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Souless, Ambitionless And Faceless


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This might fuffle a few feathers, but the way I am feeling at the moment I really don’t care.

For a few years now I have sat hear watching this club slipping away and it feels like nothing is being done by anyone to help it. What a difference a few years makes in football. 3 seasons ago we were flying, we had a chairman with drive, ambition and flair. We had a chairman that engaged, encouraged and enthused. We had a shiny new stadium on the way and a ground that “bounced around”. We had players far less capable than we’ve got at the moment who drove us to the brink of the Premier League. We had a team that fought tooth and nail for every single ball, who were passionate and played full of pride.

Fast forward to today. We’ve got players that don’t look interested. We’ve got a faceless chairman who I could easily walk past in the street without batting an eyelid at. No drive, no passion and no fight. We look the shadow of the side we did 3 maybe 4 years ago and we’ve spent 10x the cash we did then.

So, for me, the lack of any of the above can only be resolved by two people and two people only. Those men are Steve and Jon Lansdown. Steve and Jon we need you more than ever. We need your passion, your enthusiasm and your drive. We need your reassurance and your heart. We need the feel good factor back, and we need to hear that you still have your heart in it. This club is starting to fester and we need you now more than ever.


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This might fuffle a few feathers, but the way I am feeling at the moment I really don’t care.

For a few years now I have sat hear watching this club slipping away and it feels like nothing is being done by anyone to help it. What a difference a few years makes in football. 3 seasons ago we were flying, we had a chairman with drive, ambition and flair. We had a chairman that engaged, encouraged and enthused. We had a shiny new stadium on the way and a ground that “bounced around”. We had players far less capable than we’ve got at the moment who drove us to the brink of the Premier League. We had a team that fought tooth and nail for every single ball, who were passionate and played full of pride.

Fast forward to today. We’ve got players that don’t look interested. We’ve got a faceless chairman who I could easily walk past in the street without batting an eyelid at. No drive, no passion and no fight. We look the shadow of the side we did 3 maybe 4 years ago and we’ve spent 10x the cash we did then.

So, for me, the lack of any of the above can only be resolved by two people and two people only. Those men are Steve and Jon Lansdown. Steve and Jon we need you more than ever. We need your passion, your enthusiasm and your drive. We need your reassurance and your heart. We need the feel good factor back, and we need to hear that you still have your heart in it. This club is starting to fester and we need you now more than ever.


I admit it does seem faceless... and i enjoyed having SL as the 'face' of BCFC.

However... Passion, Enthusiasm and Drive will not make you a better football team. Neither will heart and reassurance.

You need to combine all that with Football experience and knowledge.

Put all those together and you might get somewhere.

All of us could have the money SL has... and invest likewise. And we could have all the passion and dreams that you like...but without Football knowledge and experience... especially at this level... then imho... you may as well bundle up your money and set fire to it, for all the good it will do.

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Great post!! I stood in the eastend saturday and it felt a million miles away from the first couple of season in the championship!

Id have Gary Johnson back in a second!! If nothing else he loved this club and would unify everyone behind him!

But thats not going to happen..,,hopefully the players will step up before its too late!!

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Great post!! I stood in the eastend saturday and it felt a million miles away from the first couple of season in the championship!

Id have Gary Johnson back in a second!! If nothing else he loved this club and would unify everyone behind him!

But thats not going to happen..,,hopefully the players will step up before its too late!!

No he wouldn't.

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Great post!! I stood in the eastend saturday and it felt a million miles away from the first couple of season in the championship!

Id have Gary Johnson back in a second!! If nothing else he loved this club and would unify everyone behind him! :facepalm:

But thats not going to happen..,,thankfully.

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Great post!! I stood in the eastend saturday and it felt a million miles away from the first couple of season in the championship!

Id have Gary Johnson back in a second!! If nothing else he loved this club and would unify everyone behind him!

But thats not going to happen..,,hopefully the players will step up before its too late!!

What does loving a Club have to do with being a good manager?

You can unify as much as you like...if you're not good enough, it won't make one bit of difference over a season.

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What does loving a Club have to do with being a good manager?

You can unify as much as you like...if you're not good enough, it won't make one bit of difference over a season.

Yeah beaause all the brilliant managers we have had since have really improved us!! Ive never know the fans being as distant from the club as it is today? Yet people on this thread don't think he could turn that around?? really!!

I know he will probably never be City manager again but I beleive he got hounded out of this club and everyone was too quick to forget the sucess we had whilst he was here!

We have had 3 managers since and have barely been away from the relegation zone for 5 minutes with endless pathetic displays!

The best times and most collectiveness as a club in recent memory have been under GJ end of story! Just remember this forum isn't gospel we all have our opinions! When a Bristol City manager gets this club anywhere near the top 10 let alone 90 mins away from The Premier League come back to me!

