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Albert Gone/ Not Gone (Updated Title)


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Would many boo him if he starts the 1st game?

I hope not - I can't see that he's done anything wrong. He just wants to further his career. The criticism of Maynard seemed to be that he ummed and aahed over signing a new contract and let things get to a point where we couldn't get much money for him. Albert's been clear about his intentions and, as long as he still gives his all if he does stay, I can't see anything to reproach him for.

We've got to be realistic - we're a League One side and players who believe they've a shot of playing in the Premier League will ultimately want to leave - especially if they don't really fit into the manager's way of thinking.

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On his day, we all know how effective AA can be - there is nothing better in football that seeing a flying winger in full flow.

However, possibly wrongly, I genuinly believe that SOD means it when he says the "behaviours" are everything. To the extent, I believe, that he would rather NOT get promoted this season, without improving the general core and ethos of the squad, than have AA take us up single handedly (obviously, far from a certainty) and have us back in the Championship having not improved, changed, or learnt lessons as a squad, rather than relying on a single individual to get us quick fix results.

I certainly see the logic to that - it seems pretty clear we will lose Adomah for nothing next Summer and, if we're straight back into the Championship without improving and without our best player then we'll most likely come right back down again so in two years time we'll be right back here again and no further along than we are now.

If it takes two seasons for us to rebuild for the Championship but we do it properly then in two years time we'll be in the Championship with a chance of being competitive.

Obviously it'd be great if we rebuild properly AND go straight back up - and that's far from impossible - but I think it'd be a mistake to do that whilst relying on a player who's realistically not going to be here after this season. Obviously if Adomah stays then we should use him where we can but think we have to get past the "give the ball to Albert and wait for something to happen" mentality...

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I just think it'd be best for everyone if Albert move on. We'll get a fee, we lose a player from the wage bill who is on big wages but doesn't really fit the new managers philosophy or system and he gets to play at a higher level. Don't get me wrong; he's a great player and I don't get those who criticise him. He might not have the best footballing brain or tactical discipline but for the last couple of years he's been the only player capable of lighting up the pitch for us and that's why he's loved. I just think it's the right time for him to move and to do so with the fans best wishes

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I just think it'd be best for everyone if Albert move on. We'll get a fee, we lose a player from the wage bill who is on big wages but doesn't really fit the new managers philosophy or system and he gets to play at a higher level. Don't get me wrong; he's a great player and I don't get those who criticise him. He might not have the best footballing brain or tactical discipline but for the last couple of years he's been the only player capable of lighting up the pitch for us and that's why he's loved. I just think it's the right time for him to move and to do so with the fans best wishes

Agree, good player but doesn't quite fit in with what SOD is trying to do. He's handed in a transfer request so we're better off selling him and getting some money for him whilst we still can.

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I just think it'd be best for everyone if Albert move on. We'll get a fee, we lose a player from the wage bill who is on big wages but doesn't really fit the new managers philosophy or system and he gets to play at a higher level. Don't get me wrong; he's a great player and I don't get those who criticise him. He might not have the best footballing brain or tactical discipline but for the last couple of years he's been the only player capable of lighting up the pitch for us and that's why he's loved. I just think it's the right time for him to move and to do so with the fans best wishes

oh I agree with you but we shouldn't roll over in the market ether, We have avaluation and we should stick with it

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oh I agree with you but we shouldn't roll over in the market ether, We have avaluation and we should stick with it

Yeah, but if we accept that it's best for all concerned that he leaves then our valuation becomes irrelevant, it is purely down to what the Market will pay. I suspect a lot of our very public messing about with the Wigan bid is to try and draw others into the race. I suspect if thats the case, the board are aware of other parties that are interested in Albert
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Albert has been one of the few glimmers of hope and excitement over the past 3 seasons, but ultimately he hasn't brought us success. Part of this is down to his team mates, although they weren't all bad, and partly down to himself not developing his game like we had hoped.

I'm sure he will do well when he moves, but depending on where is goes he could be fantastic or just another footballer. He needs a good coach to get the best out of him and I don't think all the changes has helped here. Unfortunately for him our change of manager came when he was away for the ACON, I don't think he ever made up that time.

To other clubs we have a player too good for us in league one, and one who has asked for a move. They too can wait, it's whoever blinks first. We've done it to other clubs, I think the days of us paying too much and selling too cheaply are over.

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I can only assume Mr Agent is looking a bit of a **** now.

He got Albert to hand in a transfer request when we had already made it perfectly clear with the right offer he can go, but Mr Agent is left completely red faced because the pile of shit that he has been spoon feeding his client that he is a wanted man, turns out that nobody is seriously interested in buying him.

You have to wonder how these people manage to convince players that they are above the intelligence of a goldfish when signing them up. Where does the agent go from here, getting Albert to ask for a new improved contract perhaps just so he can save face? Parasites.

How do you know that? Have you been in on any meetings? I'm getting pretty fed-up of people blaming agents when it suits them. Just suck it up and take it on the chin that Albert wants a move.

Do people seriously believe that Albert will just do what is agent says? Seriously? Just because you've got posters of him on the wall doesn't make it ok to make excuses for him. Albert wants to leave of his own good will. Deal with it.

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