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What Happened At The Xmas Party?

Randy Marsh

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="BCFChris" data-cid="1682674" data-time="1355687679"><p>

After dessert Fontaine told Dell that he had a good idea on how to strengthen the team. Dell said great, when are you leaving?</p></blockquote>

As if del would have said that. That would suggest he realises what bad form he's in at the min. He would be more likely to say, "Wow Liam, tell me how I can clone 3 more of you so I can have 4 Fontaines in my defence. In fact screw it, I'll have 4 more of you and put you in goal too!!"

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In seriousness now, i think they deserve to let off some steam, Xmas partys are a great excuse to get to know other people, its a good bonding session for the lads, I think.

And tbh, the Clubs who cancleed the Xmas partys to 'teach em a lesson'... its a pure farce, a desperate attempt to place blame on the players to appease the fans and media, when really the players probably didn't give a crap about the Do and the club probably forgot to arrange it anyway.., which makes it an even more of a pathetic attempt at disciplining the players, its stupid and counter productive, it will be interesting to see how the clubs that did and didn't curfew Xmas do from now on.., I hope they do shit.

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