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Say Goodbye To The Game You Used To Know

fka dagest

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Making up your own statistics doesn't make them true.

"1 in 4 fans going through the turnstiles are female" - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-191935/Record-number-women-watch-football.html

"...female football fans attending top-flight games this season is now 18 per cent of the total attendance" - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-britain/female-fans-a-more-beautiful-game-422102.html

Haha absolute crock of shite. 1 in 4. Having a laugh.

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Just tracking down England's record win (13-0 against Ireland in 1882) when I read this:

"Hungary won 7-1. This still stands as England's worst ever defeat. After the game, a bewildered Syd Owen said, "it was like playing people from outer space"."

No he fricking didn't. He said "it was like playing men from outer space".

Fricking Political Correctness revising history :grr:

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Making up your own statistics doesn't make them true.

"1 in 4 fans going through the turnstiles are female" - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-191935/Record-number-women-watch-football.html

"...female football fans attending top-flight games this season is now 18 per cent of the total attendance" - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-britain/female-fans-a-more-beautiful-game-422102.html

So, which?

18% is somewhere between 1in 6 and 1 in 5. Of course, I realise that numerical accuracy is a male concept, designed to demean women's spirituality.

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Making up your own statistics doesn't make them true.

"1 in 4 fans going through the turnstiles are female" - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-191935/Record-number-women-watch-football.html

"...female football fans attending top-flight games this season is now 18 per cent of the total attendance" - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-britain/female-fans-a-more-beautiful-game-422102.html

and I'm guessing the numbers of females attending matches is still rising. This suggests to me that from the female perspective, football is generally getting it right or they wouldn't be attending in such numbers. I'd be interested to read a female perspective on this, I'm not sure there's been one on this thread yet.

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I couldn't help but read this with interest. I work in a large public sector organisation where 'Diversity' is rammed down your throat on a regular basis.

In practice it amounts to 'positive discrimination', monitoring of ethnic and sexual backgrounds. Quotas for sexes, disabilities and race are measured for particular grades. Under-represented groups are promoted/assisted. Our DIversity policies, with respect to Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Transsexual, are monitored by outside agencies/pressure groups such as Stonewall.

Now before anyone suggests that if you're against this you're some how racist, sexist etc I'd just like to say I'm not. The only mantra I've ever followed is that I take people as I find them. That's it.

I find it odd that people like her suggest that football needs to catch up with society. Is it possible to exist outside of society (maybe Robinson Crusoe)? Football and its culture is part of society. What she really means is that football will be made to act and account for itself according to the demands of particular groups who have decided for themselves how society should be.

What are people's thoughts on this? Does this political agenda have a place in football?

I find the word 'positive' rather a misnomer when it sits in front of discrimination because quite a lot of the time it is the absolute opposite. Of course, on paper and in the 'Alice in Wonderland' world it all seems fine and dandy but in reality it is quite preposterous.

Can you imagine that being let loose on the very manly pursuit of football? Nonsense. We will end up finding the beautiful game abandons these shores and goes somewhere in which the very nature of its existence, that each club does what it feels is best and not what some bod wants, is not threatened.

Why would anybody be an apologist about wishing not to destroy football because the obvious fact is that 'positive' discrimination will do exactly that out there on the field of play. At least as we know it and, warts and all, love it today.

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Just an idea

Give the job to the BEST person Simple is it not

but such simplicity does not keep certain people in jobs...political correctness is a cancer eating away at society..many people are making careers out of it ,but not only that,they end up believing their own press...
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Wasn't there an outcry when Jacqui Oatley commentated on Match of the Day .... She only did it once. I know she works on 5 live now but somehow people thought it wrong that she commentated on a "men's" football match. By the way that doesn't include me

On the same point - should a man commentate on a netball match??

Just a thought

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I also like the bit where they swap shits at the end of the match.

Can't see it catching on myself.

Suspect they would get a yellow card for doing it - or even a brown card.

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and I'm guessing the numbers of females attending matches is still rising. This suggests to me that from the female perspective, football is generally getting it right or they wouldn't be attending in such numbers. I'd be interested to read a female perspective on this, I'm not sure there's been one on this thread yet.

Not surprising considering the shite that's been posted.

I don't think many have actually read the original piece, which is not surprising, and see nothing controversial in the comments by the UNHCR.

She was referring to football across the whole, not specifically to GB, does anyone seriously think there isn't a problem with racism across european football yet UEFA don't take it seriously.

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I couldn't help but read this with interest. I work in a large public sector organisation where 'Diversity' is rammed down your throat on a regular basis.

In practice it amounts to 'positive discrimination', monitoring of ethnic and sexual backgrounds. Quotas for sexes, disabilities and race are measured for particular grades. Under-represented groups are promoted/assisted. Our DIversity policies, with respect to Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Transsexual, are monitored by outside agencies/pressure groups such as Stonewall.

Now before anyone suggests that if you're against this you're some how racist, sexist etc I'd just like to say I'm not. The only mantra I've ever followed is that I take people as I find them. That's it.