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Thought it was harsh to get rid of Johnson, but we are where we are, ship has sailed etc.

Gary Johnson did a great job and he definitely got a buzz and feeling of togetherness at the club.

Unfortunately he seemed to be a one trick pony and once his hand grenades stopped working, he didn't appear to have a plan B. Let's not forget in the last year of his tenure, the football was absolutely dire and his only game plan seemed to be to shut up shop and hope to hang on for dear life from the first minute and maybe fluke one for a win. How many games did we watch when we couldn't remember a meaningful shot on goal in the whole match? It sure as hell bored me to tears.

I will always be grateful for him taking us up and giving us that amazing first season back in the Championship, but we shouldn't forget the boring, sterile and ever worsening dross that followed.

Some people have this romanticised view of GJ as a godlike figure, but what do the facts tell us? He hasn't done much since he left us, even though he dropped down to the lower leagues, so that really indicates to me where his true level is.

For me, it's thanks for the memories GJ, but that play-off season will probably prove to be the high point of his managerial career. I think he could have stayed here for evermore, but I really don't think he had the managerial skills repeat that feat.

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Yeah beaause all the brilliant managers we have had since have really improved us!! Ive never know the fans being as distant from the club as it is today? Yet people on this thread don't think he could turn that around?? really!!

I know he will probably never be City manager again but I beleive he got hounded out of this club and everyone was too quick to forget the sucess we had whilst he was here!

We have had 3 managers since and have barely been away from the relegation zone for 5 minutes with endless pathetic displays!

The best times and most collectiveness as a club in recent memory have been under GJ end of story! Just remember this forum isn't gospel we all have our opinions! When a Bristol City manager gets this club anywhere near the top 10 let alone 90 mins away from The Premier League come back to me!

you sir are spot on !
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Gary Johnson did a great job and he definitely got a buzz and feeling of togetherness at the club.

Unfortunately he seemed to be a one trick pony and once his hand grenades stopped working, he didn't appear to have a plan B. Let's not forget in the last year of his tenure, the football was absolutely dire and his only game plan seemed to be to shut up shop and hope to hang on for dear life from the first minute and maybe fluke one for a win. How many games did we watch when we couldn't remember a meaningful shot on goal in the whole match? It sure as hell bored me to tears.

I will always be grateful for him taking us up and giving us that amazing first season back in the Championship, but we shouldn't forget the boring, sterile and ever worsening dross that followed.

Some people have this romanticised view of GJ as a godlike figure, but what do the facts tell us? He hasn't done much since he left us, even though he dropped down to the lower leagues, so that really indicates to me where his true level is.

For me, it's thanks for the memories GJ, but that play-off season will probably prove to be the high point of his managerial career. I think he could have stayed here for evermore, but I really don't think he had the managerial skills repeat that feat.

he was doing really well with the posh wen he left then
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This might fuffle a few feathers, but the way I am feeling at the moment I really don’t care.

For a few years now I have sat hear watching this club slipping away and it feels like nothing is being done by anyone to help it. What a difference a few years makes in football. 3 seasons ago we were flying, we had a chairman with drive, ambition and flair. We had a chairman that engaged, encouraged and enthused. We had a shiny new stadium on the way and a ground that “bounced around”. We had players far less capable than we’ve got at the moment who drove us to the brink of the Premier League. We had a team that fought tooth and nail for every single ball, who were passionate and played full of pride.

Fast forward to today. We’ve got players that don’t look interested. We’ve got a faceless chairman who I could easily walk past in the street without batting an eyelid at. No drive, no passion and no fight. We look the shadow of the side we did 3 maybe 4 years ago and we’ve spent 10x the cash we did then.

So, for me, the lack of any of the above can only be resolved by two people and two people only. Those men are Steve and Jon Lansdown. Steve and Jon we need you more than ever. We need your passion, your enthusiasm and your drive. We need your reassurance and your heart. We need the feel good factor back, and we need to hear that you still have your heart in it. This club is starting to fester and we need you now more than ever.


Hey Badger. I think you have summed up how many feel.

Ashton gate is a library and the board are faceless, even David Lloyd has nothing to say which perhaps is part of the problem...Say something Mr. Lloyd as you have become irrelavant to both sides!?

Platitudes from football management at the club and thread upon thread of passionless piffle some of it supporting Dereck McInness on the basis of how he has rearranged our 'backroom' (which just appears to make the problems worse as he or anyone cant say its Gary Johnsons fault...Well perhaps Robbo can...Joke Robbo) on a forum that obviously no one at the club gives a toss about.

The opposite of love is not hate its indifference and many supporters of this club are have become indifferent to the results and the passionless pish that seems to suround it everywhere.

