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What Happened At The Xmas Party?

Randy Marsh

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I heard that they spent thousands of pounds on cocaine & poppers, bummed the crap out of each other in a circle & sang goodnight Irene til their throats bled like their ring pieces!

For most of us that would be an embarrissing scenario, to this bunch of cretins it would be an improvement on what happens when they get on a football pitch!

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="The Horse With No Name" data-cid="1682665" data-time="1355686945"><p>

As they were eating McManus asked Bates to pass the salt. He did, and it ended up on the next table in front of a fellow in a blue shirt.</p></blockquote>

Fontaine then took it upon himself to keep passing more and more salt to McManus.

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Anderson, Morris and Davies were given expensive tickets and chauffeur driven to the venue but were then refused entry. Bolaisie and Pitman asked to show their party tricks but were told to attend another party where they were signed up by a talent spotter and instantly quadrupled their value.

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On the coach on the way home, Derek decided to have a whip round for the driver so he sent a youth player along the coach with a tin. The strikers all went to put in, but they missed, the midfielders just couldn't be arsed to, and the defenders were all asleep. As for Heaton, he was given the tin but couldn't hold onto it but did manage to parry it.

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