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Question For George

Bert's City

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I do work for a company in central Bristol which has it's own bike park inside the railings of the buildings. Other cyclists are now locking their bikes to those railings. I predict that sometime soon they won't be able to access some of their own front entrances due to these couldn't give a toss cyclists. The area is deadly during rush hour and people are nearly knocked off their feet on a regular occurance.

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Good to see the thread has descended from random blind prejudice & baseless bigotry to more focused blind baseless anti-bike prejudice.

the usual nonsense spouted about the lunatic and 'suicidal' cyclists and how people are 'nearly' knocked off their feet regularly is so refreshing. it makes OTIB read like the lunatic fringe who operate on the twilight zone of the Bristol Posts webpages.

(maybe they'll put a shock horror front page exclusive for every cyclist knocked off and scarred by motorists?)

so the bus drivers who jump lights, the thousands of motorists who use pavements to park their cars on, The drunk drivers, the speeders, the uninsured, the lorries who regard the road as their playground, the pedestrians who walk with headphones on crossing roads without looking, thats all good with you lot?

oh no, wait - lets bash cyclists - its easier and there's no need to know what the facts are or let truth get in the way

and the for the post about cyclists paying the mythical 'road tax' http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/bike-blog/2011/nov/22/cycling-road-tax-confused

a little clarity on that cliche.

get a grip, get a life, get a bike.

oh and back on topic - George, why have you appointed a cabinet of the same politicians who have collectively kept this city back for 30+ years?

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A young girl was seriously hurt by a pavement cyclist recently.

They BADLY need some sort of regulation.

And stop cycling on the ring road you lycrs clad wrong uns

I decided to walk and use public transport for a change at Christmas, to and from town with my wife. In castle park I dared to cross the cycle path which wasn't well defined in what essentially was a fifteen foot wide section with loads of room for all.

I stopped to let a cyclist pass in front of me, as he did he screemed into my face "bike lane", I responded with "Knob head". He got off his bike and threatened to smash my effin head in and told my wife to get her big effin bold b8stard of a boyfriend to eff off. When I didn't back off, he picked up his D lock and came at me screaming at me to Eff off before he smashed my fat, bold, ugly, effin head in. This was repeated several times and witnessed by many people. Because I was with my wife, I felt I had to diffuse the situation rather than lamp the ignorant nutter, I also was a tadge concerned for my safety.

Sadly there are many cyclists with the attitude that it's their place and you daren't get in their way. I was then ripped off by first group to the tune of £5.80 for a 1.5 mile bus trip This is the sort of world George and the cylebag nutters want us to live in. I'll stick to the car and van in future, it's safer.

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Good to see the thread has descended from random blind prejudice & baseless bigotry to more focused blind baseless anti-bike prejudice.

the usual nonsense spouted about the lunatic and 'suicidal' cyclists and how people are 'nearly' knocked off their feet regularly is so refreshing. it makes OTIB read like the lunatic fringe who operate on the twilight zone of the Bristol Posts webpages.

(maybe they'll put a shock horror front page exclusive for every cyclist knocked off and scarred by motorists?)

so the bus drivers who jump lights, the thousands of motorists who use pavements to park their cars on, The drunk drivers, the speeders, the uninsured, the lorries who regard the road as their playground, the pedestrians who walk with headphones on crossing roads without looking, thats all good with you lot?

oh no, wait - lets bash cyclists - its easier and there's no need to know what the facts are or let truth get in the way

and the for the post about cyclists paying the mythical 'road tax' http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/bike-blog/2011/nov/22/cycling-road-tax-confused

a little clarity on that cliche.

get a grip, get a life, get a bike.

oh and back on topic - George, why have you appointed a cabinet of the same politicians who have collectively kept this city back for 30+ years?

Walk from Temple Meads to the Harbourside in rush hour. Keep an eye out for your cyclist chums mind, its murder.

Or maybe one of those well known killers, sstationary cars that are parked....

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I decided to walk and use public transport for a change at Christmas, to and from town with my wife. In castle park I dared to cross the cycle path which wasn't well defined in what essentially was a fifteen foot wide section with loads of room for all.

