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Best advice I can give mate is try and talk to the people around you, friends and family. Tell them how you're feeling. It might be difficult but they will definitely want you to.

If you can't, you might find it easier to talk to someone you don't know like a GP or Samaritans. Don't be embarrassed, many, many people suffer like this sometimes.

On the practical front, try and get out of the house - even if it's just something simple like walking around the shops and buying yourself something, going to the cinema or grabbing some food.

Above all, talk to people. Hope this helps.

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Best advice I can give mate is try and talk to the people around you, friends and family. Tell them how you're feeling. It might be difficult but they will definitely want you to.

If you can't, you might find it easier to talk to someone you don't know like a GP or Samaritans. Don't be embarrassed, many, many people suffer like this sometimes.

On the practical front, try and get out of the house - even if it's just something simple like walking around the shops and buying yourself something, going to the cinema or grabbing some food.

Above all, talk to people. Hope this helps.

Just find it hard to speak in person to someone about how I feel
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Call the samaritans, you may find it easier to talk to someone on the phone. Don't feel strange about doing it, that is why they are there.

I guess if you are chatting about things on here then it is already pretty bad so please try to get some help.

Remember that your boy (even though he may be taken away from you) will need you for the rest of his life so make sure you are there for him (don't do anything silly).

It is a cliche I know and it is probably no comfort to you now but ime is a great healer and perhaps in a few months time your life will have started to move in the right direction.

One other thing, try not to take comfort with the bottle it can make things seem worse (and can make you act irrationally).

Take care and remember that you will always find friends on here.

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Just find it hard to speak in person to someone about how I feel

'Better out than in' is an old saying but so true. Talking to family or friends isn't easy. There is often a fear of being judged or that someone close to you just won't understand.

Dig deep and try talking to someone anonymously. As Nibor suggests the Samaritans is a wonderful organisation and are easily contacted by phone and all the volunteers are well trained. They'll definately help you.

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The fact that at least you've mentioned it on here is a good start.

I know loads of people struggling to cope with all sorts of stuff at the moment. Actually talking about it and not bottling it up is a big first step. Been chatting with a mate at work who had quite a big breakdown. He did feel very ashamed to begin with but these things are nothing to be ashamed of, and he's on his way back.

Even if you only feel up to speaking to the Samaritans, it's a good place to start.

Things don't always turn out as bad as you think they will

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I think it's fair to say almost everyone will go through a dark time in there life. It might be a bereavement, illness, some form of addiction taking hold and getting the better of us, problems at work or in our families. Sometimes it may be none of the above and you just hit a wall for no reason. The good news is most of us get through it and get back to normal, often it can be a springboard to sorting out your life and changing it for the better. As many have pointed out, talking to someone about it is the best way forward, never be afraid of communicating with people in your life. It sounds obvious but so many of us try keeping things to ourselves, big mistake. All the best to you, I'm sure things will work out for you over time.

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PM me mate if you want a chat or ever want a beer, Im going through a bad patch and not every one close or even not so close knows how you feel.

You could do me a favour.

Cheers mate , hope everything's not too bad
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