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No they wouldn't, the way he plays is alien to the top midfielders in the world.

Barcelona keep the ball,Gerrard gives it away regularly.

If he was rated highly by the people that count ( managers and coaches) he would have been snapped up by one of the big clubs who win things.

Tell me,why haven't Liverpool got anywhere near the Prem league title whilst Gerrard has played for them and why have England been so poor whilst he's played for them.

Gary Neville won't say a bad word about any player. Yes he knows the game and speaks well, but he praises every player playing the game.

There isn't one pundit out there whose willing to say bad things about current players.

What he thinks in private, we aren't privy to.

Barcelona midfielder Xavi admits he's a big fan of England pair Frank Lampard and Steven Gerrard.

Chelsea midfielder Lampard and Liverpool's Gerrard are both seen as threats to Spain's World Cup hopes for Xavi.

He told betfairfootball.com: "Lampard and Gerrard, for me, are

number one players. I like the way they play because they see football

very well, and they score goals and are always prepared to shoot.

"I like them because they play in my position, I notice them more and they are fantastic players."

There we go.

As for him not being signed by any other big club? He had the chance to join Chelsea who regulary win trophies but he's Liverpool through and through. He's won the champions league incase you've forgotten. The reason Liverpool haven't won the premier league or trophies on a consistent basis is not having a strong enough team to play with Gerrard. When they had the likes of Torres, Mascherano, Alonso they were weak in wide areas and Benitez almost won them the title but cost them due to his constant rotating.

As for Gary Neville always talking good about players, the other week he absolutely ripped into David De Gea when his punch was weak at Tottenham. He's a very honest pundit.

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Anyway, back on topic.

Gazza was a breath of fresh air to English football in the late 80's. fantastic on the ball and a real character. But it was always the case that he would self destruct at any time.

He would get so pumped up that it was scary to watch at times.

I hope he can sort himself out, it will be tough though.

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Yes - and the infamous 'dentist's chair' celebration afterwards. Both sides of Gazza seen in one event.

Gazza was a troubled individual from the time that one of his close friends was run over and died in his arms when he was a kid. Even when playing football, he wouldn't sleep much, always keeping the lights on. Hyperactive to the point of almost having tourette's - for a while his release was football but now that's gone it's alcohol.

Can't help but feeling that, although you can say it's all his fault, Gazza needed help early on in life. The fact that he didn't get it is a tragedy.

Have very good memories of him as a footbaler. Really hope the guy find some peace and a way of living, but it's looking bad and you fear the worst.

From what I gather he certainly has OCD.......... and he likes fishing in Dorset (Which I'm saying nothing more about)

Nobody but Gazza can help Gazza........ there are people around him that would like to help but........ Gazza can only let them in, which he will not?

ONLY GAZZA CAN HELP GAZZA......... I'm not convinced that he want's our help


A little in the know about this but saying nothing more.

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Anyway, back on topic.

Gazza was a breath of fresh air to English football in the late 80's. fantastic on the ball and a real character. But it was always the case that he would self destruct at any time.

He would get so pumped up that it was scary to watch at times.

I hope he can sort himself out, it will be tough though.

I hope he gets himself sorted aswell. Paul Gascoigne life stories with Piers Morgan is a fantastic watch.

Watching that it's hard not to love the man even more, such a good bloke being ruined by a terrible addiction.

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had to stop watching after 2 mins,might be his own fault but how can anyone even allow the bloke to perform in public like that,that was truly awful,looks too late for the poor guy now

I was exactly the same. It was cringeworthy to watch, very sad. Gazza had moments of brilliance in his career but or me he wasted himself on silly decisions on and off the field. He could and should have been the best midfield player of his generation (especially in this country) but something in his head made him self destruct on numerous occasions. That wreckless tackle on Gary Charles in the cup final and lunging in on Mattahus getting the second yellow was the beginning of the end for me.

