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Cardiif Fans Not Happy Again!


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I appreciate that many will rightly mock our club, but as fellow football fans, I hope some of you will help our fightback by signing the attached petition


Many thanks to any of you that do.

Happy to sign that, in aid of the REAL football fans like yourself, Cardiff or not.
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I appreciate that many will rightly mock our club, but as fellow football fans, I hope some of you will help our fightback by signing the attached petition


Many thanks to any of you that do.

There is a malfunction on that link; it takes me to ladyboys kit designs.com

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That's not true.

Thanks to those who have signed. Much appreciated.

We are all football fans at the end of the day.

Well I stand to be corrected but I cannot find anything before the turn of this year in fact pretty much leading up to our playing you in Cardiff, where you denounce the heretic, your stance was somewhat i'm not happy but what can you do?, methinks the protest is about 18 months too late, just a thought perhaps you were all just waiting for the money before complaining?.

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Clever marketing by Cardiff ( bear with me) the fans don't want red anyway. The owner does, so he stays with red but makes the shorts so hideous and the fans complain.

Then he gives them a vote on what colour shorts they want, all of a sudden the fans think there "winning",

The whole Cardiff City is blue gets forgotten, and the owner is laughing his head off while the suckers vote for a pair of shorts in a colour they don't really want.

Mugs :)

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Clever marketing by Cardiff ( bear with me) the fans don't want red anyway. The owner does, so he stays with red but makes the shorts so hideous and the fans complain.

Then he gives them a vote on what colour shorts they want, all of a sudden the fans think there "winning",

The whole Cardiff City is blue gets forgotten, and the owner is laughing his head off while the suckers vote for a pair of shorts in a colour they don't really want.

Mugs :)

We are in the third division.........playing in red..........Mugs :)

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Yep, that is our colours though, or have I missed something obvious here?

no, just whats the prob, they were in deep shit and this was the only hand offered,....red or dead !

always thought that colour didnt matter, a tad PC maybe.....point is they are in the prem, we as sure as eggs is eggs aint !

i cant see the prob, if the shoe was on the other foot etc etc, not saying playing in blue and white quarters would be exceptable tho,

on a slight veer from your question, on our last visit to baadiff, i was suprised by the "friendly reception"...lost their soul and lost their balls, not the same club, and it will get worse as the season wears on with defeat after defeat

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That's not true.

Thanks to those who have signed. Much appreciated.

We are all football fans at the end of the day.

Well I've signed it. For all Cardiff fans who are feeling the way I know I would if we were going through this. Doesn't mean I like them course I don't they're our local(ish) rivals but that's not the point. There's a much wider issue here.

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no, just whats the prob, they were in deep shit and this was the only hand offered,....red or dead !

always thought that colour didnt matter, a tad PC maybe.....point is they are in the prem, we as sure as eggs is eggs aint !

i cant see the prob, if the shoe was on the other foot etc etc, not saying playing in blue and white quarters would be exceptable tho,

on a slight veer from your question, on our last visit to baadiff, i was suprised by the "friendly reception"...lost their soul and lost their balls, not the same club, and it will get worse as the season wears on with defeat after defeat

Colour doesn't matter? So you wouldn't mind if we changed to blue next season, but had a wicked season and got promoted? Because of course, as you said, colour doesn't matter...

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I appreciate that many will rightly mock our club, but as fellow football fans, I hope some of you will help our fightback by signing the attached petition http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/bluebirds-unite-conserving-ccfcs-identity.html Many thanks to any of you that do.

No your alright, didn't see to many petitions when the cash was waved in your faces last season

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Pretty sure that is the intention. However, most I know - me included - have abstained and emailed the club telling them they won't vote for any strip which includes a red shirt. I don't think they will be able to crow about giving the fans what they want - that being a red shirt with ***** shorts.

Actually every move the club makes to reinforce the rebrand has backfired. Scarfgate and now Shortsgate have both hardened opposition to the rebrand and even fans who weren't overly concerned about the colour switch are now pissed off with the club. Whether it will make any difference is another thing altogether but I expect to see even more blue at home games next season than we did towards the end of the last, and blue was in the majority then. A worldwide TV audience gives plenty of scope for embarrassing the club into realising they made a mistake.

Never a dull moment.

RFG i dont envy you guys, dont hold yer breath, unless the WDA comes to your rescue and buys out that clown, now theres a thought ?

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RFG, I cannot agree that 'blue was in the majority' at your place last season. In Canton, it certainly was before the game against us but in the stadium, it was vastly more red or it certainly looked like it from the away corner!

I reckon so many Johnny come lately's have signed up to the Malaysia band wagon that have no allegiance to the club as it was, your fight to return to your traditional colours is lost.

More's the pity but that's how I see it WTGR.

Who's to say Tan doesn't see this vote as a PR coup and then do exactly what he wants anyway?

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To be fair I said towards the end of last season i.e. after the BHA game and the scarf fiasco. And blue was in the majortiy afterwards, not massively but it was. Have a look at the film of the Charlton promotion game or stills from the same. I expect/hope it will be even more so when we start next season.

One thing I can agree on is that Tan will do exactly as he wants. I think he may struggle to present the vote as a PR coup though. We'll see. As i said, it certainly makes close-season a bit more inetersting.

Do you honestly trust Tan to publish the results of the vote without modifying them for his own benefit? I certainly wouldn't!

I see this happening, Tan calls a press conference and says 'the supporters have backed my original plan to have the most disgusting colour shorts possible with our red shirts'. Meanwhile, absolutely nobody has actually voted for that choice and every single abstention will be twisted by Tan to be a sign of support. He can essentially say whatever he wants and nobody would be any the wiser!

That's how he makes this debacle a PR coup!

This isn't a pop at you or your club, just Tan. He's an odious little man with a very big ego IMO.

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