I stopped to let a cyclist pass in front of me, as he did he screemed into my face "bike lane", I responded with "Knob head". He got off his bike and threatened to smash my effin head in and told my wife to get her big effin bold b8stard of a boyfriend to eff off. When I didn't back off, he picked up his D lock and came at me screaming at me to Eff off before he smashed my fat, bold, ugly, effin head in. This was repeated several times and witnessed by many people. Because I was with my wife, I felt I had to diffuse the situation rather than lamp the ignorant nutter, I also was a tadge concerned for my safety.

Sadly there are many cyclists with the attitude that it's their place and you daren't get in their way. I was then ripped off by first group to the tune of £5.80 for a 1.5 mile bus trip This is the sort of world George and the cylebag nutters want us to live in. I'll stick to the car and van in future, it's safer.

This is the reaction you get when you give minorities power.

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Good to see the thread has descended from random blind prejudice & baseless bigotry to more focused blind baseless anti-bike prejudice.

the usual nonsense spouted about the lunatic and 'suicidal' cyclists and how people are 'nearly' knocked off their feet regularly is so refreshing. it makes OTIB read like the lunatic fringe who operate on the twilight zone of the Bristol Posts webpages.

(maybe they'll put a shock horror front page exclusive for every cyclist knocked off and scarred by motorists?)

so the bus drivers who jump lights, the thousands of motorists who use pavements to park their cars on, The drunk drivers, the speeders, the uninsured, the lorries who regard the road as their playground, the pedestrians who walk with headphones on crossing roads without looking, thats all good with you lot?

oh no, wait - lets bash cyclists - its easier and there's no need to know what the facts are or let truth get in the way

and the for the post about cyclists paying the mythical 'road tax' http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/bike-blog/2011/nov/22/cycling-road-tax-confused

a little clarity on that cliche.

get a grip, get a life, get a bike.

oh and back on topic - George, why have you appointed a cabinet of the same politicians who have collectively kept this city back for 30+ years?

People will give their opinions of what they see and experience. There are many inconsiderate road and pavement users from all forms of transport. Uninsured drivers are covered in the event of any accident by the motor insurers bureau, paid for by a levy on other drivers insurance premiums, (cylists have no insurance at all). When has a stationary car, parked on a pavement ever knocked anyone over, inconvenient and selfish perhaps but usually the pedestrian will use care to get around the offening vehicle. Take a trip to Queen Square (Royal oak avenue) if you want to see the evidence of lunatic cyclists weaving their way through unsuspecting pedestrians.

Believe me when I say I'm not targeting cyclists, they are human beings and take risks and are selfish the same as everyone else.

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I like cycling. It makes me happy. I see a few of people who ignore the rules of the road, but honestly, is it really worth getting worked up over?

******* are *******, whether they are in a car or on a bike (or on an internet forum). Thing is though, a ****** in a car is a lot more likely to hurt someone than a ****** on a bike.

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I like cycling. It makes me happy. I see a few of people who ignore the rules of the road, but honestly, is it really worth getting worked up over?

******* are *******, whether they are in a car or on a bike (or on an internet forum). Thing is though, a ****** in a car is a lot more likely to hurt someone than a ****** on a bike.

After reading the recent statements on hear, only one poster was worked up.

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People will give their opinions of what they see and experience. There are many inconsiderate road and pavement users from all forms of transport. Uninsured drivers are covered in the event of any accident by the motor insurers bureau, paid for by a levy on other drivers insurance premiums, (cylists have no insurance at all). When has a stationary car, parked on a pavement ever knocked anyone over, inconvenient and selfish perhaps but usually the pedestrian will use care to get around the offening vehicle. Take a trip to Queen Square (Royal oak avenue) if you want to see the evidence of lunatic cyclists weaving their way through unsuspecting pedestrians.

