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Gas Overload...


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When most of your mates growing up were gas with them taking coaches from the Wingrove in Keynsham and us taking a car load then be under no illusion they are very much the enemy and losing to them is sheer hell. I'm 50 so if I'm over reacting to getting them in the JPT then so be it but I hate the Gas more than any team in existence and after they celebrated 82 believe me I savour every chance we get to shut them up. I respect those who support their local team and that includes the gas but beyond that I hope they lose every game. SOD will understand the fans passion for this and Cardiff get no where near lose to this rivalry!!!

I know exactly where you're coming from on this. The younger ones who missed all that just don't get that the rivalry doesn't die because you happen to be in different divisions.

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There is nothing like a Bristol Derby and this will be totally seen by the attendance for the game in 2 weeks time.For 90 minutes families will be split, friends will be enemies, most schools,pubs and workplaces will have banter and the result will have an influence over the entire season and probably last until the next local derby when bragging rights can be contested again.I will be very surprised if the game isn't close to a sell out for both sides and this for a tin pot trophy that "nobody cares about" until the Final.You will start as the Favourites of two sides who will both be on the young side compared to previous battles and very few of the players in both sides will have experienced the passion of the event or the effects a good performance can have on their career.To be honest in our present form it is the last thing I could do with as a supporter and was hoping upon hope that we would draw Torquay or Wycombe at home or even Portsmouth but now its been drawn bring it on and anybody who says they are not interested then all I can say is they are just making excuses for themselves in case they lose because I can assure you that for any true blue or red defeat is unthinkable at this time and on the night tensions and passion will transform everybody in the ground.The Bristol Derby can stand up there with the best- Manchester, Glasgow, Sheffield, Liverpool stand aside...this is Bristol's FA Cup Final.

Think that last line would raise an eyebrow or two up in those big northern cities. Was it 1979, when the Sheff derby set a record attendance for Div 3, 49,000 or something? Biggest crowd I've been in for us at Eastville/ Trump/et al is 14,800, years ago. Been to a couple of Glasgow derbies, seen more blokes lined up in the street pissing the lager oot their bladders than Rovs bring to ours. Also attended Man U/ Liverpool way back. Much as I love this place, and all that, it's not a football town like the above mentioned. Not that you needed me to tell you that. Been too long in the lower leagues, that one. Distorts the faculties, perhaps. Guess coming to ours gives them that inkling of what a big(ish) game is like.

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