out from the Dolman. Just think if a fan threw a cup of tea at another fan, or a seat at Ashton Gate Ashton Gate.That has happened, ban seats, ban hot beverages, err no that won't work let's wrap the crowd in cotton wool against neglible risks, or use common sense, cctv, organisation etc.

Not much chance of that, given the food quality at AG :icecream:

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I could argue further but it seems that the club I used to love and know has turned into a club that wants violence and thuggery to return and also now wants to use flares... hell why don't we just dress like we're back in the 80's too. I look forward to our next attempt to get a stadium when the nimbys have a nice new set of things to use against the club such as flare related burns due to a small proportion of idiots using them as weapons and violence at games because it helps a few brain dead people feel "part of something".

What I will never understand is why we need flares to show support to the club, it's such a defeatist attitude. "We aren't intimidating enough, let's get pyrotechnics to make us more intimidating".... why not just be louder and the better team on the field? The top teams in England don't use flares and the most intimidating teams are the ones with results behind their back, not coloured smoke.

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I could argue further but it seems that the club I used to love and know has turned into a club that wants violence and thuggery to return and also now wants to use flares... hell why don't we just dress like we're back in the 80's too. I look forward to our next attempt to get a stadium when the nimbys have a nice new set of things to use against the club such as flare related burns due to a small proportion of idiots using them as weapons and violence at games because it helps a few brain dead people feel "part of something".

What I will never understand is why we need flares to show support to the club, it's such a defeatist attitude. "We aren't intimidating enough, let's get pyrotechnics to make us more intimidating".... why not just be louder and the better team on the field? The top teams in England don't use flares and the most intimidating teams are the ones with results behind their back, not coloured smoke.

The top teams in England do use flares, just have a look on YouTube man utd fans love a good flare

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I honestly think this highlights potentially officially segmenting the ground because of the various different reasons people go to football,

personally i wouldn't want flares near me during a game, i don't see how it would add to the atmosphere in any way and in the hands of the wrong person is undeniably dangerous. however that's not to say there's no place for it in football. it seems there are people who want them, why not have different rules for lets say the 4 stands?

young children, old men and young adults/teenagers don't necessarily come to football for the same reason, there may be some crossover but this club could potentially do a little more to accommodate the range of fans we have.

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I honestly think this highlights potentially officially segmenting the ground because of the various different reasons people go to football,

personally i wouldn't want flares near me during a game, i don't see how it would add to the atmosphere in any way and in the hands of the wrong person is undeniably dangerous. however that's not to say there's no place for it in football. it seems there are people who want them, why not have different rules for lets say the 4 stands?

young children, old men and young adults/teenagers don't necessarily come to football for the same reason, there may be some crossover but this club could potentially do a little more to accommodate the range of fans we have.

JM91, thats one of the best posts i have seen on this forum, but it involves too much common sense.

I fail to see, why people like to sit down at football, now, as i get older, my view would probably change, does that mean there should be no seats as i dont like it. No of course not.

Football fans are different, its why i dislike going to away games, as half the time it is, "Sit down please" etc. Why at away games, the back few rows cant be "offical singing area" by our club when selling tickets.

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What I'm surprised no one has mentioned (maybe you haven't seen the vid) is that when we played the Gas on 22nd December 2000 (the first ever "Red'n'White" night), as the players come out a legendary supporter sets off a flare in the ATEYO!!

If you have city player check it out on the classic matches sextion.....

Wooooo I wonder how many people died that night.

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