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So....who Brought The Drum?


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Fans re-united, Brighton fans showed support to Argyle a couple years back when they were in administration etc, since then Argyle have often followed Brighton and vice versa

Wasn't it the Brighton chairman who supported us in the early days of the AV application? I remember us giving Brighton our backing when their new stadium was going through a difficult planning process, but the love-in seems to be spreading.

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yes boys i knw it wasnt the best at times wid the drum bt me and my brother was trying and give us time and we will gel and get ashton gate rocking again like it use to and to the ppl that criticise the drums its ppl like you dat shuldnt b in the eastend if you dnt want a better atmosphere dnt bother cuming and we was sorry for moving we will b at the bk where we was in first half and totally agree sum pointless drumming got admit was a bit nervous at 1st bt as went on gt better n im glad that ppl think its brill aving the city drummers bk bout time roll on saturday boys cum on city get it rocking again

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The drum also killed a few chants. Bit too much smashing away. Not the worst but a long way behind the very well known bloke who emigrated.

soz boys practice makes perfect ryt gvs tym we will b there n none can replace him he was ledgend we jus wants better atmosphere n will get there

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yes boys i knw it wasnt the best at times wid the drum bt me and my brother was trying and give us time and we will gel and get ashton gate rocking again like it use to and to the ppl that criticise the drums its ppl like you dat shuldnt b in the eastend if you dnt want a better atmosphere dnt bother cuming and we was sorry for moving we will b at the bk where we was in first half and totally agree sum pointless drumming got admit was a bit nervous at 1st bt as went on gt better n im glad that ppl think its brill aving the city drummers bk bout time roll on saturday boys cum on city get it rocking again

Good effort lads. At times it certainly helped the atmosphere, it's just about knowing when to play it and when not to.

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Care to have a input then than just criticise for a minority of people trying to improve the atmosphere at the Gate? Least them lads gave it a go.

Improve the atmosphere :laugh: I guessing you didn't go to the game.

I was stood next to it before like a quite a few chose to move away to another part of the stand, the drumming was out of time and became annoying, the majority of Eastend just seemed to get pissed off with the constant onslaught of banging and just ignored it.

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Improve the atmosphere :laugh: I guessing you didn't go to the game.

I was stood next to it before like a quite a few chose to move away to another part of the stand, the drumming was out of time and became annoying, the majority of Eastend just seemed to get pissed off with the constant onslaught of banging and just ignored it.

it was there first go at it, give them a break.

You never know, it might improve. I didnt think it was good at times, they need to control when they bang the drums etc, but least they tried.

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It reminded me of when Charlton bought a drum earlier in the season, non stop singing from mid first half until Final whistle, also the Forza Eastenders record chant lasting time this season, Went on for a good 10 minutes, And I joined in even though I was sat in the Dolman, Didn't quite get going :( Forza Dolman Stand, Forza Dolman Stand, Ole Ole

Good job Bring it more often I say, along with the megaphone!!!!!!

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Was in Dolman Block A last night and thought the EE sounded great and loud. The 10 minute forza EE chant in the first half looked and sounded good, think a song like that is aided by having the drum to keep everyone in time!

In favour of the drum if used sparingly and only for red army type chants that can last a while. Shouldn't be banged constantly and pointlessly as annoying and can detract from the atmosphere!

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Improve the atmosphere :laugh: I guessing you didn't go to the game.

I was stood next to it before like a quite a few chose to move away to another part of the stand, the drumming was out of time and became annoying, the majority of Eastend just seemed to get pissed off with the constant onslaught of banging and just ignored it.

No I didn't as I've said. They're trying so at least give them a break
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yes boys i knw it wasnt the best at times wid the drum bt me and my brother was trying and give us time and we will gel and get ashton gate rocking again like it use to and to the ppl that criticise the drums its ppl like you dat shuldnt b in the eastend if you dnt want a better atmosphere dnt bother cuming and we was sorry for moving we will b at the bk where we was in first half and totally agree sum pointless drumming got admit was a bit nervous at 1st bt as went on gt better n im glad that ppl think its brill aving the city drummers bk bout time roll on saturday boys cum on city get it rocking again

You were in the perfect spot first half. And that's why forza lasted so long even with a slightly more empty EE. Keep it up lads.

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You were in the perfect spot first half. And that's why forza lasted so long even with a slightly more empty EE. Keep it up lads.

Would have been a bit fuller if you could get tickets online the night before the game! Seems there is no tickets available online for this Saturday either! Sort it out city, I have emailed DL but still awaiting a response.

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I think they gave it a good go. Room for improvement but better in than out. The drum was the reason the forza eastenders song went on for so long because it was the drum that was able to sync the quick singers with the slow ones.

Put the drum bang in the middle of the two and it should work.

The fact that it got other stands involved to should be reason enough to bring it again. Its got my vote.

One drum might be better than two though.

Also agree with the megaphone idea!

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It worked for the forza which helped keep it going for so long ! Apart from that was annoying a fair few ! Fair play for trying 2 improve the atmosphere but drumming along to everything no thanks . Used very sparingly when there is a lull could help !

it was annoying a few as it was constant. keep it over the young kiddies side as the other blocks dont sing at breakneck speed.

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