Believe me when I say I'm not targeting cyclists, they are human beings and take risks and are selfish the same as everyone else.

i can give you endless examples of being threatened by car drivers and van drivers. i have been intentionally knocked off by a van driver. and hit by drivers not paying attention

we all have a perspective, but it seems the majority of views on here are based in a warped perspective, largely fuelled by a local paper, desperate for controversy, and by a 'top gear' car culture that isn't sustainable and can't usually see past the end of its nose.

many/most cyclists are also car owners too, regular cycle commuting changes your view on how you drive, and i would argue helps road awareness.

you've focused on the stationary, pavement blockers - but chose to ignore the drunks and speeders, who frequently take innocent lives. easy to fuel those prejudices when selective evidence is bandied about.

Royal oak avenure is a shared pavement BTW - inadequately signed and not evident for the many pedestrians who tune out with earphones and walk with their heads up their asses. not the best planning and prone to causing anxiety and conflict - perhaps making the cycle lane there clearer - same applies for the one running down that side of the square.

the funny thing is many sensible cyclists are dumbfounded by some of the provision the council have put in - it serves no one.

one last thing - as a cyclist i am insured. many of us are.

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Question 2 for George.

You would like to see a much higher percentage (36% I believe) of journeys taken by bike by the end of your second term of office.

Would this be achieved by the restriction of all other forms of transport, therefore increasing the percentage of bike journeys by comparison.

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After reading the recent statements on hear, only one poster was worked up.

You might be right...after reading the comments there is clearly one person getting worked up.

But that wasn't my point. I wanted to suggest that when you see a ****** on a bike skipping a red-light, life might be to short to give a toss.

On the other hand, it really does p*ss me off when people don't have the decency or sense to respect the other people on the road.

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Please no cyclists vs motorists on this forum, there is enough of that on the Bristol post website.

However someone mention GF with the M32? Funny enough I tweeted him about the constant traffic / roadworks on the M32 and he said this: @GeorgeFergusonx: @chiddyj M32 not within my jurisdiction. So GF does not have his saying on the M32 which I find odd..

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i can give you endless examples of being threatened by car drivers and van drivers. i have been intentionally knocked off by a van driver. and hit by drivers not paying attention

we all have a perspective, but it seems the majority of views on here are based in a warped perspective, largely fuelled by a local paper, desperate for controversy, and by a 'top gear' car culture that isn't sustainable and can't usually see past the end of its nose.

many/most cyclists are also car owners too, regular cycle commuting changes your view on how you drive, and i would argue helps road awareness.

you've focused on the stationary, pavement blockers - but chose to ignore the drunks and speeders, who frequently take innocent lives. easy to fuel those prejudices when selective evidence is bandied about.

Royal oak avenure is a shared pavement BTW - inadequately signed and not evident for the many pedestrians who tune out with earphones and walk with their heads up their asses. not the best planning and prone to causing anxiety and conflict - perhaps making the cycle lane there clearer - same applies for the one running down that side of the square.

the funny thing is many sensible cyclists are dumbfounded by some of the provision the council have put in - it serves no one.

one last thing - as a cyclist i am insured. many of us are.

I have not chosen to ignore those points at all. You have come out with the stereotypical argument always used by irate cyclists. You have gone on the offensive from the outset I have merely given an opinion of a mere fraction of the incidents I have seen whilst travelling, both by powered road users the stupidity of pedestrians and by cyclists. Please give me the number of pedestrians knocked down by speeding or drunk drivers. When you do so please take into account the number of pedestrians who were jay walking or absent mindedly walked into the road, drunk themselves, listening to their I pods, or whatever, Unfortunately these are not usually recorded or used, as it would not suit the cause of the pro cycling groups. Please also compare the amount of car journeys taken when calculating those incidents. The unfortunate thing is that, whenever a cyclist or pedestrian is in collision with a vehicle of any sort, they come off worst. What is always assumed is, that it was the car that was at fault and recorded as such in the evidence used by cycling groups in their war against anyone that does not conform to their views.

I congratulate you on being insured, unfortunately you are in the minority amonst cyclists, whereas those uninsured drivers are in the minority. We must all be tolerant of each other and make allowances while traversing the streets, I feel I am considerate to cyclists, pedestrians and all other road users. I do not believe any one group are worse in their behaviour than the other. What has changed is that, where there used to be relatively safe havens for pedestrians there are now shared spaces that many know nothing about, there are many more restrictions where previously there were not, for powered vehicles, but these changes have been brought in and instigated to appease the cycling minority pressure groups, at what seems the expense of other peoples liberty's. You haven't mentioned anything about the ignorant taxi drivers that think they own the roads, or the lorry drivers who park up in the middle of the road for a delivery, to save walking a few yards.