I have seen it all from the late 60's...two league cup semi's and wins at Liverpool United Leeds Arsenal along with defeats at Colchester Northampton Aldershot and Wrexham, but nothing has ever got me down more than this

We have had our money thrown at reserves and our passion crushed by a regime that has no ******* idea what to do except continue to back a failing manager and the cronies he has brought with him to support his idea of how a club he barely knew existed 14months should be ran.

What will our travelling fans have to watch on Saturday this week....Who knows. But lets be honest we are now in the realm of relegation six pointers and not a single one of us has faith this man and his cronies have the guts or the where withall to go and try and win a football match with the squad they created...They cant seem to get their own picks into their own team, but hey they have contracts...SL will have to pay a fortune to get rid of them so that should keep some of the McInness possee on easy street for some time.

I really dont care that Mr McInness (apparently McAnus is to much for some to bare it seems) is as hurt as everyone else, as I have been told, however you cant get blood out of a stone (the current team) and his replacements are just reserve team playes on first team salaries, subsidised by people who buy tickets shirts and thankfully shares through LH!!

Yes the opposite of Love is indifference and that is what I feel right now as many others clearly do!

Now is the time to inject some passion into the club, the supporters and the team, but who at the club (or outside it) has the ability to do it!? No one I see!

So Sheff Wed away, another Saturday night listening to Ian tell me we are awful, along with the other usual suspects Radio Briz loves to speak with, I'll be bound!

Get a grip, some will say, support the club others will say, well may be I would if I thought there was a club to support rather than a meaningless board and a failed passionless management and squad!

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Hey Badger. I think you have summed up how many feel.

Ashton gate is a library and the board are faceless, even David Lloyd has nothing to say which perhaps is part of the problem...Say something Mr. Lloyd as you have become irrelavant to both sides!?

Platitudes from football management at the club and thread upon thread of passionless piffle some of it supporting Dereck McInness on the basis of how he has rearranged our 'backroom' (which just appears to make the problems worse as he or anyone cant say its Gary Johnsons fault...Well perhaps Robbo can...Joke Robbo) on a forum that obviously no one at the club gives a toss about.

The opposite of love is not hate its indifference and many supporters of this club are have become indifferent to the results and the passionless pish that seems to suround it everywhere.

I have seen it all from the late 60's...two league cup semi's and wins at Liverpool United Leeds Arsenal along with defeats at Colchester Northampton Aldershot and Wrexham, but nothing has ever got me down more than this

We have had our money thrown at reserves and our passion crushed by a regime that has no ******* idea what to do except continue to back a failing manager and the cronies he has brought with him to support his idea of how a club he barely knew existed 14months should be ran.

What will our travelling fans have to watch on Saturday this week....Who knows. But lets be honest we are now in the realm of relegation six pointers and not a single one of us has faith this man and his cronies have the guts or the where withall to go and try and win a football match with the squad they created...They cant seem to get their own picks into their own team, but hey they have contracts...SL will have to pay a fortune to get rid of them so that should keep some of the McInness possee on easy street for some time.

I really dont care that Mr McInness (apparently McAnus is to much for some to bare it seems) is as hurt as everyone else, as I have been told, however you cant get blood out of a stone (the current team) and his replacements are just reserve team playes on first team salaries, subsidised by people who buy tickets shirts and thankfully shares through LH!!

Yes the opposite of Love is indifference and that is what I feel right now as many others clearly do!

Now is the time to inject some passion into the club, the supporters and the team, but who at the club (or outside it) has the ability to do it!? No one I see!

So Sheff Wed away, another Saturday night listening to Ian tell me we are awful, along with the other usual suspects Radio Briz loves to speak with, I'll be bound!

Get a grip, some will say, support the club others will say, well may be I would if I thought there was a club to support rather than a meaningless board and a failed passionless management and squad!

One of the best post I have read on this forum since I joined in 1998.

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Great post!! I stood in the eastend saturday and it felt a million miles away from the first couple of season in the championship!

Id have Gary Johnson back in a second!! If nothing else he loved this club and would unify everyone behind him!

But thats not going to happen..,,hopefully the players will step up before its too late!!

WRONG, part of this ******* mess we're in is directly down to his style of management, and inability to recruit Championship standard players...Fontaine, Elliott, Gerkin, Nyatanga, Kilkenny are his bloody signings..

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This might fuffle a few feathers, but the way I am feeling at the moment I really don’t care.

For a few years now I have sat hear watching this club slipping away and it feels like nothing is being done by anyone to help it. What a difference a few years makes in football. 3 seasons ago we were flying, we had a chairman with drive, ambition and flair. We had a chairman that engaged, encouraged and enthused. We had a shiny new stadium on the way and a ground that “bounced around”. We had players far less capable than we’ve got at the moment who drove us to the brink of the Premier League. We had a team that fought tooth and nail for every single ball, who were passionate and played full of pride.

