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Cardiif Fans Not Happy Again!


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RFG, you just cannot escape the fact that your fan base were more interested in getting their grubby hands on Tan's money than your history and culture and now it's a little bit late to be having the yeah but no but conversation.

When Tan took over, nobody but nobody knew anything about this man and where his wealth came from and they know little more now, it is a sad symptom of modern football fans that with foreign owners they only ever ask questions when either things go wrong or when it's already too late, I find it difficult to have any sympathy whatsoever, 3 dodgy owners in a row tells it's own story IMO.

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I can't see how Tan can back down and return to blue as it would be massively embarrassing, especially as he'd be doing it now in front of a world audience.

I do think however that it is going to get increasingly embarrassing for him anyway with large elements of the crowd wearing blue and, as I understand it, other pro-blue stunts being planned. It won'#t look good on TV.

It's hard to see a way out for him other than grinning and bearing it or leaving. Hopefully, he'll either think of a face-saving solution or do the latter.

The way I see it, Cardiff stop wearing blue. The unhappy fans refuse to go. New fans, now you're Premier League, lap up the red shirts and scarves and take your place. Any slight ratio that favoured blue that you've been clinging onto will disappear. Any blue protests will appear insignificant.

By the way, what colour shorts are you voting for?

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To be fair I said towards the end of last season i.e. after the BHA game and the scarf fiasco. And blue was in the majortiy afterwards, not massively but it was. Have a look at the film of the Charlton promotion game or stills from the same. I expect/hope it will be even more so when we start next season.

One thing I can agree on is that Tan will do exactly as he wants. I think he may struggle to present the vote as a PR coup though. We'll see. As i said, it certainly makes close-season a bit more inetersting.

Got to say, although I signed the petition for the sake of, and in solidarity with real football fans, I can't see why there hasn't been a bigger blue protest from your fans.

Why can't people keep wearing their old blue shirts, scarves or whatever and **** the red shirts and leave them on the shelves in the club shop? I'd be really worried that there must already be a lot of 'plastics' infiltrating your club if you can't get a massive majority of blue at your games, given the situation, as Tan really seems to be taking the piss.

Good luck with winning back your club though.

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I didn't, I abstained since all four options meant voting for a red shirt. I did however email the club as follows

"Thank you for your email regarding the new shorts colour, offering the opportunity to vote for one of four alternative strips..

While I think the proposed shorts colour is appalling, I have no intention of voting for any strip which involves a red shirt. I appreciate we arent allowed to have our traditional blue and white strip because red is lucky but I wont be giving you the satisfaction of announcing to the media that you have given the fans what they want, and what they want is a red shirt.

I wont be buying either the shirt or the shorts or anything else associated with the rebrand. Good luck marketing this tat in Malaysia."

Nice one. I hope your fellow fans do likewise.

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No sympathy at all tbh. At the time of the rear and when tan waved all the cash around there was very little protest, now they have taken his cash, reached the prem and suddenly they all want to return to blue. The fact there has been more protests about a darker shade of red than there was over their traditional colours is laughable.

As I see it tan used them, they used tan to get his cash and get to the prem, they are a perfect match and both fans and owners deserve all the embarrassment possible. Both as bad as each other.

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Thank you.

What you've suggested, along with blue songs and other blue stunts in front of the TV cameras, is the most effective way of embarrassing VT IMO. It is picking up momentum. When VT parade around the pitch at the last game he was met with a sea of blue and choruses of "We'll always be blue". At the Play of the Year awards he said something along the lines of "I didn't buy Cardiff City because I am stupid. Do I look stupid?" and was met with a chorus of laughs - look it up on youtube it's hilarious.

Yes of course we'll get more new fans on-board who won't care about the colour. I don't see them as plastics or infiltrators - people like success, it's human nature. Not much we can do about them but at least the older fanbase is stirring at last. I'm actually starting to look forward to the new season a bit now - the whole thing left me a bit cold before.

Good and I genuinely hope it works out RFG. At least you'll have PL cameras crawling all over your matches next year, so will never have a better opportunity to get the media exposure for any protest.

Your lot may be the enemy in our eyes, but the problems you're having are at the root of what's going wrong in football these days. As far as I'm concerned, Cardiff City get my support on this, as we're all football fans in the end.

