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Aren't the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas German?

But that aside, I was really addressing my response to another 'toff' obsessed member of this forum. I don't give a **** what people's background is.

PS: Re Churchill: I think the 2.9m men who served in the British armed forces - plus the Red Army and the Yanks - have more to do with us not speaking German, as inspirational as Winny was undoubtedly.

Toffing Hell !!!!!! Are you refering to me as another 'toff' obsessed monster member of this forum? :D

With regard to Sir Winston Churchill - he was half American and knew how to captivate a U.S. audience. Sir Winston Churchill also bent over backwards and threw all his political beliefs out of the window to make Stalin an ally and to help the Soviets fight Germany. Behind the scenes, Churchill did bring the USA, Great Britain and Soviet Russia together against Germany. So maybe, Winny had a lot more to do with us winning the war than you give him credit for. :cool:

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Toffing Hell !!!!!! Are you refering to me as another 'toff' obsessed monster member of this forum? :D

With regard to Sir Winston Churchill - he was half American and knew how to captivate a U.S. audience. Sir Winston Churchill also bent over backwards and threw all his political beliefs out of the window to make Stalin an ally and to help the Soviets fight Germany. Behind the scenes, Churchill did bring the USA, Great Britain and Soviet Russia together against Germany. So maybe, Winny had a lot more to do with us winning the war than you give him credit for. :cool:

Well, he was half-pissed most of the time, but luckily - unlike in WW1 -the military men were able to studiously ignore his 'strategic advice' to attack via the Balkans. He did make a great, iconic figurehead however. And few people have ever been better speech-makers.

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Well, he was half-pissed most of the time, but luckily - unlike in WW1 -the military men were able to studiously ignore his 'strategic advice' to attack via the Balkans. He did make a great, iconic figurehead however. And few people have ever been better speech-makers.

The Serbians were beating the Germans in the Balkans and - I believe - the Serbs were responsible for the first liberated areas in Central Europe. An attack via the Balkans may have worked but would have been dodgy due to the length of the supply lines from England. Churchill did advocate the aerial bombing of Germany - but didn't face the flak for it after the war as he disassociated himself from RAF Bomber Command by not mentioning the extreme valour of Bomber Command during his Victory Europe speech.

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Well I'm not a BBC spokesman. I haven't been staff there for years and indeed am currently in a legal dispute of my own with them!

Re: the Mail story. Employers have to pay to defend themselves from unfair dismissal claims and in an organisation with 20,000+ staff you'd expect a few to be going on at any given time. When you settle an employment tribunal (either formally or pre-hearing), it's perfectly normal for part of the settlement to specify you won't talk about that settlement. That goes on in every industry.

So, "BBC uses licence fee payers money on gagging orders" really means "BBC uses licence fee payers money to dispute unfair dismisal claims, rather than just pay out even more of licence fee money to every Tom, Dick or Harry who asks".

The story is about as mundane as "BBC uses licence fee payers money to clean lavatories" in other words, but of course it suits the interests of the Mail's tax dodging owner to spin the yarn as if there was some sort of sinister plot to silence victims of sexual abuse.

There you go. I have inadvertently acted as their spokesman after all!!! Maybe I should invoice them and then get into a further dispute with their useless accounts people when I get no dosh 9 months on...

Then I suppose the point of discussion is that in this particular case is that the gagging orders will only feed grist for the mill and if the amount of orders is reasonably accurate, I think it might have been expected that somebody (the legal team who draw up these deals perhaps) that there was possibly a bit of a problem and as with the NHS, the use of these orders it appears to me is that they are only taken out to protect it's senior managements reputation and shortcomings and little else, I know this might sound a bit revolutionary but I sometimes wonder whether actually investigating and dealing with a problem properly from the word go might actually be the best way, I always thought that was what senior management was all about and why they were so handsomely paid, dealing with problems in a fair and appropriate way and not just taking the easy way out.

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Then I suppose the point of discussion is that in this particular case is that the gagging orders will only feed grist for the mill and if the amount of orders is reasonably accurate, I think it might have been expected that somebody (the legal team who draw up these deals perhaps) that there was possibly a bit of a problem and as with the NHS, the use of these orders it appears to me is that they are only taken out to protect it's senior managements reputation and shortcomings and little else, I know this might sound a bit revolutionary but I sometimes wonder whether actually investigating and dealing with a problem properly from the word go might actually be the best way, I always thought that was what senior management was all about and why they were so handsomely paid, dealing with problems in a fair and appropriate way and not just taking the easy way out.

True, Es. But I don't think, having worked there, that the BBC has a particular problem. Maybe it did years ago, but probably every workplace was full of sexist dinosaurs then.

Nowadays, I'd say the presiding culture there is "wimpy". Sometimes walking as an ordinary bloke among the serried ranks of thin wristed, big glasses wearing, linen-suited, soft-voiced management types in TV Centre I had to supress an urge to mug them!!! :laughcont: but also :fear:

I think it likely these so-called 'gagging orders' are just what any employer would put in place with a departing troublesome employee. An agreement to ensure other wouldbe miscontents don't know how much dosh can be garnered by such deals.

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True, Es. But I don't think, having worked there, that the BBC has a particular problem. Maybe it did years ago, but probably every workplace was full of sexist dinosaurs then.

Nowadays, I'd say the presiding culture there is "wimpy". Sometimes walking as an ordinary bloke among the serried ranks of thin wristed, big glasses wearing, linen-suited, soft-voiced management types in TV Centre I had to supress an urge to mug them!!! :laughcont: but also :fear:

I think it likely these so-called 'gagging orders' are just what any employer would put in place with a departing troublesome employee. An agreement to ensure other wouldbe miscontents don't know how much dosh can be garnered by such deals.

I think we will maybe get a clearer picture during the Stuart Hall court case, it maybe just me but I thought that the journo was sort of attempting to link the two, without actually saying it outright.

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I think we will maybe get a clearer picture during the Stuart Hall court case, it maybe just me but I thought that the journo was sort of attempting to link the two, without actually saying it outright.

Hall's accused of raping children, not bullying people at work which is what those settlements were about.

I met Hall once and he was utterly charming, I have to say. I guess we'll have to reserve judgemment on the man until we've heard both sides of the court case, but it was an arrest which totally shocked me.

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