I find it odd that people like her suggest that football needs to catch up with society. Is it possible to exist outside of society (maybe Robinson Crusoe)? Football and its culture is part of society. What she really means is that football will be made to act and account for itself according to the demands of particular groups who have decided for themselves how society should be.

What are people's thoughts on this? Does this political agenda have a place in football?

I work in a similar organisation and get continually bombarded with questionnaires trying to find out colour, ethnicity, religion etc... I never answer as IMO, what difference should it make?

everyone in there knows they only want the data to actively, openly (and even proudly) discriminate - never understood why Politicians, Councillors etc... hate and despise their own people so much!

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I work in a similar organisation and get continually bombarded with questionnaires trying to find out colour, ethnicity, religion etc... I never answer as IMO, what difference should it make?

everyone in there knows they only want the data to actively, openly (and even proudly) discriminate - never understood why Politicians, Councillors etc... hate and despise their own people so much!

It's mutual...

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Really? What is your evidence for this statement.

If you think racism is not a problem in football, you've never been to a game with a black friend.

Well, I have. In fact I sat next to a mixed race family for three seasons. (Not here this year for financial reasons).

In the last 20 years, I've only heard one overtly racist comment from anyone sitting in Dolman Block D - and then the perpetrator was told to "shut the f up" by an elderly gentleman nearby and apologised aloud.

The English game has come on leaps and bounds in this respect from the 70s and early 80s.

In fact, I would advance the argument that football - with its many black heroes - has helped to integrate British society much more than it has played any divisive role. And much more than the U bloody N has!

In Eastern Europe (etc) where they have far fewer dark-skinned players, you still get the old problems. As in all else, they are 30 years behind the time.

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> We hear this sort of thing trotted out all the time about there not being enough female MPs.[/i

What I find strange is, you keep hearing "Get women into board rooms" and "Encourage more females to be politicians" (and that's cool) but you never hear anyone say "Get more women to work on a oil rig" or "Get more women in to sewage works", ya know... The jobs that men really make numbers up in.

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There is a definite problem with homophobia. Football should be embarrassed that there's not a single openly gay player.

Why does football need an openly gay player? Let players play football and let their sexual antics be their own business as long as they are not doing anything illegal. Players don't come out and say "I like big breasts" or I like "leggy blondes" so why should they have to come out and say "I like c*ck".

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There is a definite problem with homophobia. Football should be embarrassed that there's not a single openly gay player.

Glyn Hysen's son is openly gay, I remember him talking about it in a newspaper a few years back.

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Well, I have. In fact I sat next to a mixed race family for three seasons. (Not here this year for financial reasons).

In the last 20 years, I've only heard one overtly racist comment from anyone sitting in Dolman Block D - and then the perpetrator was told to "shut the f up" by an elderly gentleman nearby and apologised aloud.

The English game has come on leaps and bounds in this respect from the 70s and early 80s.

In fact, I would advance the argument that football - with its many black heroes - has helped to integrate British society much more than it has played any divisive role. And much more than the U bloody N has!

In Eastern Europe (etc) where they have far fewer dark-skinned players, you still get the old problems. As in all else, they are 30 years behind the time.

I'm really glad you had a different experience to me. A few years ago, i was in the williams with my mate and his kid and the lovely man behind us started making monkey noises at the players. I turned round to see a middle aged bloke with his family making the noises and he said "sorry didn't mean you!" 'Cos that makes it alright.
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I find the word 'positive' rather a misnomer when it sits in front of discrimination because quite a lot of the time it is the absolute opposite. Of course, on paper and in the 'Alice in Wonderland' world it all seems fine and dandy but in reality it is quite preposterous.

Can you imagine that being let loose on the very manly pursuit of football? Nonsense. We will end up finding the beautiful game abandons these shores and goes somewhere in which the very nature of its existence, that each club does what it feels is best and not what some bod wants, is not threatened.

Why would anybody be an apologist about wishing not to destroy football because the obvious fact is that 'positive' discrimination will do exactly that out there on the field of play. At least as we know it and, warts and all, love it today.

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Silly bint, but what do we expect from a human rights commissioner from 3rthed world? What does she really know about football, a day with some token abused players, that'll do. She should stfu, if laws get broken its for our police to deal with, as for gays and woman, how do you exactly give better human rights to gay players? if they are gay, so what? its none of her business, people like her should stop meddling in peoples lives. Not every country in the world needs the UN fighting its battles, she should focus her attention to her own doorstep and the middle east where people are dieing every day

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Why do people have to make issues over everything? Football predominately is a mans world, so what? Are females really offended by this?

Curious, really, considering that there's been a demo outside Horfield Sports Centre demanding women-only swimming sessions...

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Heh?... I suppose not bad for a 50 year old. Sorry Karen.. but that is an educated guess... I am probably over the limit right?

The Mansfield co-chair lady was a bit tidy as well.

Why do people have to make issues over everything? Football predominately is a mans world, so what? Are females really offended by this?

Over the Keys and Gray scandal, my land-lady, who's a feisty old bint, considered it all to be a banterous thing and that girls do the equivalent thing when together. She was more chilled out about it than I was, I thought it was more snide and sinister than that.

So for the sake of equality, we should leave gender out of such matters.

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