World Cup 90' was his peak. If you remember the Dutch game he absolutely bossed the whole match with a very disicplined, skillfull performance and we should have won the game. So in a nutshell, moments of genius, bags of talent, an honest lad who loves the game of football but should of done so much more.

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Barcelona midfielder Xavi admits he's a big fan of England pair Frank Lampard and Steven Gerrard.

Chelsea midfielder Lampard and Liverpool's Gerrard are both seen as threats to Spain's World Cup hopes for Xavi.

He told betfairfootball.com: "Lampard and Gerrard, for me, are

number one players. I like the way they play because they see football

very well, and they score goals and are always prepared to shoot.

"I like them because they play in my position, I notice them more and they are fantastic players."

There we go.

As for him not being signed by any other big club? He had the chance to join Chelsea who regulary win trophies but he's Liverpool through and through. He's won the champions league incase you've forgotten. The reason Liverpool haven't won the premier league or trophies on a consistent basis is not having a strong enough team to play with Gerrard. When they had the likes of Torres, Mascherano, Alonso they were weak in wide areas and Benitez almost won them the title but cost them due to his constant rotating.

As for Gary Neville always talking good about players, the other week he absolutely ripped into David De Gea when his punch was weak at Tottenham. He's a very honest pundit.

Quotes before the World Cup eh!!

They worked then didn't they!

Who won the thing.

Listen, I don't rate Gerrard at anymore than a half decent Prem player. That's it.

Just accept,I won't change my thoughts.

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I was exactly the same. It was cringeworthy to watch, very sad. Gazza had moments of brilliance in his career but or me he wasted himself on silly decisions on and off the field. He could and should have been the best midfield player of his generation (especially in this country) but something in his head made him self destruct on numerous occasions. That wreckless tackle on Gary Charles in the cup final and lunging in on Mattahus getting the second yellow was the beginning of the end for me.

World Cup 90' was his peak. If you remember the Dutch game he absolutely bossed the whole match with a very disicplined, skillfull performance and we should have won the game. So in a nutshell, moments of genius, bags of talent, an honest lad who loves the game of football but should of done so much more.

remember all that well loved to watch the guy,used to be some character too but i agree always a disaster waiting to happen,shame

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Nothing sad or 'poor buggerish' about it. Its his own fault is it not? Ce la Vie. Some make it through some do not. Some have it in their DNA and some don't. I mean are we suggesting that someone else got him into this mess? That somehow the fortune he has made in his playing career is not enough to live a sensible life? We all have heartbreaks in life and we deal with it or we don't. He clearly has not dealt with it.

I am sorry but I have little sympathy. The Gazza we saw and who mesmerised us on the pitch and the Gazza we see today may as well be different people.

The inevitable is it will probably end the same way as Best only earlier.

very hard, but I find myself agreeing with much of what you say. In his pomp he was a fantastic player, and looking back through rose-tinted specs, I have so many fond early teenage memories of Italia 90 that always touch the sentimental nerve every now an again.

Back to Gazza, a part of me cries out for him, but much of my sympathy and good will has slowly ebbed away. He's had more chances and more privileges than many who have tried to break addiction, substance problems and mental health issues. It's sad to see, but the buck rests with him. I hope he conquers these demons but the clever money says he will not. A depressing story, but my sympathy for him is running on empty nowadays :(

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Waddle and Barnes were terrible for England. When Gazza played he always gave 110%, on his day was pure class and only 2nd to Maradona, but plagued by injuries and obviously the lifestyle caught up with him. Should have signed for Man Utd when Sir Alex tried to buy him but went where he got the most money. From what I recall he did very well at Lazio and Rangers but it will his performances for England that he will be remembered for. A massive character in the dressing room that the opposition feared.

are you taking the piss....im sure Lothar Matthaeus, roberto baggio, gheorghi Hagi, andreas moller, dragan stoijkovic, michael laudrup, ruud gullit, frank rijkkard would have something to say about that. Gazza was a good player, entertaining on his day, but to put him next to Maradona is laughable, he ultimately failed at the top level of league football and was a huge disappointment at Lazio, the players mentioned above were all winners at the highest level and also conducted themselves in a much more professional manner (rijkkards spit on voller apart).

