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Gareth Bale

Brizzle Jordan

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you do talk some rubbish sometimes, what are they supposed to sing,one of our songs? City til I die because that's a classic isn't it? On another note you can't call all Arsenal fans "plastic" it's not a crime to support a Premier League team.It really annoys me when people get on their silver perch on this forum and start waving their little wands at those they deem to be inferior supporters,think it says more about them than it does about those they mock.

How do you rate your chances against Bayern next week mate?

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Seems fairly legit?

I wouldnt say its cheating. Ultimately the player misses a game.

Cheating is breaking the rules to gain an unfair advantage. Deliberately getting booked is breaking the rules, and the advantage is to ensure you can't miss an important game because you miss an unimportant one.

How could this practise be considered legitimate?

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haha! Am a city fan but used to live a few streets down from Highbury so have a bit of a soft spot for Arsenal.Mind you I'd still make the same comment if that boy was talking about Spurs,Liverpool or Man City.I hate all this finger pointing. I'd love Arsenal to do it but let's face it......

How do you rate your chances against Bayern next week mate?

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No wonder the guy has trouble understanding why cheating is wrong.

If this comment isn't bringing the game into disrepute I don't know what is:

"With this result we would have asked him to get a yellow card to be clean for the last eight," said Villas-Boas.


I'd give AVB a three month ban for that.

Reminds me of GJ recently talking about our own Jamie McAllister in a recent Yeovil game. Jamie had got himself injured so he was sure to miss the next three games. He was also one yellow card away from a two-game ban (I think it was 2). As he limped off GJ tried to get a message to Jamie to get himself booked. Unfortunately, the message didn't get through.

GJ told the story and then added that he was only joking. I'm a big fan of GJ but I wasn't too impressed by that.

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