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He Deserves A Thankyou Regardless Of The Shocking Results.

Brizzle Jordan

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Ok thanks.

I'd say that all 4 would be (at best) NPC players. None of them would get into a Premiership side.

I'll reserve judgement on Kelly.

I did mean potential PL players, that means if they work hard and they are coached properly all of them have that possibility. Baldock is highly regarded by many. Man City obviously saw something in Cunningham and he's still very young. Davies is a fine player, if not for his injuries could make it in the bottom half PL teams, maybe only as a fringe player or reserve. Kelly I might have jumped the gun, but he does seem to be highly rated and he's very young.

My assumptions are that these championship quality players will improve over time. It's not always the case, for example Marvin Elliot has seemed to do the opposite and has gotten worse over time. I'm just trying to see the positives, we may thank Derek for these signings one day.

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From these posts I'm hearing:-

"He wanted the best for Bristol City" - so do I

"He was trying his best" - so would I

"He seemed a nice bloke" - I'd hope some would think that of me as well

However, I would also be a $h!t football manager!

I can't see how I'd get any thanks from anyone if I'd sent out the ever changing, increasingly passionless teams that Del did.

I usually give managers more than enough rope in the face of overwhelming ineptness, but this bloke was simply way out of his depth.

90% of football managers end their jobs like this. He'll get over it.

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DEl we all really wanted it to work when you first took over, but it hasn't.

I think you signed some really good signings plus some of the loan players. But you could not blend them into a team.

Better luck next time.

p.s. I would take Liam off your Christmas card list.

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I don't bear him any ill-will although I'm chuffed to bits he's gone.

He just didn't seem to get it, he just didn't see the bloody obvious in front of him. I'm astounded he was so successful at St Johnstone, but then he came into a team that was already going places and maintained the momentum. At City, the challenge was different and he was totally not capable of it.

I doubt he'll get a managerial job in English football again, although he might pop up somewhere lower league Scotland - or abroad.

Still, I might be proved wrong on that one, because I'll say one thing for Derek he sounds very plausible - intelligent, well-balanced and he talks a good game. He just can't deliver one :(

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I don't bear him any ill-will although I'm chuffed to bits he's gone.

He just didn't seem to get it, he just didn't see the bloody obvious in front of him. I'm astounded he was so successful at St Johnstone, but then he came into a team that was already going places and maintained the momentum. At City, the challenge was different and he was totally not capable of it.

I doubt he'll get a managerial job in English football again, although he might pop up somewhere lower league Scotland - or abroad.

Still, I might be proved wrong on that one, because I'll say one thing for Derek he sounds very plausible - intelligent, well-balanced and he talks a good game. He just can't deliver one :(

Could not agree more to this entire post.

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A big thank you to the board. I really thought he was here for the long term, and whatever damage he would do to the club, I thought you would stick with him,You really need to think what you want from the next manager. A cheap rookie has cost this club massively, financially and potentially in the past. It's time we invested in management and not just over the hill ageing players.

.As for Mciness, I don't see we need to thank him for anything. He has been one of the worst managers I have ever seen, shocking tactics, substitutions and no connection with the fans. No thanks, just good bye.

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I would like to say thanks to Del. was delighted when he signed and he did very well to keep us up.

Unfortunately he got the summer recruitment completely wrong....players like Morris should never have signed and certain positions needed to be strengthened.

Also, chopping sndnchanging too much was wrong.

But a likeable guy. Thank you for your efforts del and best of luck for the future.

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I'm sorry but players don't get this if they've been terrible why should he get a thank you?

I'm sure he's a lovely guy but it was his job and a job he was doing awfully at. Nice guy or not he's got a nice pay from the club for essentially leaving us in a terrible situation... hardly something work thanking him for.

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It is a real shame, Had he not of chopped and changed the team all the time and stuck with his 1st team and 1st choice formation things might have been different. It seems however once the dreaded boo boys get on your back then you have had it. Now he has finally started getting rid of the deadwood and bringing in a couple of youngsters he has got the boot. So thanks for starting the clear out dm, best of luck.

I wonder if the boo boys will regret their actions in a years time. Only time will tell, for me it was too soon to oust him, just like johnson. Another pay off and more wasted money, another year of rebuilding and who on earth would want this job now ? Hmm

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An outsider's view: I thought he looked a good manager, but BCFC's transfer business has been shockingly bad for 3 or 4 years running now. He didn't have much quality to work with, and he didn't overhaul the squad quickly enough.

I think you need a Championship version of Redknapp: someone who can make a few impact signings, maybe loanees, and tighten up the defence. Then there's still everything to play for this season. Good luck!

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Thanks for your efforts Del, nobody can fault you on your commitment to the job. Everyone wanted it to work out but unfortunately it's an increasingly hard job to get any kind of performance out of a squad of players that are mostly inept. I've no doubts you can go elsewhere and do a great job, a great speaker and just a generally likeable bloke in my opinion. All the best, just such a great shame.

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so wanted you to be the man del.

but as time went on your faith in some players,went beond the pail.

and the more we lost the more you wanted to play 5 at the back at home! was well,so depressing.

and 2 cap it all today,when its all f,,,,d you bring on those 2 boys, a breath of fresh air!

given it again i bet you would have had a right go.

was time to go del, but gives me no plesure,

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Rubbish. What are you thanking him for?