Disrespecting the club and fans as Tan has done is bang out of order.

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Good and I genuinely hope it works out RFG. At least you'll have PL cameras crawling all over your matches next year, so will never have a better opportunity to get the media exposure for any protest.

Your lot may be the enemy in our eyes, but the problems you're having are at the root of what's going wrong in football these days. As far as I'm concerned, Cardiff City get my support on this, as we're all football fans in the end.

Disrespecting the club and fans as Tan has done is bang out of order.

The problem I and many others have, Cardiff were WELL aware of Tan's intentions but stood passively by until the cheque was cashed and then remembered their indignation.

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The problem I and many others have, Cardiff were WELL aware of Tan's intentions but stood passively by until the cheque was cashed and then remembered their indignation.

I get where you're coming from ESB, but I'm still looking at this as I would feel if it was our club, hence the sympathy from me.

Maybe there should have been a bigger protest from Cardiff fans, but as we don't go to their games, maybe there was more but we just weren't there to see or hear it.

I'm just glad we haven't got that to$$pot in charge of our club, even if they are in the Prem now.

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Thank you.

What you've suggested, along with blue songs and other blue stunts in front of the TV cameras, is the most effective way of embarrassing VT IMO. It is picking up momentum. When VT parade around the pitch at the last game he was met with a sea of blue and choruses of "We'll always be blue". At the Play of the Year awards he said something along the lines of "I didn't buy Cardiff City because I am stupid. Do I look stupid?" and was met with a chorus of laughs - look it up on youtube it's hilarious.

Yes of course we'll get more new fans on-board who won't care about the colour. I don't see them as plastics or infiltrators - people like success, it's human nature. Not much we can do about them but at least the older fanbase is stirring at last. I'm actually starting to look forward to the new season a bit now - the whole thing left me a bit cold before.

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Come on RFg get the pronunciation right.do I rook stupid? He was met with a chorus of raughs-rook it up on you tube its hirarious.get used to it mate he'll have you all talking borrox like this soon.anyway he was never gonna let his team play in brue led is much classier.

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If I've ever given the impression I come here looking for sympathy I apologise. I'm not bothered if you don't believe me but very few Cardiff fans accepted the rebrand because they were greedy for the PL. They did so because VT gave the impression that he would pull out if we didn't. As you lot were very happy to point out at that time, without his money the club would almost certainly have folded. Whether he would have pulled out is a moot point but that was the fear that led to the acceptance of the rebrand.

I think there is a growing feeling that if he pulled out now we are an attractive enough proposition to be bought by someone else. Combine that with his crude attempts to reinforce red and you've got some stirring at last.

Feel free to disagree but that's the position as I see it.

Your first paragraph says it all my friend, if your club was in such a desperate state and the fans harboured such fears, you can hardly expect to move the goalposts now in reality, it really is the ultimate you've made bed scenario. Very much akin to Greece and their 2 subsequent bailouts, they knew the conditions and they knew that the conditions would be unpopular with the electorate, but they also knew the reality if there was no bail out at all.

Also the second paragraph smacks of cake and eating it, thanks for saving us Mr Tan, you've made us more of an attractive proposition, now **** off from whence you came, I find the whole episode and your description somewhat grubby and manipulative.

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I'm enjoying it too. I'm looking forward to supporting the team, having fun at the expense of our clown of an owner. Oh and watching a bit of PL football.

This is kind of why I find it hard to support some of the Cardiff fans making a stand. As you said yourself your not happy with how things have transpired but that won't stop you going to watch the PL footie.

No honor in that for me.

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These idiots came on our forum taking the piece out of us for our shocking season but now they want our help...uhhhhh no?

Especially RFG FFS, in fact his piss taking became quite abusive and now his club owners want the team to play in red silk teddies, he wants our support and sympathy, at least 18 months too late, sleep with dogs eventually you'll get fleas.

**** em.

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Ha, ha, you couldn't make it up!

I bet that the majority of those head tapping saddoes vote for white shorts!

Secretly, they want to be like Bristol City

They wish, they were English!

I am sure I saw Vincent Tan in a City shirt having a Thatchers in the Three Lions the other night singing "Drink up thee Cider"

He hates taffs

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They did so because VT gave the impression that he would pull out if we didn't. As you lot were very happy to point out at that time, without his money the club would almost certainly have folded.

