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Fontaine Abused In Portishead


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For once, I agree with you TMOR. No matter how poorly you think one of our team are playing you achieve nothing by 'having a word' when they are off duty -other than making yourself look a dick.


It's one thing expressing our opinions on here and to our mates in the pub because we're fans and that's what we do. But we have no right to be stopping a player in the street and start 'questioning' him! Because at the end of the day even if they are playing shit they have 100 times the football knowledge and ability any of us have and anyone on here who thinks otherwise is deluded, truly!

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If true then it's nothing short of disgraceful. I have been one of his biggest critics over the last few years believe me but under no circumstances is this acceptable.

The sad thing is they probably thought they were 'die hards' for doing it and couldn't wait to run back to they're mates and give it the big one. Who do these chavy little ***** think they are? They must have about one brain cell between them.

These idiots are not real fans anyway. Seriously what on earth has society become? In what walk of life is it acceptable to verbally abuse a man in the street when he is with his son? More worryingly what on earth is going through those numb skulls's minds that makes them believe it to be acceptable? Poorly educated doesn't cut it.

I was far from the most switched on or considerate teenager about in my day but never in a million years would I have even contemplated abusing a player of the team I support in public, let alone when with family.

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I didn't know if I should post this, but I'll post it anyway to gauge reaction.

I just drove past Marlon Pack. Did you know he wasn't black? Anyway, he was on his way home from getting a ticket for the jpt game, but he was turn't away as they had 4 in the queue. Apparently Marlon Harewood has a massive forehead which is racist. This in turn has slowed the ticket system down... He was with his son.


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Many "words" have been written on here about this player and other players, really how do you think that makes them and their families think/feel?

No doubt there are some post instances of "would you say that to whoever, if you meet them in the street" well seems like someone has IF this post is true.

Some should remember this is a worldwide forum and words written on it should have a tiny bit of respect included in them. :mafia:

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I didn't know if I should post this, but I'll post it anyway to gauge reaction.

I just drove past Marlon Pack. Did you know he wasn't black? Anyway, he was on his way home from getting a ticket for the jpt game, but he was turn't away as they had 4 in the queue. Apparently Marlon Harewood has a massive forehead which is racist. This in turn has slowed the ticket system down... He was with his son.


Humour is meant to be funny...

Bravo at least you tried ."Ir's the process not the result that matters.We should n 't criticise if someone makes a mistake when trying to do the right thing "

Saint Sean

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if true this is just so wrong.

But what have we got as usual, an unsubstantiated story, one sanctimonious poster telling us before it even happens what he thinks of any poster who might post saying it's ok (no shit) and another poster speculating on Fontaine's personal life, well I bet that might just hurt him as much as any unwelcomed abuse in front of his son.

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Humour is meant to be funny...

Bravo at least you tried ."Ir's the process not the result that matters.We should n 't criticise if someone makes a mistake when trying to do the right thing "

Saint Sean

Oh bore off poppet. This site is so shite now. Anyway, enjoy your mothers meetings and talking about utter bullshite that someone has made up.

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On the pitch, footballers are generally fair game, although the dog's abuse that some receive almost before the whistle has been blown to start the match is unwarranted - we are, after all meant to be supporters not character assassins.

Off of the pitch, with or without their families, footballers are human beings with feelings and should be allowed to go about their business without abuse.

Completely agree with all of this Rudolf.

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I saw what you wrote before you deleted it and your wrong.

Anyone abusing a Dad in front of his kids is bang out of order and in my book a low life ****.

quite right mate-these characters will trip up spectacularly with their attitude at some point..well done to Liam for keeping cool.
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well if Fonts reads this thread iam certain this will help him realise that we are decent folk on here and the majority are with him and willing him to get his mojo back.

we love you Fontaine we do

we love you Fontaine we do

dont milk it.we accept what happend is wrong and he dealt with it well..end of.
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He should have beat the crap out of them.

He would have been better off handing his son his jacket, cracking his knuckles and danced the Ali shuffle while pulverising their spotty faces with the Font hammer. Respect earned from Font Jnr and Liam would feel he could take on his BCFC demons. Happy ending to a sad tale.

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He should have beat the crap out of them.

He would have been better off handing his son his jacket, cracking his knuckles and danced the Ali shuffle while pulverising their spotty faces with the Font hammer. Respect earned from Font Jnr and Liam would feel he could take on his BCFC demons. Happy ending to a sad tale.

here is an idea perhaps you should try growing up

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