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Gregory Goodridge


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I remember a late winner versus Preston I think in 97/98, dreadful game then he cut in from the touch line and mullered it into the roof of the net from an acute angle. Always thought it was significant as it kept up a run of wins which became about 8 in the end I think - putting us in the top 2 which we never left.

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A few memories of him (and others) here:


Oh god, forgot all about Hutchings -

I miss Murray with his runs, how many times did the opposition get a shot on goal, the keeper throws it out to Murray deep in our half, and the opposition players jogging back from their attack look up to see Murray bombing down the pitch, already 30-40 yards away, no chance to catch him, relying on 3-4 defenders who are stretched as they have to contend with him and are attackers bearing down on them like a chariot from hell.

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A few memories of him (and others) here:


I can remember that game like it was yesterday... I loved that season.

Someone said we sacked John Ward... he walked and left us in the shit.

Benny did his best for us... we had a real 'together' feeling that year.

I've never understood the big 'love in' with John Ward... he's good at looking like he cares... I remember him walking around the stands shaking fans hands... you should here the things he said about us after leaving... heard it from the horses mouth at Cheltenham Cricket festival...people would have a different view of him if they had heard.

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Spudski's right, Ward walked. Him being sacked is a modern myth. I recall he agreed to have some experienced help brought but didn't get the man he wanted and ended up with Benny instead. He threw his toys out of the pram and left Benny to try and do his best.

I recall we played some really progressive football under Benny, made some interesting signings and brought on some youth. The real travesty was his departure.

Regardless that video features a lot of players I really liked back then - young Doherty, young Murray Goodridge, Cramb etc.

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Very hit and miss player. Some of his shooting was the worst I've ever seen. But then he was still one of my favourite players.

I have a very vague memory of walking behind the Atyeo before a game and seeing him drive much too fast into the players car park and crash into the wall behind it.

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Talking about how bad his shooting could be reminded me of a competition at half-time where a City fan and an away fan used to shoot at the Atyeo goal from the half-way line. Goodridge was warming up and for a laugh ran up behind the fan who was ready to shoot and hoofed the ball at what I think he imagined was the goal. The ball skewed off his foot and ended up going over the corner flag between Atyeo and Dolman. Kind of summed him up but it was a joy to behold watching him run at defenders, sometimes with the ball still at his feet and sometimes without.

Happy Days!

I think Sammy Mason may have presented the half-time games. Massive PR disaster for the club she was. It was cringeworthy when the whole crowd booed her for being so irritating.

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