1) Keeping us up last year

2) Making our academy look half decent

3) Trying to make our club more professionally run

4) For trying

If you were ever to lose your job because you weren't good enough, the least you'd expect from your boss is a hand shake. Not 'you were rubbish at your job, close the door on your way out'. The man left his family 600 miles away ffs, don't tell me he didn't give a shit

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2) Making our academy look half decent

Thank John Clayton and Willie McStay for that.

It's a shame Derek didn't have the same faith in these players abilities as his staff did. Today proved academy players could cut it, and when it comes to playing youngt footballers like Edwards [should've been in instead of Foster today], it seems for all his fine words about bringing people on count for nothing.

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Betrayed by the players, betrayed by the board.

This was a ******* stupid time to sack him.

1. It's too late for a new manager to bring in new players.

2. He's finally brought in the youngsters we've been calling for and they've done the business.

3. He's finally bought a class player in Liam Kelly.

He should have been sacked three weeks ago or given the rest of the season.

I wish him well, but I hope his next club isn't populated by useless tossers who think the world owes them a living.

You doubt me? The one really class player in our squad works his Ghanaian arse off every time he walks on to a football pitch. Why? It's not for the shirt (although that matters). It's not for the country (although that matters even more). It's for self-respect. It's for having more in your life than a flash car and a string of tarts gagging over you.

I think we missed out on the right man to do this job. Yeovil and the Gas got it right.

I remember JW confronting an interviewer when we were going through a bad patch. "don't ever ask me if one of my teams is up for it. If they're not, I'm not doing my job".

Tinnion was shafted, Coppell bottled it (probably wisely), Millen didn't try, and McInnes didn't understand the problem. I seriously think that might be a language problem. You only have to hear some of our players speak to know they don't give a toss.

Who next? A hard bastard. I loathe Tiny Penis and Colin ****** as much as the next man, but but it has to be somebody of that ilk. Maybe we could still lure JW from the Gas. Otherwise they'll stay up and we'll go down.

You doubt me? Who else but myself predicted that Barnsley, FIVE goals behind, would overtake our GD today? (OK, yesterday now)

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I'm not sure why we should be thanking someone for doing nothing? wasnt like it just didnt work out! It has been a complete disaster for around a year if people look at it in the cold light of day. Not the greatest of appointments. As confirmed elsewhere. Worst manager in at least the last 14 years or so including Pulis and Tinnion and Millen.

Worse than Benny? Wilson? Etc.

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No. You were hopeless. You never looked like you had a clue what you were doing. This is a confidence job and frankly you haven't got it. I would have had more respect for you if you had left months ago. But you didn't. And we spent plenty watching you're teams disgrace our football club. It's just a job to you. To us it's a lot more. Shame on you.

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You want win percentages? Pulis 30%, Wilson 47.35%, Tinnion 36% , GJ 40.17%, Millen 31.58%, Derek McInnes 26.98%.

Not got figures for Benny, The 3 Wise men, Lumsden, So if someone can fill in the gaps would be great, cheers

Wardy was 45%ish, Osman 32%ish, Joe Jordan's 2nd Spell 32%ish, Denis Smith 31%ish

All figures are approximate unless cribbed directly from other sites.

Win % can be a bit crude but taken as a whole, maybe worse than Wilson but worse than Benny? 26.98% is pretty damn bad though and it got worse progressively. Did stumble across an interview with Benny...seems there was a drinking culture when he arrived too, twas ever thus!

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Baldock Cunningham Davies Kelly
The problem is non of them are central defenders, the one position we have needed experience and quality in the last 3 years and he didn't sort it out. I said before the season started that I feared for his job as I feared for our last 3 managers - all of which have failed at stopping us from conceding copious amounts of goals, I still feel that we're 2 players away from being a mid table championship team, both positions are central defence.
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The bloke was awful and to add insult to injury convinced the half wits that make up the board that everything should be changed in his image!!

McInnes was rubbish at his job outside of the McEwans Scottish Premier Garbage one team wins all League that he came from!

Yes I suspect DM will one day be Scotland manager as they depart on another failed qualifying league, but as a manager here HE WAS CRAP!!!

I have nothing to thank him for but finally leaving (and he was pushed).....We may not be able to change our season around but at least now we have hope of making it to HT without being 3 zip down.....

So in response to the tille...He deserves nothing from me! He was found out time and time again...His luck ran out at the end of last season as 8 of his nine lives were expunged in April/May 2012....I owe you nothing, you were awful and you have brought us to the edge of a non salvageable situation and you will be collecting 10 times what the average supporter will earm while pruning your roses....

Now **** off!

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I am sorry things haven't worked out for you Derek.

I am thankful however for the commitment and effort you've put into the football club.

Hope you get a new job sooner rather than later and it goes well for you.

Agreed. It didn't work out but respect & appreciate everything McInnes HAS done for the CLUB not just the team.

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No doubting the players got him the sack, but he

Kept picking the same crap players

Fontaine's performances over last 3/4 months have been of Nicky Hunt commitment level, bloke is a disgusting and should be bombed out ASAP.

Derek knew the problems but didn't/couldn't fix them, just glad he's finally gone if rather too late.

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I find it difficult to "thank" McInnes for the following reasons:-

1) Constant tinkering of the system/formation

2) Constant tinkering of the personnel due to 1) above

3) Defensively minded and cautious summed up by his comments on Wes Burns yesterday

4) Has ruined my enjoyment of football to the point where I am undecided about renewing season ticket

5) Lowest win percentage of any City Manager in recent memory

6) Well paid to "achieve" all of the above and will be "compensated" for failing too.

If that makes me an ungrateful old git then so be it. Not sorry or sympathetic whatsoever I'm afraid.

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