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Always amazes me how much cyclists n car users seem to be out against each other.

Am I the only one who enjoys cycling and driving and doesn't especially feel threatened by either ?

How very humble and realistic of you.

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All cyclists pretty much think they're Bradley wiggins!! I do cycle in my spare time, but much prefer driving.

If you check twitter, you have cyclist trolls who search twitter for cycle hatred! And they go on the attack and put you straight about how tax is VED etc! Find it funny! Nearly all the cyclists though think they're intelligent... They bite for their cause!

However I still don't like GF #kickgeorgeout

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Any cycle path should be pedestrian shared and any path or road should give priority to a pedestrian. We're nearly all born with legs but very few of us with wheels.

When I was on holiday in Bristol just prior to the Olympics I was amazed at how many lamp posts and railings in Redland had rusty old heaps of metal chained to them.I seriously thought that they were some kind of modern art show scattered around the city.

So i would ask George if he could send a van round to recycle all this rusting metal and then the councillors could have a bigger christmas party.

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This. Plus why do you bang on about reducing congestion when the public transport system in Bristol is utter tripe!

+1..im all for public transport being used,but it has actually got to be in place,reliable and affordable-a trip to many other Cities in UK will show how far behind we are-let alone elsewhere in europe...trams,anyone??..if we hadnt been let down for so many years by arrogant,egotistical councilers hell bent on in-fighting and their own shitty little agendas then we may not have to try and force people out of their cars-many would be happy to do so if the infrastructure was in place.....come on George-i would hope to think you know all this already/?-so bearing this in mind,whats going on fella??

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What annoys me the most is driving up or down glos road cyclists think it is ok to ride side by side, thus leaving no room for a car to pass so backs up traffic. Also on the hill sections I've been drivibg at 30mph and have seen cyclists wizz right past me.

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Always amazes me how much cyclists n car users seem to be out against each other.

Am I the only one who enjoys cycling and driving and doesn't especially feel threatened by either ?

No, been cycling & driving in Bristol for 25 yrs never had a problem with either.

Why anyone would want to drive through the centre during the rush hour is beyond me though, such a great feeling when bombing past stationary traffic.

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Please no cyclists vs motorists on this forum, there is enough of that on the Bristol post website.

However someone mention GF with the M32? Funny enough I tweeted him about the constant traffic / roadworks on the M32 and he said this: @GeorgeFergusonx: @chiddyj M32 not within my jurisdiction. So GF does not have his saying on the M32 which I find odd..

As part of the national motorway network, the M32 comes under the remit of the Department of Transport and the Highways Agency, not the mayor. In fact some of it is in South Glos anyway.
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No, been cycling & driving in Bristol for 25 yrs never had a problem with either.

Why anyone would want to drive through the centre during the rush hour is beyond me though, such a great feeling when I bombing past stationary traffic.

I happen to get the same feeling when it's pissing down and I'm sat in my nice warm car and see a cyclist looking like a drowned rat.
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Because the vast majority didn't bother voting. How many of you slagging him off bothered to vote?

Tackling traffic congestion in Bristol needs to happen. I'd have trams (nimbys x 10 compared to AV), better public transport but until that happens promoting cycling actually means less cars on the road for those that wanna or have to drive. I do own a car but as far as getting around Bristol goes cycling is much quicker, less stressful and I can have a pint. No brainer.

Your first point is what has always got me, people moan yet when they get a chance to do something about it they fail to use their vote, instead they sit with their thumbs up their backside and say nothing until they get a result they don't like.

These are the people responsible for us having a self serving moron run our council.

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As part of the national motorway network, the M32 comes under the remit of the Department of Transport and the Highways Agency, not the mayor. In fact some of it is in South Glos anyway.

So in his manifesto, his claims for a 30mph speed limit on the m32 was a lie? If he hasn't any control over the m32.

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