Fast forward to today. We’ve got players that don’t look interested. We’ve got a faceless chairman who I could easily walk past in the street without batting an eyelid at. No drive, no passion and no fight. We look the shadow of the side we did 3 maybe 4 years ago and we’ve spent 10x the cash we did then.

So, for me, the lack of any of the above can only be resolved by two people and two people only. Those men are Steve and Jon Lansdown. Steve and Jon we need you more than ever. We need your passion, your enthusiasm and your drive. We need your reassurance and your heart. We need the feel good factor back, and we need to hear that you still have your heart in it. This club is starting to fester and we need you now more than ever.


You have organised fans events[?] etc, other fans who did similar are feeling disillusioned with the club. So what do you think the club could do without Steve Lansdown returning from Guernsey to get a feeling of collective we are all in this together back?

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WRONG, part of this ******* mess we're in is directly down to his style of management, and inability to recruit Championship standard players...Fontaine, Elliott, Gerkin, Nyatanga, Kilkenny are his bloody signings..

Don't be ridiculous! He has been gone 3 season and all the managers since have had plenty of time and oppertunities to change the squad significantly. Fans weren't moaning about Elliott and Fontaine in the first two seasons in the Championship. They are just so low on confidence and out of form its untrue! But I'm obviously thats down to a manager that left alost 3 years ago? Not the current one? McInnes has alot to answer for which has been highlighted in other threads! Im just getting sick of watching drivel that was served up on Saturday! The title of this thread somes it up perfectly!!!

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WRONG, part of this ******* mess we're in is directly down to his style of management, and inability to recruit Championship standard players...Fontaine, Elliott, Gerkin, Nyatanga, Kilkenny are his bloody signings..

I don't think Gerken is as bad as the others tbh, when he was in at the backend of last season defence seemed more solid than the end of James' time in goal. Elliott has a problem with ball retention etc, Nyatanga technical ability is awful, Kilkenny is meh, Fontaine is in terrible form.

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Gary Johnson did a great job and he definitely got a buzz and feeling of togetherness at the club.

Unfortunately he seemed to be a one trick pony and once his hand grenades stopped working, he didn't appear to have a plan B. Let's not forget in the last year of his tenure, the football was absolutely dire and his only game plan seemed to be to shut up shop and hope to hang on for dear life from the first minute and maybe fluke one for a win. How many games did we watch when we couldn't remember a meaningful shot on goal in the whole match? It sure as hell bored me to tears.

I will always be grateful for him taking us up and giving us that amazing first season back in the Championship, but we shouldn't forget the boring, sterile and ever worsening dross that followed.

Some people have this romanticised view of GJ as a godlike figure, but what do the facts tell us? He hasn't done much since he left us, even though he dropped down to the lower leagues, so that really indicates to me where his true level is.

For me, it's thanks for the memories GJ, but that play-off season will probably prove to be the high point of his managerial career. I think he could have stayed here for evermore, but I really don't think he had the managerial skills repeat that feat.

Good post.

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This might fuffle a few feathers, but the way I am feeling at the moment I really don’t care.

For a few years now I have sat hear watching this club slipping away and it feels like nothing is being done by anyone to help it. What a difference a few years makes in football. 3 seasons ago we were flying, we had a chairman with drive, ambition and flair. We had a chairman that engaged, encouraged and enthused. We had a shiny new stadium on the way and a ground that “bounced around”. We had players far less capable than we’ve got at the moment who drove us to the brink of the Premier League. We had a team that fought tooth and nail for every single ball, who were passionate and played full of pride.

Fast forward to today. We’ve got players that don’t look interested. We’ve got a faceless chairman who I could easily walk past in the street without batting an eyelid at. No drive, no passion and no fight. We look the shadow of the side we did 3 maybe 4 years ago and we’ve spent 10x the cash we did then.

So, for me, the lack of any of the above can only be resolved by two people and two people only. Those men are Steve and Jon Lansdown. Steve and Jon we need you more than ever. We need your passion, your enthusiasm and your drive. We need your reassurance and your heart. We need the feel good factor back, and we need to hear that you still have your heart in it. This club is starting to fester and we need you now more than ever.


I expect to get shot down for this but I prefered Scott Davidson as our Chairman to Steve Lansdown and his Son. If I remember right, Scott Davidson was one for talking to the supporters and he got this forum up and running back in the late 90s. If Scott Davidson had Steve Lansdown's money we'd be in the Premier League now - of that I have no doubt.

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I expect to get shot down for this but I prefered Scott Davidson as our Chairman to Steve Lansdown and his Son. If I remember right, Scott Davidson was one for talking to the supporters and he got this forum up and running back in the late 90s. If Scott Davidson had Steve Lansdown's money we'd be in the Premier League now - of that I have no doubt.

Mmmmm, not sure about that one RG. Everybody makes mistakes. IMO both Scott and Steve both wanted and did their best for the club.

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