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Still Not Happy With These Flares At Football Matches

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Ah the good old fashioned OTIB ding-dong.

I've been suffering some hideous tropical gut bacterium in Cambodia for the past few days so I've missed that. :facepalm:

As I date back to the 70s, I remember seeing loads of flares at the Gate - and cheese-cloth shirts and tank-tops too!

As for JLC, I happened to bump into him on the way to the play-off game and he is a genuine supporter who does indeed have a long history of following us and knows his BCFC heroes.

Whether that makes him guilty of what he's on trial for, I don't know. Let's just wait and hear both sides of the case, shall we?

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Football has become so sanitised in this Country. It's lost all of it's soul imho.

It's as exciting as going to the cinema. Comfy seats and blank stares.

This country is by far the safest place to watch football now. But at what cost?

We've become numb, docile and Zombie like.

We need to stop listening to 'authorities' telling us everything is dangerous...and start using our own common sense.

Talk about a dumbed down society.

No offense to anyone...but i'm sick and tired of going to Football, being told what i can and cannot do, especially by uneducated stewards.

Flares happen in nearly every game abroad... If it was so dangerous it would have a world wide ban.

Rant over...


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