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Now That Ward Is The Sags New Manager, Is It....


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John Ward was a fantastic manager for us and it is outrageous that people would think of maligning him just because he now works for Bristol Rovers. I've always liked the bloke - there aren't many more genuine and honest men in football - and I wish him every luck and success at the Gas.

Is this for real?

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John Ward was a fantastic manager for us and it is outrageous that people would think of maligning him just because he now works for Bristol Rovers. I've always liked the bloke - there aren't many more genuine and honest men in football - and I wish him every luck and success at the Gas.

In my time watching City, IMHO, there have been three fantastic managers, Dicks, Jordan and Johnson. But even they ended up as fallen heroes whose time was up (with maybe the exception of Jordan). Ward was average, took up Jordan's team then struggled and has done ever since.

I've never met him, so have no idea if he is the jolly good egg that seems to be the consensus, but I'm afraid even if he is the nicest man ever to grace a managers bench, I hope he takes them down,

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John Ward was a fantastic manager for us and it is outrageous that people would think of maligning him just because he now works for Bristol Rovers. I've always liked the bloke - there aren't many more genuine and honest men in football - and I wish him every luck and success at the Gas.

There , that's right now.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Il Raderino" data-cid="1683373" data-time="1355823707"><p>

<br />

Hear hear,<br />

<br />

What is this thread? Home of the politically correct brigade??? Nothing personal against John Ward as a human being but as a manager of the gas I hope he's a total flop and the whole thing ends in tears.</p></blockquote>

Agree totally with this and Executed Wolf's previous comment. I'm sure he's a nice bloke but he is now in charge of the Gash. I hope he fails miserably before going to another club, where I wish him all the success in the World (unless its Cardiff or Swindon).

I suppose that kind of warped, evil viewpoint makes me the sort of swivel eyed hooligan that is ruining football so for that I apologise.

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This is a typical dumb ass reply from a so called football fan JW is a gent and did a good job for us, what do you want to do with him now? Grow up and get out more from the confines of Bristol would be a start...........

Eeeeeeewwwwwwwww ark at she did he not f### off to Wolves with Connor without giving us a second thought. F### him and f### the gas.

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Did a decent job at City and appeared to get shafted when they wanted to bring Bennie the Clown in.

Good luck to him and I hope that he makes a good fight of keeping the Gas in the football league until the 92nd minute of the last game when they concede late goal to be relegated.

Tis the season to be jolly

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There seems to be a few people getting confused on this thread.

Personally I don't think I would join in if people started singing 'John Ward's mother is a whore', that doesn't change the fact that I want him to lose every single game while he is manager of Rovers.

He did a good job for City and is a thoroughly decent bloke so unlike every other manager they've had I will stop short of personally abusing him. Like I said though, hopefully he is receiving a shed load of abuse from Rovers fans in the next few months as he takes them out of the football league.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Maesknoll Red" data-cid="1683369" data-time="1355822991"><p>

In my time watching City, IMHO, there have been three fantastic managers, Dicks, Jordan and Johnson. But even they ended up as fallen heroes whose time was up (with maybe the exception of Jordan). Ward was average, took up Jordan's team then struggled and has done ever since.<br />

<br />

I've never met him, so have no idea if he is the jolly good egg that seems to be the consensus, but I'm afraid even if he is the nicest man ever to grace a managers bench, I hope he takes them down,</p></blockquote>Not quite Jordan's team back in 1997-98, both full backs, Adam Locke and Mickey Bell were John Ward signings, Colin Cramb and Steve Torpey who scored crucial goals that season were also Ward signings, don't forget he was also the man who brought Scott Murray to the club. That season we played arguably the best Football in the last 20 years. IMHO that team was far superior to the 06-07 promotion team, and if the board had of stuck with Ward, instead of bringing in the ultimate disaster that was Benny Lennartson, I'm convinced we'd of stayed up comfortably.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Maesknoll Red" data-cid="1683369" data-time="1355822991"><p>

In my time watching City, IMHO, there have been three fantastic managers, Dicks, Jordan and Johnson. But even they ended up as fallen heroes whose time was up (with maybe the exception of Jordan). Ward was average, took up Jordan's team then struggled and has done ever since.<br />

<br />

I've never met him, so have no idea if he is the jolly good egg that seems to be the consensus, but I'm afraid even if he is the nicest man ever to grace a managers bench, I hope he takes them down,</p></blockquote>Not quite Jordan's team back in 1997-98, both full backs, Adam Locke and Mickey Bell were John Ward signings, Colin Cramb and Steve Torpey who scored crucial goals that season were also Ward signings, don't forget he was also the man who brought Scott Murray to the club. That season we played arguably the best Football in the last 20 years. IMHO that team was far superior to the 06-07 promotion team, and if the board had of stuck with Ward, instead of bringing in the ultimate disaster that was Benny Lennartson, I'm convinced we'd of stayed up comfortably.

Have to disagree mate. The best and most enjoyable football played was under Danny Wilson when we finished 3rd two years running. Can't fault Wards' signings (particularly Scott Murray) but it was Ward that called for help and that was why Benny was appointed. If he had have stayed and worked with Benny we might well have stayed up.

I've met him and he does indeed seem to be a nice bloke.

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