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Blackburn - Del Post Match Comments...


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Football managers are by nature self-deluding. I imagine denying the evidence of their own eyes is a means of protecting their self esteem otherwise they would have to confront their own incompetence. So they pretend everything is fine, clutch at straws (even absurd ones like we were comfortable for 7 minutes), blame the referee, tell the fans it is their fault and so on. I am more inclined to pity somebody who is incompetent but can't bear to admit it to themselves than to be angry with them. Though sometimes the response is an irresistible urge to laugh at the rubbish they spout.

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Do we really have to sink to " **** off out of my club you jock whatever". Looks like he might not be the man, but why resort to that?

I think his post match interview has tipped many over the edge, he has lost the plot and is out of his depth, just look at his description of the game and compare that to people who were there, I also think that his unbelievable tinkering at Millwall followed by the ritual humiliation of 2 of HIS players 1 minute before half time and then to blame the players for that defeat has lost him him a lot of goodwill he once enjoyed, he is sounding more desperate each week.

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He obviously isn't right, but this club is ****** and that isn't his fault. God knows where we go next.

Sorry but we were assured last season wouldn't be allowed to happen again, the majority of the players HE signed don't get regular games, that is not the clubs fault, 12 months is more than long enough to steady the ship, that's all mind steady the ship mid table non entities, that's not asking much is it? and the occasional bit of effort and information to the fans.

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Esmond, I do not disagree with your sentiment one bit. I just believe the club has deeper rooted problems.

Sorry I can't agree, I believe it is just down to weak management, let me put it this way, a couple of weeks ago after a home defeat and a no show by player on over 100k per week at QPR, love him or hate him dear old 'Arry did a proper assassination job on the said player, which pretty much left the player with little or no room to manouvre, if DMC is correct 'a lot of those players in their care', name and shame the one's that don't care, the players are taking the club for a ride and he needs to get nasty with them.

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I haven't heard the interview,but from what is written on here it sounds like Tinnion in his last days. His eyes wide with fear, repeating over and over about 'working hard' and 'getting it right', It became almost like a chant, if he said it enough he would believe it in the end.

I hope the situation is sorted before Saturday, with dignity. I'd hate to see him hounded out but feel he is a dead man walking at the club now.So sad it has come to this. No I didn't see it coming.

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I haven't heard the interview,but from what is written on here it sounds like Tinnion in his last days. His eyes wide with fear, repeating over and over about 'working hard' and 'getting it right', It became almost like a chant, if he said it enough he would believe it in the end.

I hope the situation is sorted before Saturday, with dignity. I'd hate to see him hounded out but feel he is a dead man walking at the club now.So sad it has come to this. No I didn't see it coming.

One of the things I've always like about Del is his ability to talk to the media. I might not always agree with what he's saying but it is usually done with conviction in his voice and he always comes across as articulate.

His interview tonight was anything but IMO.

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One of the things I've always like about Del is his ability to talk to the media. I might not always agree with what he's saying but it is usually done with conviction in his voice and he always comes across as articulate.

His interview tonight was anything but IMO.

The Millwall interview was a pile of pooh to be honest.

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I haven't heard the interview,but from what is written on here it sounds like Tinnion in his last days. His eyes wide with fear, repeating over and over about 'working hard' and 'getting it right', It became almost like a chant, if he said it enough he would believe it in the end.

I hope the situation is sorted before Saturday, with dignity. I'd hate to see him hounded out but feel he is a dead man walking at the club now.So sad it has come to this. No I didn't see it coming.

The sad thing is that I really like Del and wanted him to do well :(

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One of the things I've always like about Del is his ability to talk to the media. I might not always agree with what he's saying but it is usually done with conviction in his voice and he always comes across as articulate.

His interview tonight was anything but IMO.

Agree completely. In his comments today, I felt for the first time that he didn't actually believe what he was saying himself. You might agree with what he said in the past or you might disagree but I, personally, thought he meant what he said. That was absolutely missing today. We're now faced with a situation where not only do we have a bunch of players with their heads down feeling sorry for themselves but we have a manager feeling the same way. God help us.

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Agree completely. In his comments today, I felt for the first time that he didn't actually believe what he was saying himself. You might agree with what he said in the past or you might disagree but I, personally, thought he meant what he said. That was absolutely missing today. We're now faced with a situation where not only do we have a bunch of players with their heads down feeling sorry for themselves but we have a manager feeling the same way. God help us.

Could not agree more with you and Glynriley

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By what people are saying it sounds like he isn't doing it for us and we're not doing it for him. To save both parties we must part our ways. Our future lies in the hands of another manager, and his at another club.

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By what people are saying it sounds like he isn't doing it for us and we're not doing it for him. To save both parties we must part our ways. Our future lies in the hands of another manager, and his at another club.

Sheett, are things that bad do you think?

If i was looking upon the situation as a non city fan, i might agree its shit of bust time, but can you bring in a new gaffer, new players in time? There is a lot of football to be played in Jan, can the board really do this in time and not destabilize the team, or is the team destabilized? I don't know, its not like it has been, even as an exile people seem more upset with DMc than Km, and they sacked Km so... IDK, but I'll support BCFC whatever happens, I'm not privy to what is really going on, but I'm 100% faithful in SL and the board whatever happens. Its all I can go on and what feels right.

