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What's Ruining Football?

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Let's all be honest, Football is changing and in many unfortunate ways for the worst

Is it

Players Wage Demands/Wages

Foreign Owners

Plastic Fans



Ultra Egos

General Greed

Too much health and safety

Overpriced food and drink in the grounds

Or is it all Lee Johnson

The worrying thing is that list is far too long and many people have been kicked out of a hobby because if 'Modern Football', So the point, If you could change 3 things what would you change?

I would change

Price of tickets

Foreign Owners

Player Greed (not taking wage cuts, because £20,000 p/w is hard to live off)

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It seems the whole experience has changed or is changing.

There seems to be a whole new type of person at the succesful clubs now, the foam handed, clapper holding supporter.

I think us dinosaurs who enjoy a few beers and the football with your mates are a dying breed. You only have to look at how the sold out mob over the Severn have changed in a few short years.

While football is now very safe and family oriented (nothing wrong with that atall), the atmosphere seems to have gone with it. Just look at the prelude to the Forest semi final on youtube, that was an atmosphere. Why can't we have safe and family oriented as well as atmosphere?

A few trips to stamford Bridge (lad's a blue nose) have only reinforced my view, football is all about the Premier League and ££££ to the detriment of the matchday experience.

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Depends what you mean - do you mean the money pumped into the game by Sky, or too much football on TV?

If it's the latter, be careful what you wish for. I'm of an age when the only football on TV was a couple of highlights from chosen games on MOTD on a saturday night and another highlight on ITV on a sunday afternoon - oh, and the FA Cup final and the odd england game.

I love Sky's coverage and try to watch as many games as I can.

But the downside is that football as an industry has got very fat of the proceeds of selling the game to Sky. That said, I don't believe in wage caps and I think every man has a right to earn whatever he can get. If people are willing to pay it, then good luck to him.

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Depends what you mean - do you mean the money pumped into the game by Sky, or too much football on TV?

The money pumped into the game has sadly gone straight into the pockets of primadonna, over-hyped, utterly mercenary players unfortunately. And even worse it has fed the walking cancer that is the football agent.

Had we as fans, the 'consumers' of the game, seen the benefit of that money then maybe I'd not have such a jaundiced view of it.

The game has drifted away from its roots when very mediocre players earn in a week what some folk earn in 6 months.

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Clubs are not forced to pay extortionate wages, they do so because we the supporters demand success and if we don't get it demand a new manager , a new team a new board and threaten not to turn up next season if things don't improve, Take your pick.

The old time football experience can still be had in non league if you go with your mates. But then the football isn't great,however drink enough with the money saved on your ticket and you probably wont care.

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PC Health and safety way ott rules,

Foriegn multimillion pound business`s wanting a play thing,

To many foriegn imported players;


Health and Safety COMMON SENSE not senseless rules. :mafia:

Limit foriegn imported players to 2/3 per club, this will dis-interest foriegn mega bucks investors as they wont be able to buy instant success and will have to show an interest in local players,people and club which will make them go play with something else. :englandflag:

Give all English football back to the BBC for free. :tv_horror:

Bring back Safe standing. :clap:

Use BCFC FANS for Stewarding :o

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Limit foriegn imported players to 2/3 per club, this will dis-interest foriegn mega bucks investors as they wont be able to buy instant success and will have to show an interest in local players,people and club which will make them go play with something else. :englandflag:

Look at Scotland though, I know there isn't a limit but there is a lack of foreign players compared to here.

However all the best Scots get snapped up by Rangers/Celtic. The same thing would happen here.

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Ruining football in what way? The players are fitter now than they've ever been. The football is generally of a high standard and attendances are pretty good particularly in the PL. TV audiences are huge.

If anything is ruining football its the referee's governing body (PGMO) who have worked hard to increase the number of bookings and sendings off, higher now than its ever been. They come up with silly idea's like booking a player who takes off his shirt and yet allow wrestling to go on in the penalty box.

How many times have we seen games ruined by a sending off after soft two yellows?

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Ruining football in what way? The players are fitter now than they've ever been. The football is generally of a high standard and attendances are pretty good particularly in the PL. TV audiences are huge.

If anything is ruining football its the referee's governing body (PGMO) who have worked hard to increase the number of bookings and sendings off, higher now than its ever been. They come up with silly idea's like booking a player who takes off his shirt and yet allow wrestling to go on in the penalty box.

How many times have we seen games ruined by a sending off after soft two yellows?

people forget it is a contact sport
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The football I loved is long gone, I played as a defender and my favourite part was putting in a fair but crunching tackle... nowadays I'd be sent off for grazing a mans leg. Football is still good to me, I just feel it's become more of a business than a sport.

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Look at Scotland though, I know there isn't a limit but there is a lack of foreign players compared to here.

However all the best Scots get snapped up by Rangers/Celtic. The same thing would happen here.

At least the money stays in the country not abroad, local footballers have an ever deminishing chance of playing for there local teams and many fall through the net, really what have most of Mn City,Chelseas etc, players got to do with the the area they are representing. The clubs are just names of business`s.

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I wondered about this when I started watching Spurs v Arsenal yesterday, but lost interest and got on with my day instead. So one group of foreign mercenaries beats another while Sky commentators froth at the mouth about how wonderful it all is? Big deal!

Now, Horace and I were riveted to an Internet feed of City's win last week, so we haven't lost our love of football. Just what is that is so nauseating about the Prem/Sky combination?

Man Ure v Real on Tuesday. A few years ago, I'd have been wetting myself with anticipation. Now, it's "Meh. Whatever. Might watch it if I've nothing better to do".

