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Staff Not Just Useless But Clueless Aswell !


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They've bought a different system in, so that straightforward scan-your-own machinery -expensively installed only a few years ago - no longer works.

If I was the club's ticketing "project manager" I'd be making noises about suing the outsourced provider of the crap new system.

Do we know who the outsourced provider is? Companies that I've worked for would have usually had huge penalty clauses against them for failing to deliver. The clauses were so high we dare not fail to deliver the system. Surely the club has similar clauses in place (perhaps not!) or maybe the outsourced provider was a mate and the contract awarded on the golf course or in the pub.

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They've bought a different system in, so that straightforward scan-your-own machinery -expensively installed only a few years ago - no longer works.

If I was the club's ticketing "project manager" I'd be making noises about suing the outsourced provider of the crap new system.

But the scanning kit remains - just taped over (in the Dolman at least). Time to go back to the previous supplier an take the financial hit?
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I have never felt so disengaged with the people who are being well paid for the privelige of running what used to be a wonderful football club, I just feel so helpless and that the club has somehow been occupied by hostile forces who are intent on destroying it! oh for a modern day harry dolman. a Bristolian who understood football, treated the fans with respect and loved the club! he must be spinning in his grave! I just despair at what is being allowed to happen to us!

And an engineer and pioneer in automated systems. He wouldn't have specified, ordered, accepted or paid for this pile of foetid dingo's kidneys.

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But the scanning kit remains - just taped over (in the Dolman at least). Time to go back to the previous supplier an take the financial hit?

That would be the ideal solution but it would mean the club management admitting that it got it wrong. Can you seriously see that happening?

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How Dave l keeps his job is simple! this clueless bunch need s apologist to peddle their b/s ,and link our so say listening club (joke )withthe fans, aalthough after his smug sarcastic post v wolves he seems to have gone quiet!

You do wonder how a script writer and part time actor qualifies as a fans liaison officer, but then I guess it matters not if the owner is willing to put his wet behind the ears son straight out of uni and work experience at HL into such a powerful position.

It really is laughable. What other club or company would be run so unprofessionally?

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The biggest question to me

How on earth does Dave l keep his job?

To be fair this has nothing to do with DL all he is, is a liasion between the likes of you and me and the club.

Yes he can moan at whoever it is at the club about all of us moaning, but he alone cant do anything to improve the situation, only make sure those that can know about it.

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Mentioned it elsewhere but close to kick off yesterday they opened up one of the last turnstiles in the dolman, few of us dived into that queue, first lad haded over his ticket twin blokes behind the fence with a scanner and literally neither of them had a clue how to use it, after a minute of trying and failing to scan they just go, oh let him through, next person, exactly the same thing, then me....another minute waiting, still can't get a single season ticket to scan, the blokes say, think there is something wrong with your ST.....my reply of, "yeah it's called a two blokes being unable to use a scanner" with that I'm let through and my mate behind is Prompty waved straight though and with that people just start flowing through the turnstile without checks. The older of the steward then comes out the booth ranting to his mate and I quote.... "it didnt work in training, what makes them think it will work on a matchday"

So the question is....who is actually taking responsiblity for this continued farce. Seems like nobody within the club has a clue what they are doing.

Thank you. That's the information for which I've been fishing since last Tuesday. They tested it, it didn't work and they still went live with it.

As far as I can see, the club is operating outside the terms of its public safety licence, and should not be allowed to stage games until there is an effective ticketing and admission system in place. Harsh, but better than a disaster caused by overcrowded stands and fans without tickets.

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This might produce a wry grin.

I went to the Green4Solutions web page and it was Down for maintenance.

Permit me to say :argh:

Typical, what I really don't understand aizoon is why the club started using this ridiculously monotonous system anyway, when we had a perfectly good one in place! After 3 league games its clear the new system isn't going to work, its time to sack green for solutions off and get back to the old providers, or it will be at the cost of losing more fans! I was walking past the dolman as the teams came out yesterday and there were massive ques, there was a large boo from most people and I don't blame them. The club have come out and said they have learned from their mistakes, clearly not.

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I dont often vent about staff on here but ive had enough now

So myself and my daughter arrived at the Atyeo turnstiles and made our way to the front of the line, handed over our ST's and guess what they woudn't scan AGAIN !

However this time the guy refuses entry and says I need to go back out and see and I quote "The man in the yellow jacket" not to many of them milling around doing nothing is there !

As it happens though the one I wanted was easy to find as he had a que all of his own.

The poor guy infront of me had a little child in his arms and was holding an "at home printed ticket" that woudn't scan on this blokes scanner, so was told to trundle over to the ticket office and see what could be done, the guy said you have to be joking its near KO and there is sure to be a cue.

Dont worry was the response if there is a que come back and I will let you in anyway ! [Why the **** not just let the guy in anwyay?]

My go next so he takes the 2 ST's from us and tries scanning them, mine goes through fine this time but my daughters wont, so he holds on to both of them and im told to return to the ticket office before Tuesday to get new ones.

