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Squabble Squabble

Colombo Robin

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Has anyone else noticed the rise in cheap insults and general bitchiness on this forum recently? Its an embarrasment! Other forums dont seem to have it so why should we? Differences in opinion about our club are inevitable but we all want the best for it. Debate is healthy....thats why we have forums!!! So calling someone a **** because they see something differently to you isn´t gonna help anyone. Some members need to show a bit more respect for their fellow Wurzel!

Rant over.


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Has anyone else noticed the rise in cheap insults and general bitchiness on this forum recently? Its an embarrasment! Other forums dont seem to have it so why should we? Differences in opinion about our club are inevitable but we all want the best for it. Debate is healthy....thats why we have forums!!! So calling someone a **** because they see something differently to you isn´t gonna help anyone. Some members need to show a bit more respect for their fellow Wurzel!

Rant over.


Perfectly true, but that's what happens when times is hard. It's easier to have a rant at the next fan than at those who are responsible.

Nonetheless, fellow wurzels, the man is right! A little respect, please :city:

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Has anyone else noticed the rise in cheap insults and general bitchiness on this forum recently? Its an embarrasment! Other forums dont seem to have it so why should we? Differences in opinion about our club are inevitable but we all want the best for it. Debate is healthy....thats why we have forums!!! So calling someone a **** because they see something differently to you isn´t gonna help anyone. Some members need to show a bit more respect for their fellow Wurzel!

Rant over.


Newbie ****.

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Has anyone else noticed the rise in cheap insults and general bitchiness on this forum recently? Its an embarrasment! Other forums dont seem to have it so why should we? Differences in opinion about our club are inevitable but we all want the best for it. Debate is healthy....thats why we have forums!!! So calling someone a **** because they see something differently to you isn´t gonna help anyone. Some members need to show a bit more respect for their fellow Wurzel!

You dont know what your f------- talking about.

Rant over.


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Great post - I have sometimes been put off posting something because I know I will get abusive messages from some and who needs that?

I hate the way some people just dismiss honest opinions with ill-informed abuse and they probably sit at home thinking how clever they are to do so.

Would they ever say it to that person's face? Not in a million years....and they know who they are

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Great post - I have sometimes been put off posting something because I know I will get abusive messages from some and who needs that?

I hate the way some people just dismiss honest opinions with ill-informed abuse and they probably sit at home thinking how clever they are to do so.

Would they ever say it to that person's face? Not in a million years....and they know who they are

Just ignore it if you have something to say say it if the abuse is really bad Tom and the mods will get the ban stick out
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The abuse can just be ignored. Thats not the problem. Nobody´s sat at their computer crying about to call the good samaritans. The problem is it´s embarassing when other fans come on here. Everyone plays their part in projecting this clubs image and at times this forum makes us look like a bunch of squabbling chavs!

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The abuse can just be ignored. Thats not the problem. Nobody´s sat at their computer crying about to call the good samaritans. The problem is it´s embarassing when other fans come on here. Everyone plays their part in projecting this clubs image and at times this forum makes us look like a bunch of squabbling chavs!

Some people do I know as a depression sufferer I've met those sort of people who can take things to heart

U just have to brush it off my problem is I bite so I will react and it falls into people's hands

But as I said u should never be afraid to post anything no matter what

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Its the Bristolian way

No, it frigging isn't, you Pollrumptious Daffock.

M: Look, I CAME HERE FOR AN ARGUMENT, I'm not going to just stand...!!

Q: OH, oh I'm sorry, but this is abuse.

M: Oh, I see, well, that explains it.

Q: Ah yes, you want room 12A, Just along the corridor.

M I'm sorry, I thought this was the room for Argument

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this is a society wide problem, as people no longer respect eachother and have no respect for basically anything

see littering, grafiti, vandalism etc

sadly not just isolated to this forum, and one of the larger reasons why i and many others left britain

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this is a society wide problem, as people no longer respect eachother and have no respect for basically anything

see littering, grafiti, vandalism etc

sadly not just isolated to this forum, and one of the larger reasons why i and many others left britain

Not down to the Brinks-Mat job, then?

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The abuse can just be ignored. Thats not the problem. Nobody´s sat at their computer crying about to call the good samaritans. The problem is it´s embarassing when other fans come on here. Everyone plays their part in projecting this clubs image and at times this forum makes us look like a bunch of squabbling chavs!

Does anyone really give two hoots about visiting fans to a Bristol City message board?

Is your life that vacant??

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