It's getting that way with cricket, too. A Test Match used to be a bit special. Now, there seems to be live international cricket around the clock around the calendar. Bangladesh v Zimbabwe, anyone?

Still, Sky has to fill its schedule with something...

Maybe it's time to ditch Sky Sports and get out more. Either that or Horace and I will both hibernate until the cricket season starts.

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Sky - definitely. Changing the times and days of games to suit their schedule and the fact you have to pay for it creates a monopoly. I totally resent having to pay or subscribe to watch an England International.

Sepp Blatter…


Watford loan rules…

Not foreign owners as such but totally unsuitable unscrupulous owners with no other objective than to make money for themselves.

Total obsession with Man U and Fergie, and disrespect for lower leagues

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Football has been sanitised, both on and off the pitch.

Admission prices, and having to buy tickets in advance, means that a lot of "ordinary" fans no longer attend. Too many footballers are now journeymen, who can make a very good living without having any loyalty to the club or fans.

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Sky - definitely. Changing the times and days of games to suit their schedule and the fact you have to pay for it creates a monopoly. I totally resent having to pay or subscribe to watch an England International.

Sepp Blatter…


Watford loan rules…

Not foreign owners as such but totally unsuitable unscrupulous owners with no other objective than to make money for themselves.

Total obsession with Man U and Fergie, and disrespect for lower leagues

thankyou! this concept that foreign owners = bad is immeasurably beyond racist

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Just like pop, football is eating itself.

It just isn't what it was and has changed itself into something i'm not really interested in.

I don't really care what demographic attends, i dont need or want half time entertainment. I really don;t want the most god awful cliche 'football anthems' played over the loud speakers. I just want to attend a football match with my mates, stand where i like, swear, sing, shout and support my team, and one day in the furture, maybe have a beer again.

I don't really want to sit in a comfy seat for 2 hours, blindly pay over the odds, because i'm loyal and passionate, then banned if that loyalty or passion manifestes itself with expletives etc.

City hasn't lost me, but football lost me a while ago.

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Sky - definitely. Changing the times and days of games to suit their schedule and the fact you have to pay for it creates a monopoly. I totally resent having to pay or subscribe to watch an England International.

Sky have injected masses of money into the game and raised the profile of our game to new levels all over the world. If you think they are ruining football then imo your're wrong.

I don't have a problem with subscription channels either. I'm happy to pay up every month but others aren't. Its personal choice. I look forward to sunday afternoon sky games.

I'm also a big cricket fan and as I type this post I have India v Australia 2nd test on Sky 1. That won't interest everyone but watching the Aussies get a hammering is a great pleasure to me. Sky's cricket coverage is second to none.

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thankyou! this concept that foreign owners = bad is immeasurably beyond racist

Hitler was immeasurably beyond racist.

The precident set by foreign owners is that few, if any, are in it for the love of the club. They only see it as a vehicle to make money and whenit all goes tits up, surprise, surprise they are not liable and the club starts to descend into admin.

Whilst i take your point that you cannot judge all future foreign owners, sadly the evidence on show to date doesn't swing my opinion that they would be any different.

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I'm also a big cricket fan and as I type this post I have India v Australia 2nd test on Sky 1. That won't interest everyone but watching the Aussies get a hammering is a great pleasure to me. Sky's cricket coverage is second to none.

Agree with that. The blokes on there too are always entertaining.

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Someways it has got better but who's is out stripped by what's got worse

Facilities and standards have got better its also safer to attended with out the threat of thugs ruining it

But greed by players lack of patients from fans and some ott rules and regs take away all this

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PC Health and safety way ott rules,

Foriegn multimillion pound business`s wanting a play thing,

To many foriegn imported players;


Health and Safety COMMON SENSE not senseless rules. :mafia:

Limit foriegn imported players to 2/3 per club, this will dis-interest foriegn mega bucks investors as they wont be able to buy instant success and will have to show an interest in local players,people and club which will make them go play with something else. :englandflag:

Give all English football back to the BBC for free. :tv_horror:

Bring back Safe standing. :clap:

Use BCFC FANS for Stewarding :o

Would that be the "PC Health and safety way ott rules" which help avoid another Bradford or Hillsborough or Ibrox or Heysal? Some of if probably is over the top but the fact of the matter is that far less people die or are seriously injured attending football matches these days. I really don't see that as a negative

These threads always make me laugh- I suspect that if the internet was this freely available at any interval in footballs history there would be a similar thread. That's not to say that there aren't valid concerns; the way football is regarded as a 'brand' by foreign investors with little knowledge of the game is especially worrying and that's a direct consequence of the money to be made from the game from the media saturation that surrounds it. You can't blame players for over-inflated wages though; if someone offered me a massive pay rise to go do a job that I wasn't sure I was up to I'd take it in a second- especially with the security of a 4 or 5 year contract. I'd bet very few on here could look me in the eye (figuratively of course) and say they wouldn't do the same.

The fans have become disconnected from the clubs in many respects, but before we blame anyone else perhaps we should look at ourselves? Threads on here about smoke bombs and flares to create an atmosphere- how about just plain-old getting behind the team and creating that atmosphere ourselves? Flares have never been a major part of British football culture and many eulogise about the good old days. I do believe a return to open terraces would help, but that's not footballs fault, it needs to be changed by central government and I suspect it's way down on their list of priorities.

Football has changed immeasurably in the last 15-20 years- some good and some bad, but find me a 20 year period in the sport where nothing changed, no one complained about it and no one got rich at others expense. Enjoy the good points, work constructively to change the bad points and support City

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