Gazza was an idiot in a time when the professionalism of the premier league had not come to fruition, i think if he would have been around 10 years later then he would not be in the position he is now, as he was in his pomp at a time when going out with your team mates on a regular basis was accepted.

This said he waw a head turner and i hope he finds a way out of this mess

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This is so sad to see. I to watched Italia 90 as a 13 year old and Gazza was my hero.

But that's on the pitch, off the pitch the guy has massive mental health issue's. Until someone has passed on it's never to late to help them. Gazza can beat this but he himself must take that first step again as he has done many times. Maybe the next time he gives it a go he will stay on the wagon.

I truly hope he does, no one deserves that, not Gazza, not Bob your next door neighbour, not anyone.

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His fault he got into it...yes it is. But getting out is harder than you make out. I suffer from depression and sometimes people tell me just to pull myself together. Its not as simple as that. The man could be about to kill himself and you can only berate him. Guess what, telling him its his fault is only gunna make it worse. For some life is simple like that and you may be one of the lucky, strong willed people, but for others it's not that simple. Show a bit of understanding as you never know when something similar may happen to you.

Very well put squire. I am not really trying to berate him although I fully appreciate you could take it that way. Let me put the record straight then... I would not wish this on anyone, absolutely anyone and I say there is not one single person on this planet whom I would say 'I hate' not one person. It is not in my character.

I merely say of all people, those with the ability to create a decent life for themselves, we should not feel sorry for them. I feel sorry for the guy in India who is born next to Bhopal with 2 fingers out of 4 on each hand, a disfigured face, cannot walk because he only has one and a half legs and vomits whenever he takes food... that is the sort of person I will genuinely and wholeheartedly feel sorry for and help, directly. I have no energy left for those that CAN help themselves. Sorry but thats me.

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No they wouldn't, the way he plays is alien to the top midfielders in the world.

Barcelona keep the ball,Gerrard gives it away regularly.

If he was rated highly by the people that count ( managers and coaches) he would have been snapped up by one of the big clubs who win things.

Tell me,why haven't Liverpool got anywhere near the Prem league title whilst Gerrard has played for them and why have England been so poor whilst he's played for them.

Gary Neville won't say a bad word about any player. Yes he knows the game and speaks well, but he praises every player playing the game.

There isn't one pundit out there whose willing to say bad things about current players.

What he thinks in private, we aren't privy to.

Chelsea made a £32m bid for him, and he very nearly went.

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He's one of the most recognisable faces (and voices) in the country, and everyone knows he is dying of alcoholism.

Never mind the legality, to my mind - morally - anyone who sells that man alcohol or buys him a drink is no different to a heroin dealer.

As much as I can see your point, there are about a million differences between the 2, even in this case. My heart goes out to Gazza though, it's terrible. No one chooses this, and anyone who thinks he deserves this or thinks it is his fault is seriously uneducated on the matter and seriously needs to re-evaluate their views.

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Currently in intensive care due to withdrawal symptoms , someone said earlier in the post can't we lock him away and not let him have booze so he can get better , in theory that sounds good but I think it's gone too far now and his body can't even survive without the booze . Absolutely gutted, he could have been so much more and like someone said all he is remembered for is his tears

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Gazza now and Gazza then are two totally different people.

My favourite England player. His pride, passion and natural skill at Italia 90 and Euro 96 are the reasons I love the game as much as I do today.

All he ever wanted to do was play football and win games. That's all he knew.

The Gazza today is a troubled man who has been taken advantage of, taken advantage of others and is unpredictable.

I really hope he pulls through.

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Real shame. Brilliant player and such a character. I was at Everton when he made his debut for Newcastle. He stood out a mile then not just because of his exceptional talent but also because of his fake tan. He was orange ! Love the guy even with all his minus points. Not too many in the game today that I would gladly pay over the top to watch but he was one of them. Worth every penny.

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