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Danny Coles still holds that title for me, after our play off final defeat

He always was the biggest tool in the box. Didn't he invite fans out for a scrap at rovers.

My two overriding memories of him. 1. Earnshaw in his back pocket. 2. Stood on his own every Saturday on the dance floor waiting and waiting and waiting, until eventuality a granny would pick him up.

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Cant imagine any gay players would have any issues with their team mates. The main issue would be from the stands, lets face it fans will use anything to put a player off his game.

As others have said, why does it even matter? How do we know there arent 100 gay players in the prem that HAVE "come out" to their team mates etc?

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Its funny when you see/meet a player out of work. I remember Brian Wilson being an absolute tosser, yet met Jermaine Easter who you'd think would be a gangstar but he was a decent bloke.

His missus had a face like a slap arsed too. They were made for each other

Carl Hutchings gets a lot of stick whenever the 'worst player' thread comes out each summer, but met him once - what a top bloke he was

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I have heard Danny Coles was a complete and utter tosser and also a Sag into the bargain. Apparently his party trick in clubs was to call a young girl over and then completely humiliate her by calling her a fat cow in front of a crowd. Mind you if I had been in his 'crowd' I wouldn't have stood their laughing but would have had a word with him.

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