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Fa Cup

Tall King Blox

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Itv piss me off. The way they are talking about Wigan you would think they were a semi pro outfit. Have some bloody respect!

I actually want man city to win purely because the United fans are unbearable up here at the moment and they don't need another excuse! It goes against my love of the under dog but.....

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Is it just me or has this once great showpiece of English football declined into just another "game on the telly" i know this has been discussed at length on other threads but this morning at around 8.15

somone told me it was cup final day !!! i was shocked, maybe fergie retiring has taken it's thunder

or maybe i, like a lot of us just aint interested anymore.

I remember as a yoof i would wait in aticipation for at least a week before the final, drooling over the

prospect of watching a live game, and hearing the songs echoing around the old Wembley,

Seeing all the fans walking up wembley way, all the colour, all the noise, the pre match build up

the interviews with players, managers, and the fans, it was an event, an all day event,

Weeks before the game me and my mates would decide who's house we would watch the match in

then on the day we would stock up with beers, food n fags ( cigarettes btw ) it would be an occasion to

savour, Then 3 o,clock would arrive, not 5,oclock or some other money driven slot that suited the

advertisers who wanted to show their wares to the U.S. market

Then it was over, three parts to the wind and a sore throat, it used to mean something.....


Blame the 4 places for champions league qualification on the decline of the cups. The sooner their is a proper EU league the better, that's if UKIP allow it of course.

Still today returned a little romance to the competition at least, as did the league cup this season and the best team won.

I remember the 1960 cup final between Wolves and Blackburn, it was one of the first I watched live on TV and I remember Dave Whelan breaking his leg, I also remember Deeley scoring 2 of Wolves goals, I also remember a later Wolves legend Derek Dougan playing for Blackburn that day, pleased for Wigan, Whelan and Martinez, a proper football club.

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I was there today in the Wigan end (going to arsenal Tuesday night too.) Wigan fully deserved the win today looked like man city didn't really turn up. Or turning up would be enough to win it and roll over Wigan.

Wigan do play some cracking football the times I've seen them over the last few seasons. Like to get the ball down on the deck and pass it.

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