But dont worry he says I will do you a favour and let you in this time.... :laugh: do me a favour, im now feeling like i should swing for this silly little man !

So I ask for a receipt for the two tickets, "no i cant do that he says" well i say I will have my tickets back and exchange them on tuesday in said office " no i cant do that he says" now im really getting pissed off, and he can see it. the gate is opened and im ushered into the ground and reminded of what a favour im getting.

I shit you not what a shambles

So now i have no ST's and no way of proving I havent lost them etc, I suspect everything will be fine and new ones issued Tue but this ticket shambles really isnt get much better even after all the promises.

And if staff are removing something from you even if it remains the property of BCFC which no doubt it does then a receipt should be given.



The people on the turnstiles have no power anymore. They can't give you a ticket or let you pay to come in, they are slaves to the pathetic technology that has been installed this year. I feel sorry for them as mine said he thought the system was as sh*t as I did and that he was embarrassed,

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But the scanning kit remains - just taped over (in the Dolman at least). Time to go back to the previous supplier an take the financial hit?

We shouldn't have to take a financial hit to return to the old system as the new kit isn't fit for purpose.

Sack the current 'Ticket Project Manager', sue the b******s off Green4Solutions and move on ASAP.

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Ml porter, its pretty obvious that either DL isn't telling the board about the fans concerns or more likely he is but their not taking a blind bit of notice, if we had a board who understood the buisness they were in, understood football, understood football fans, and showed some kind of love and passion for the club instead of constantly uttering corporate gobbly gook then their would be no need to throw money down the drain on employing a errand boy to spin the boards line to the fans!

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No issues for me with tickets - but that's the problem. Entered the Dolman and no one even looked at, let alone scanned my ST. I could have been using last year's ticket for all they knew.

The scan facilities from prev seasons seem to still be there so why can't they be used again?

The old system worked like a credit card and had a chip in it - that made it easy to use as if you bought a ticket online for example for cup game it was just credited to your card - now if you buy any cup match tickets you have to print off a ticket or go to the club and collect it from the office which is a huge backwards step.

I was hoping in the new AG they would move the ticket turnstyles to the Main entrances to the site so you then have a large area to mingle in, get something to eat / drink - sit / walk around in. The oyster system in London for example would have been a good system to emulate


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Hang on, we might be unfair on Green4Solutions. I searched on that name and "failure" expecting a string of horror stories. In fact, the only ones that popped up were from OTIB!

They seen to have done well at Cardiff City, the SA Premier League and Seattle Sounders. I've tweeted this:

@Green4Solutions Why's the ticketing system at Bristol City FC a shambles when it seems to work elsewhere? Cardiff city seem happy with it.

Maybe the problem lies with the system specification or with the untrained gorillas employed to implement it at the Gate?

I will keep digging.

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Hang on, we might be unfair on Green4Solutions. I searched on that name and "failure" expecting a string of horror stories. In fact, the only ones that popped up were from OTIB!

They seen to have done well at Cardiff City, the SA Premier League and Seattle Sounders. I've tweeted this:

@Green4Solutions Why's the ticketing system at Bristol City FC a shambles when it seems to work elsewhere? Cardiff city seem happy with it.

Maybe the problem lies with the system specification or with the untrained gorillas employed to implement it at the Gate?

I will keep digging.

Probably we went for the cheap option!
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The old system worked like a credit card and had a chip in it - that made it easy to use as if you bought a ticket online for example for cup game it was just credited to your card - now if you buy any cup match tickets you have to print off a ticket or go to the club and collect it from the office which is a huge backwards step.

I was hoping in the new AG they would move the ticket turnstyles to the Main entrances to the site so you then have a large area to mingle in, get something to eat / drink - sit / walk around in. The oyster system in London for example would have been a good system to emulate

Indeed. Who in their right mind is going to go through the whole shambolic process at half time for crap food and drink

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Probably we went for the cheap option!

Could be. In 2013 having a person holding a scanner to manually wave it at a barcode on a card is crazy. This type of technology is years out of date and for an entry system at a stadium is complete inadequate as it is just too slow.

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"Cheap" should mean no whistles and bells, not total failure. Trust me - I design and implement software for a living.

I know, cheap should still work. As I have said many times it should never have gone live. I have worked in hundreds of it system role outs, and yes there maybe small things that are forgotten and never put through UAT, but for the main purpose of the system to fail. .... unheard of going live. Truly shocking.

Am I right in thinking that someone said the scanners were 2nd hand? If that is true?

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Hang on, we might be unfair on Green4Solutions. I searched on that name and "failure" expecting a string of horror stories. In fact, the only ones that popped up were from OTIB!

They seen to have done well at Cardiff City, the SA Premier League and Seattle Sounders. I've tweeted this:

@Green4Solutions Why's the ticketing system at Bristol City FC a shambles when it seems to work elsewhere? Cardiff city seem happy with it.

Maybe the problem lies with the system specification or with the untrained gorillas employed to implement it at the Gate?

I will keep digging.

Perhaps we were flogged Cardiff's old and broken system .

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