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Say Goodbye To The Game You Used To Know

fka dagest

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I couldn't help but read this with interest. I work in a large public sector organisation where 'Diversity' is rammed down your throat on a regular basis.

In practice it amounts to 'positive discrimination', monitoring of ethnic and sexual backgrounds. Quotas for sexes, disabilities and race are measured for particular grades. Under-represented groups are promoted/assisted. Our DIversity policies, with respect to Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Transsexual, are monitored by outside agencies/pressure groups such as Stonewall.

Now before anyone suggests that if you're against this you're some how racist, sexist etc I'd just like to say I'm not. The only mantra I've ever followed is that I take people as I find them. That's it.

I find it odd that people like her suggest that football needs to catch up with society. Is it possible to exist outside of society (maybe Robinson Crusoe)? Football and its culture is part of society. What she really means is that football will be made to act and account for itself according to the demands of particular groups who have decided for themselves how society should be.

What are people's thoughts on this? Does this political agenda have a place in football?

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Say with employment, I personally would want to employ the most suitable person for the job. If that means I end up with a work force of 3 armed transexual dwarves then so be it.

If football doesn't appeal to a certain audience, for whatever reason, then so be it also.

It's a bit like me saying I want to watch crap on ITV but to accommodate my desire you're gonna have to raise the quality of programme.

Am I going nuts here or is this just plain common sense?

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Ive seen it where ive worked in the past. A registered disabled person was employed and they couldnt do the job. Mistakes were made every day. Nice person just couldnt do the job. The employer didnt get rid of them as they needed the quota for their investment in people badge. Sad really as the job was really stressing this person out.

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Personally I think she is trying to make a story out of nothing. Her comment that:

“football must move with the times on issues such as accepting gay players, combating racism and promoting the role of women.”

is lagging behind the times. Football has made massive strides in recent years in overcoming racist/ gay prejudice. The issue of the role of women is more difficult as there aren’t any women players in league football. Even so, women are taking a greater role in football management.

In summary, Navi Pillay is looking for a bit of cheap publicity

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David James pointed out that there are very few non-white males doing coaching and manager courses. The reason the ratio is low is that few are taking the required courses. Look at the England team tonight. Walker, Lescott, Smalling, Chamberlin, Young and Defoe...with Strurrige coming on. 50% of the england players tonight were not caucasian. 50% how much more equal do you bloody want. And as women can't play in the mens team, i don't see the problem there.

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Read it earlier and just thought what a stupid bint.

How is it NOT a mans world in football...look at the consumer on matchday...99.9% men and that is a fact.

Making up your own statistics doesn't make them true.

"1 in 4 fans going through the turnstiles are female" - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-191935/Record-number-women-watch-football.html

"...female football fans attending top-flight games this season is now 18 per cent of the total attendance" - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-britain/female-fans-a-more-beautiful-game-422102.html

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David James pointed out that there are very few non-white males doing coaching and manager courses. The reason the ratio is low is that few are taking the required courses. Look at the England team tonight. Walker, Lescott, Smalling, Chamberlin, Young and Defoe...with Strurrige coming on. 50% of the england players tonight were not caucasian. 50% how much more equal do you bloody want. And as women can't play in the mens team, i don't see the problem there.

Really? What is your evidence for this statement.

If you think racism is not a problem in football, you've never been to a game with a black friend.

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I don't see much of a problem or a big deal with what she's saying. Rather go with what she says than Sepp commenting on women having to wear tight shorts.

Be careful, you'll grossly offend some tight short wearing minority group.

Is there any evidence that women are "excluded" from top administration jobs in football?

At my sons nursery they've got about 10 staff, everyone one of them female. I'm not offended or dismayed by this in any way. Perhaps, just perhaps different genders, on the whole, try to get into careers that they actually prefer and not what they are told they should prefer. We hear this sort of thing trotted out all the time about there not being enough female MPs. Women came become MPs just as easily as men. Perhaps it's just a reflection of the volume of interest.

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> We hear this sort of thing trotted out all the time about there not being enough female MPs.

What I find strange is, you keep hearing "Get women into board rooms" and "Encourage more females to be politicians" (and that's cool) but you never hear anyone say "Get more women to work on a oil rig" or "Get more women in to sewage works", ya know... The jobs that men really make numbers up in.

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Common sense has been banned, don't you know?

I also feel women are badly underestimated on work sites and in the dustbin industry. The Fishing trade also sees low figures of women.

What the **** is going on in the world when people spouting such shite in the national media are not culturally laughed out of town?

in for a penny.. I'm off to train as a midwife.

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Really? What is your evidence for this statement.

If you think racism is not a problem in football, you've never been to a game with a black friend.

Only what David James said that he was the only non white male or in a small minority on his course. This was back when Rio et al were pushing for positive discrimination in managers and coaches. If you looked at all the qualified coaches and managers, the ratio in football is about right. The problem is getting all people be it male/female, whatever your skin colour on coaching badges. Racism is a problem, sexism is a problem. But that is society's problem, not footballs. The glass ceiling is there for all to see. Look at the current cabinet in government. 22 members, 4 women. No one is of any ethnicity other than white. Football will change when society changes

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In average there would probably be 3 in 10 women who actually follow football and would want to get involved in this, compare that to the average of 7 in 10 men the Ratio will always be more men, You can't force women to take a football coaching course it's not like there's a rule saying women can't coach football! The opportunity is there if they want to take it

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