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Your Memories Of The Green'un On Saturdays

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I used to travel to the game with my Dad on the WEMS (Western Enterprise Motor Services!) coach from Burnham-on-Sea. Their coach station was on the seafront. After the game, we would travel back on the coach, then walk from Burnham sea front to the newsagents in Victoria Street (they were called Jeffries I think) and buy the Green 'Un. The shop wasn't open - they had a pile of papers outside with a 'trust box' - you helped yourself to a paper and put your money in the 'trust box'. I don't remember anyone ever taking a paper without paying - different world then! (late 60s/early 70s.)

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I remember getting a Green Un one Saturday evening from Frank Edolls near Dean Lane.

Ah, Frank Eddolls, real character and big City supporter.

I used his shop right up until he died and he was still serving when he could barely walk any more. He was still open all hours and more than once black and blue from a beating he'd taken from some scummy shop lifter who'd turned violent when challenged. Such was the frequency of the assaults he was pictured on the front of the EP once.

He was probably in his early 80's by this time but he refused to stop working or close down the shop because he thought elderly locals relied on it.

Great bloke - sad to say the old shop's been turned in to flats now.

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I remember as a small boy in the late 60's waiting in the newsagents at 6pm for the Greenun to arrive!

Seem to remember there was competition amongst them in those days who could get them on sale first!!

There was also a PinkUn, which I believe was a (horse) racing paper?

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I remember being taken to my first game, QPR in 1977, and getting my uncle, who took me to the game, getting a Green'un after the game.

As a young lad from the country, the whole day, being in a crowd 10 times as big as the population of the town I lived, walking through this huge city before the game and then after getting a paper with a photo from the game I had just seen, blew me away, I was caught hook line and sinker, the love affair had begun..........

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As a little boy I would go down to the newsagent on Banjo Island with my gramp to get a copy. He would earlier have watched World of Sport wresting (I swaer he thought it was real). I was always slightly petrified as Banjo wasn't the poshest of places and there seemed to be lots of older kids around - all part of the fun I guess. Sometimes we would get there just before the van arrived with the papers.

Happy memories - loved reading the stories on here.

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I used to wait outside the newsagents in Clouds Hill Road, St George, with loads of other people, for the Green 'Un and the Pink 'Un to arrive. When the bloke arrived in his delivery van there was a swarm into the shop to get both papers then dash home to read the match reports by Peter Godsiff (City) and Robin Perry (Gas).

If you arrived just a couple of minutes late, there were no copies left, such was the thirst for information in those pre-Internet days. Through the evening I devoured everything I could read from HT scores to league tables. Pages 2 and 3 were dedicated to City & Gas news.

In the summer, there was much less demand for the papers but had to be purchased by anyone who played club cricket locally in case they got a mention from Bill Mountjoy!

I might have passed you my gramps & dad used to send me to plummers hill shop after our lift back from the gate,also have a photo somewhere when my school junior team(west town lane) had our team picture taken.

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I bet not many remember the HALF TIME POST.

This was on sale in town in the 50s and 60s and was the only way to find out all the latest scores before the end of the games.

You would hear the newspaper salers calling out 'half time post' as soon as they had them in. Oh I so love sky sport

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I might have passed you my gramps & dad used to send me to plummers hill shop after our lift back from the gate,also have a photo somewhere when my school junior team(west town lane) had our team picture taken.

Ah, Plummers Hill. I remember the newsagents well - just over the road from Summerhill Junior School, where I attended. You were well out of your way if you went to West Town Lane?

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I used to wait outside the newsagents in Clouds Hill Road, St George, with loads of other people, for the Green 'Un and the Pink 'Un to arrive. When the bloke arrived in his delivery van there was a swarm into the shop to get both papers then dash home to read the match reports by Peter Godsiff (City) and Robin Perry (Gas).

If you arrived just a couple of minutes late, there were no copies left, such was the thirst for information in those pre-Internet days. Through the evening I devoured everything I could read from HT scores to league tables. Pages 2 and 3 were dedicated to City & Gas news.

In the summer, there was much less demand for the papers but had to be purchased by anyone who played club cricket locally in case they got a mention from Bill Mountjoy!

Peter Godsiff and Robin Perry!! They seemed to be the Evening Post’s (as it was then) football reporters for ever. They actually seemed to know what they were writing about. I suppose they had to be “on the ball” (pardon the pun) as without the internet they couldn’t just cut and paste other people’s stories.

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Peter Godsiff and Robin Perry!! They seemed to be the Evening Post’s (as it was then) football reporters for ever. They actually seemed to know what they were writing about. I suppose they had to be “on the ball” (pardon the pun) as without the internet they couldn’t just cut and paste other people’s stories.

You're telling me today's Post is created by Cut&Paste? Who would have thought it?

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I used to pick up the Green'un from a newsagents on North Street in Staple Hill. A young Frankie Prince would be there if the Rovers had been at home and he would get real feedback from the Rovers' fans. Fair play he took it all well. Remember Peter Godsiff? He now writes the golf column in the local Sunday Independent. And the Green'un once had a competition - write a report on a City or Rovers match. I did and won .. the next week I did again in a friend's name - and won again! And then I won for a third week before running out of friends - the story of my life. I used to love the reports - there would be minute by minute reporting until the 8oth minute - Savino crosses to Clark who heads wide by 2 inches etc. 0-0. Then it would simply say - Atyeo 89 minutes. Peters 90 minutes. Connor (og. 90 minutes). Final score 2-1.

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Remember walking home from the Gate after home games,up Winterstoke,over Parson street,then up over the Novers Hill to Jarmans at Knowle. Then waiting for the Green Un to arrive at 6ish. the old paper boy was a guy called George. Always got a bit of stick for not getting the GreenUn out of the delivery van quick enough by the blokes that had been waiting. :D

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Theres Rovers pink shirt on that edition......sexy !!

I remember they did that for an April Fools and then the fans demanded they actually produce the shirt for the following season. Vaguely remember I made their forum pink as part of the prank.

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