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Residential Parking Zone In Around The Ground.


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I live just off coronation and residential parking is a must! Parking from people who work in town means that people who live here have next to no chance of getting a space.

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Can I suggest everyone gets signing this petition. At the moment the council don't have to have a debate about this issue, when it gets to 3.5k signatures, they do.


It is not a very well worded petition. What are the details of the RPZs? In principle I would support an RPZ, I disagree with residential streets becoming a Park & Ride or Park & Walk/cycle for out of towners.

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Is there no way we can use the Ashton vale site as a new car park for the club and organise the park ad ride from there? After all SL owns the site? Would this be a possibility dolly? It would also mean we would t need the parking around the stadium allowing the expansion of the stadium to have a bit more room for manouvre

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I live in Cotham and we've had an RPZ since December.

I was completely against it, and said many of the things people are on here and opponents in the city generally are now but I must say that it has been brilliant. Before it could take ages to find a space on roads anywhere near ours due to students with 6 cars to a house leaving them in the streets unmoved for whole terms, and commuters coming from outside of the city, taking advantage of free parking close to the centre whilst contributing nothing to Bristol in terms of council tax or parking charges. Now we are able to park close to home and save about an hour a day hunting for somewhere to park.

I realise this may not be a popular opinion on here but I reckon if you asked anyone who now lives in an existing RPZ if it has improved living in the area they would give you an unequivocal yes. I suppose the debate is rather will this work in all of the new proposed RPZs and the impact on small businesses.

And as mentioned above it only runs 9-5 Monday- Friday so would have zero effect on parking for football at AG.

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I said this exact same thing but now I'm happy to pay it just for the loss of hassle trying to park in the same postcode as my house!

Thing is, those commuters will have gone somewhere to park, and if you blanket the whole city, I just can't see it working.

For what it's worth I'm against this scheme, even though the part of Bristol I live in is just outside the proposed area, and also I wouldn't be affected as I have a driveway.

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Thing is, those commuters will have gone somewhere to park, and if you blanket the whole city, I just can't see it working.

For what it's worth I'm against this scheme, even though the part of Bristol I live in is just outside the proposed area, and also I wouldn't be affected as I have a driveway.

I take your point but we pay higher council tax in Bristol than the surrounding areas, if commuters from these areas want to benefit from the employment and leisure opportunities in Bristol then why shouldn't they contribute to the city via parking fees or use the various park and ride schemes rather than rocking up and making people who do pay their council tax here unable to park?

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Totally agree with you both in principle but before the RPZ we often couldn't park within half a mile or more of of home despite paying both taxes!

An extra 57p a week is well worth it, and how else could the problem be solved? Hopefully it will lead to more people using public transport and the gridlock in the city easing too.

I am not George Ferguson btw!

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I take your point but we pay higher council tax in Bristol than the surrounding areas, if commuters from these areas want to benefit from the employment and leisure opportunities in Bristol then why shouldn't they contribute to the city via parking fees or use the various park and ride schemes rather than rocking up and making people who do pay their council tax here unable to park?

So you would agree to paying a tax to leave the city and visit the countryside for example? - after all you do not pay anything to contribute to that area do you whereas those who live there do..

What I mean is ....Where does that argument stop?

(Soz storz - not picking on you in particular...do understand how residents feel)

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So you would agree to paying a tax to leave the city and visit the countryside for example? - after all you do not pay anything to contribute to that area do you whereas those who live there do..

What I mean is ....Where does that argument stop?

(Soz storz - not picking on you in particular...do understand how residents feel)

No bother mate.

I suppose the answer to that question is that there is masses and masses of space to park in the countryside so it's not an issue!

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technically a tax on vehicle emissions - get an electric car (band A) and you won't pay any "road tax."

George Ferguson is right to tackle the congested roads and lack of parking, to go on as we are now is madness. Get the bus or get on your bike.

An neither are attractive.

I got a new job outside of Bristol as the council have made the roads a nightmare, and seem to want to persecute drivers yet more.

Thats at least ¥40 a week East street shops miss out on, as id do my weekly shop for mest abd veg there. Add in all my other spending and thats easily £ 200 put of the Bristol economy a month.

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technically a tax on vehicle emissions - get an electric car (band A) and you won't pay any "road tax."

George Ferguson is right to tackle the congested roads and lack of parking, to go on as we are now is madness. Get the bus or get on your bike.

Electric car you can only do 60 miles in before it needs charging again? And technically the means used to generate the electricity to charge it cause pollutants? So it's still causing emissions, just by different means.

As for using the bus, prices are extortionate, I can't use a bike as I have a knee injury and I need my car for work as I do family support work over a large area of Bristol.

People in power need to stop persecuting car drivers, we already pay a fortune in taxes and petrol etc, and sort the road system out so they run smoother instead.

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Electric car you can only do 60 miles in before it needs charging again? And technically the means used to generate the electricity to charge it cause pollutants? So it's still causing emissions, just by different means.

As for using the bus, prices are extortionate, I can't use a bike as I have a knee injury and I need my car for work as I do family support work over a large area of Bristol.

People in power need to stop persecuting car drivers, we already pay a fortune in taxes and petrol etc, and sort the road system out so they run smoother instead.

Problem is though dolly there are too many cars on the road as it is, like you say the road system cannot support the amount of vehicles there are now. Parking is ridiculous round many inner city areas, and residents parking is a way of trying to get commuters to use public transport. The solution is to put on a viable transport system that people can use, the buses in and around Bristol are shocking, and there is no alternative other than to drive unless you want to pay extortionate train fares. What happened to the idea of trams in Bristol? If there was a decent public service at a reasonable price for getting around I would happily use it. Ferguson needs to bring in better public transport in line with the residents parking, or it will cause more problems than it solves.

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I live outside and it's too far for me to ride

The bus is too expensive so car is the only real option and what was **** trousers answer to that?

I should live closer to my place of work

This man will do more damage in his short time in charge the the entire hung council did in the last 10 years

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