And why would the club have folded without his money?

Because you'd gambled with your s**t or bust attitude for 6 years and every year you failed to make the promised land, getting deeper and deeper in debt and failing to pay your taxes, and yet were given chance after chance after chance by a bumbling court process.

Basically you cheated your way through the last few years (just as we can accuse Portsmouth of cheating their way to an FA Cup win), yet somehow you managed to get away with it and were given umpteen last chance saloons.

Finally, the Malaysian pops over with his bag of cash and you bend over backwards to get him in.

Absolutely no sympathy from me, just as I have no sympathy for Portsmouth. Clubs like yours, who gambled and failed, should have been demoted long before Malaysia horsed one into your backside.

Oh, and no, I'm not signing your petition. I would have had respect for you had you stood up to the Malaysian Megolomaniac this time last year. Whether or not it meant your club would remain troubled - you knew the consequences of taking his money, and those of not taking his money, and you chose to sell-out.

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Well that's made me rethink the whole thing. Cheers.

That's alright I'm not here to blow smoke up your ass I couldn't care less what happens to CCFC we have enough on our plate, but your friends are on here begging for votes like some kind of crap xfactor audition sob story.

Whilst some of their fellow fans couldn't give a crap as long as the get to see Stoke City on a Super Sunday special.

Cry me a river.

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Just found this, a protest march held last Sunday.

fair play to those that protested, all 300 of them!

Only 300 people in a City the size of Cardiff that have any bollox.

Cardiff City supporters marched through the city centre today in protest to the clubs rebranding.

The Keep Cardiff Blue group has accused Malaysian owner Vincent Tan of sweeping away 100 years of history and tradition.

Tan has divided the opinions of bluebirds supporters since changing the home kit to red and altering the club badge.

He is also reportedly preparing the float the club on the Malaysian stock exchange.

A large group of fans peacefully waved banners and chanted were Cardiff City, well always be blue this afternoon as around 300 fans marched from Cardiff Castle to Grangetown.

Their final destination, the Neville pub, was kitted out in blue to show its support for the march.

Sian Branson, 31, organised the march and has supported the club for 15 years.

She said: We wanted this to be a peaceful protest which took place on a non-match day so it wouldnt affect the team - and weve achieved that.

Some of us feel like weve lost our friends and our identity as a result of the rebranding.

I like to think of us as the Cardiff City Conservation Society.

But I dont think Vincent Tan cares about what were doing. Were grateful for getting into the Premiership, but not at the expense of who were are and what we represent.

These people are my family and this was a family fun day. Watch this space for more activities and events from us.

Mrs Branson said people from as far as Gloucester joined the 300-strong KCB group for the march.

She said members of the public were clapping them as they made their way through the city centre.

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And why would the club have folded without his money?

Because you'd gambled with your s**t or bust attitude for 6 years and every year you failed to make the promised land, getting deeper and deeper in debt and failing to pay your taxes, and yet were given chance after chance after chance by a bumbling court process.

Basically you cheated your way through the last few years (just as we can accuse Portsmouth of cheating their way to an FA Cup win), yet somehow you managed to get away with it and were given umpteen last chance saloons.

Finally, the Malaysian pops over with his bag of cash and you bend over backwards to get him in.

Absolutely no sympathy from me, just as I have no sympathy for Portsmouth. Clubs like yours, who gambled and failed, should have been demoted long before Malaysia horsed one into your backside.

Oh, and no, I'm not signing your petition. I would have had respect for you had you stood up to the Malaysian Megolomaniac this time last year. Whether or not it meant your club would remain troubled - you knew the consequences of taking his money, and those of not taking his money, and you chose to sell-out.

Beautifully put, Harry. They want their cake and to eat it.

Sorry, Cardiff fans, but you had your chance last year to make your feelings known when Tan rebranded you and yet you just let it happen. No sympathy from me - only laughter!!

Do you think Tan is a fan of the The Specials or the Beat and that has something to do with your new kit?....

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I think there is a growing feeling that if he pulled out now we are an attractive enough proposition to be bought by someone else. Combine that with his crude attempts to reinforce red and you've got some stirring at last.


So now you've sold your ass in a bid to get to the PL youre looking for the next sugar daddy to come along and buy the club.

I suppose it's effective but grubby.

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