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Skuse A City Fan ? Your Avin A laugh


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I do know him personally actually and also his mates who played for Weston and been out countless times with them I just think he should have been a bit more loyal to BCFC allowing us to get a fee

so you know him personally do you ? dont think so because if you did you wouldnt be questioning his loyalty youd know how he feels about the club, you may know a weston player that knows him but thats about it

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I've got no issues with him leaving on a free. Glad he's gone for all the reasons I've stated over many posts here.

Oh, plus we wouldn't have sold him for any fee, as no-one will buy him.

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Some of these posts defy belief.

Presumably some of you won't be attending next season if god forbid we sign any out of contract player who has been offered a new contract by his current team....

You never really did it for me but good luck Cole Skuse. Any chance you can put in a good word for Killkenny, Elliott, and Pearson at your new gaff?

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Cole Skuse has given most of his career to Bristol City, and he has had offers in the past to move. He hasn't.

I think that will be news to most.

Can you tell us which clubs made offers for Skuse, and when? :dunno:

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Well I will miss him.If nothing else I believe he loves the club and always gave his all when wearing the shirt.Good enough for me.Best of luck for the future Cole.


Don't slag off my dad when he turns out for us next year. Overweight, unfit, 60+ with a bad heart, but by god he will give it his all when wearing the shirt.

As stated before, in terms of the population of the country, cole is in the top 0.1 % in terms of footballing ability. Something I could only dream off. In terms of the football league, he is a bottom half the championship/league 1 player. We are no worse off without him.

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Don't recall saying he was Maradona just said I appreciated a player who fought for the cause.Looking forward to watching your dad next year and I hope you don't get to upset when the "all knowing ones" start getting on his back at the slightest excuse!

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I think that will be news to most.

Can you tell us which clubs made offers for Skuse, and when? :dunno:

I wouldn't expect an answer to this. Been hearing it for a long time with zero evidence.

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Don't let it get you down Pete. Loads of us know he's over rated, but those who fawn over him take it as an insult. It's not, he's just an average player.

In all fairness, this thread started out with someone criticising Skuse for not staying here. There was no discussion of his ability (or lack there of). Just for a change, it was those who don't like him that started making derogatory posts. Now I think Skuse is allowed more shrift for his poor performances than some because he's Bristolian, but at the same time the hatred of him from some is completely irrational. We've heard it all before and it's pretty boring
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I think what frustrates some fans on here(myself included) is how certain players are torn into time and time again.They get stick if they play poorly and if they play well they get stick because they played poorly last week/ month/season.A lot of the time the criticism is just rehashed.It wouldn't be so bad if people were a bit more constructive with their comments.

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Meh no big loss imo he's an alright player but nothing special last night S'oD and Keith Burt spoke about having characters in the dressing room in the mould of Kevin Nolan, Roy Keane etc. If by getting rid of Skuse that enables us to bring in those type of players I'm all for it.

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Don't let it get you down Pete. Loads of us know he's over rated, but those who fawn over him take it as an insult. It's not, he's just an average player.

So do you think Pete(obsessed)legend thinks Skuse is an average player?

Skuse is no world beater; he hasn't achieved his potential while playing for City. As an aside - anyone want to name a player from the last ten years who has? Maynard's one off season doesn't count, as his subsequent performances showed he hadn't really improved as a player. Our coaching must have been abysmal.

I'm one of the ones who's always rated Skuse (not fawned over him, just seen the stuff he did do, as well as the things he didn't). I've never seen anyone on here claiming he's a great player, just that he's not nearly as bad as some muppets have repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly suggested. If before, during and after every game you're going to slag off one of our players who regularly put in a decent shift, you shouldn't be too surprised if occasionally someone with a firmer grip on reality answers back.

Probably aimed more at P75 than at you: "average" is not far off what CS has been as a Championship player (which has made him one of our better players for a while now). But I've tried having a sensible discussion with P75 in the past, and have decided that life's too short.

I still think that in the right team, alongside some creative players who can use the ball he wins for them he could be a real asset to a top half Championship team. We'll see.

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Skuse was always so much in favour as he was seen as a utility player maybe? I'm sure I have seen quotes from more than one of our managers who saw his better position as a defender rather than in the midfield. I think Skuse said himself that he was being encouraged to play there but wanted to remain in midfield as long as possible before dropping back into defence, he seemed to think it as a backwards step for him.

So if the rumours are right and he goes to Ipswich, are they signing a midfielder or a defender. Do they see him as captain material? I will be interested to see what happens, how they use him and how much he features.

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Meh no big loss imo he's an alright player but nothing special last night S'oD and Keith Burt spoke about having characters in the dressing room in the mould of Kevin Nolan, Roy Keane etc. If by getting rid of Skuse that enables us to bring in those type of players I'm all for it.

I'm appalled by some of the comments about Cole Skuse on this site. Skuse is a home-grown player who has been a loyal servant for the club over a long period. He deserves a bit of respect for that. I happen to think he is a very good player indeed who will shine elsewhere. We are not 'getting rid' of Skuse, he is choosing to leave us to play at a higher level than the one we'll be playing at, because people who know a bit more about football than we do are prepared to put some faith in him. If you really think that you'll get the some kind of loyalty and commitment from a journeyman player, then you're very much mistaken. If we had had a few more like Cole Skuse - home-grown players who have a passion for the club - over the last two or three seasons, we might not be in the mess we are in now. As it is, I wish him all the best and hope that I see his career thrive elsewhere.

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I wouldn't expect an answer to this. Been hearing it for a long time with zero evidence.

OK - The people on here that claim to be "in the know", tell me how far away I am with this....

Back end of last year, the club spoke to Skuse about signing a new contract, he asked for an increase, but was told that this was not possible.

As a result his agent went fishing for a new club to join, Ipswich, Palace and M'boro showed discussed terms?

McInnes was sacked, and Skuse said he was now happy to stay at the club to the end of the season where he would re-asses his future?

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Skuse was a good player playing in a poor team. I expect him to do well wherever he goes if he can stay fit. He has shown a lot more loyalty to our club than most and owes us nothing. He has served out his contract and if we were desperate to keep him we should have offered him an extension long ago. If he chooses to take his services elsewhere and people are wiling to give him a good contract good luck to him. Personally will be sorry to see him go -he was on fire at the start o fthis season till he got cruelly chopped down at Peterborough.

Good Luck and thanks Cole -you have been a good servant to the club -just don't play too well for Ipswich if you go there. I live near and will never hear the end of it from the locals if you do!

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i actually think his best performances for us came at RB. I don't think we will miss him but best of luck to him. Anyone who spends that long at a club deserves our best wishes IMO.

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