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The guy needs to be put out of misery, and soon.

Another dreadful display from City today. I thought it couldn't get much worse than the first 45 at Millwall yet somehow today we managed to show that level inpetitude for the entirety of match. You will not find a team in the championship that looks as poor on the ball as we do at the moment and then when it comes to attempting to keep the ball out our net, dear oh dear.

Some players stand off, some players press. Some players look to step up, some players move back and try and get as deep as possible. It is a complete shambles. You could find better drilled defensive lines on the downs on a Saturday afternoon. Time and time again, we would get walked through, Blackburn would waste their chance, and then when the ball goes out of play there is a mass inquest among the players in red (the most fight they showed all afternoon) as to who's fault it was that Blackburn had yet another chance to score.

As for the first goal. Mark Wilson, take a bow my friend. What a truly abysmal attempt at a pass, and then Heaton (who I stuck up for as recently as Thursday) waves it past him as if he is so used to seeing the ball fly past him he has now been brainwashed into forgetting his purpose of standing there. But to be fair we had been comfortable for 7 minutes so I shouldn't be too harsh on them eh Derek? Muppet.

Now I don't want to pick scapegoats of the players as there will be enough people doing it on this forum without me joining in. However, I just think these things are worth noting:

Mark Wilson. He can't run, either for any period of time or at any speed. So what does Derek do? Pick him at wing back. A position that requires both speed and stamina. Bravo Derek, bravo.

Stephen Pearson. If he was attempting a world record for giving the ball away then congratulations Stephen, mission accomplished pal. The thing is I am so used to him failing to find a red shirt I'm not particularly bothered when he does it anymore. Today though for some reason he didn't show any energy and jogged around pointlessly in midfield and pulled out of countless challenges. Now his low level of match fitness could be an excuse for the lack of running around, but shirking tackles? You have to be a seriously good player to get away with that and sorry Stephen, but you ain't one mate.

Even Cunningham who there can be no doubt is a class act is getting dragged down with the rest of them. As I posted on here the other day, it is all well and good blaming the players and today there was a lack of fight. I wouldn't say a lack of effort or not trying, just a resounding feeling of 'oh here we go again'. But almost all of them have shown they can be at least reasonable players at this level. Why are they all managing to play so badly, for so long? The finger can only be pointed in one direction.

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The sad thing is that I really like Del and wanted him to do well :(

You're a bit like me because I wish all BCFC players, managers, Chairmen, owners etc the best and to do well but the fact is that this club is in a total mess. We need urgent changes for the club to get out of the mire.

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Agree completely. In his comments today, I felt for the first time that he didn't actually believe what he was saying himself. You might agree with what he said in the past or you might disagree but I, personally, thought he meant what he said. That was absolutely missing today. We're now faced with a situation where not only do we have a bunch of players with their heads down feeling sorry for themselves but we have a manager feeling the same way. God help us.

Depite his season ticket, God will be playing golf next Saturday. He just can't face any more ;)

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Had Del not had such a good start to the season I don't think I would of had this much patience to think he could be a good manager for us but things are going from bad to worse. I didn't go today but from listening to the radio it sounded like Blackburn couldn't of cared less about staying in the cup yet we handed it to them on a plate.

I like the guy but this isn't enough for us to keep him any longer. January could be the month for Del if right players brought in and somehow our overall confidence levels go through the roof ? But my gut feeling now is I can't help think if we don't sack Del then this is the season we will go down.

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Had Del not had such a good start to the season I don't think I would of had this much patience to think he could be a good manager for us but things are going from bad to worse. I didn't go today but from listening to the radio it sounded like Blackburn couldn't of cared less about staying in the cup yet we handed it to them on a plate.

I like the guy but this isn't enough for us to keep him any longer. January could be the month for Del if right players brought in and somehow our overall confidence levels go through the roof ? But my gut feeling now is I can't help think if we don't sack Del then this is the season we will go down.

Good start? We took 6 points from 9 then it just went downhill rapidly.

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del on radio bristol after the game,sounded like a broken man. same old words but with no conviction. when asked about transfers very vague. i thought he would be the man,but sadly not. why are they always scared to give it a go when at the rock bottom? i think,like many,after a likely heavy defeat by leicester next week,his position will be untenable nice bloke but not good enough for this job!

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Do we really have to sink to " **** off out of my club you jock whatever". Looks like he might not be the man, but why resort to that?

Because all rational avenues have been exausted to get him to 1. THINK, 2. Resign, cos hes cost us Championship status....and we are pissy sick of his utter ineptitude

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Thing is when team was announced most at the ground were saying why 5212 formation when Wilson not a wing back and Cunningham not been back long. No wingers so everyone knew what was going to happen.

The players constantly got the ball looked wide and our 2 fb were level with our 3cb. So ball never got moved about much, all predictable down the middle.

Pearson who got the ball a lot kept looking for the wide ball but was never on, at least 3 times 2nd half played balls into the channel and not one player within 30yds of ball. Now he shouldn't play the ball there but also to break down a side you need width players knew that but couldn't do anything about it due to formation.

Why is it all on the stand can see it but our management team can't?

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