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Staff Not Just Useless But Clueless Aswell !


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Our club is being destoyed and long-suffering fans are constantly ignored and treated with utter contempt.

Aye. They don't reply to letters or email. They really just don't give a shit.

Can't wait until they all bugger of and I can go down the gate again. But these wasters will never ever have one more penny of my money. I can't stand their little game of playing football club owners. It is what they have done for years. Hot air, no plans, years of broken promises and no direction. Then the final nail, drop in some wet behind the ears son to run it and let him bring in some of his cronies, while sitting back in Guernsey, taking in the adulation of the masses who can't see he is wrecking the club.

I am sure he is in it for the thee power trip and adulation rather than the good of the club.

How he can have the balls to start investing in other bristol sport when he can't get it right with city, god only knows. I feel sorry for Bristol.

The sooner the Lansdown's are gone, the better. Just can't see it happening. Too many people are taken in by their continuing half truths and broken promises.

I would like to see how many of SL's promises have come to fruition! Should make interesting reading

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Hence my question about having spoken to them about it. I go to watch both teams too and I have good and bad experiences, as I do in many restaurants and stores. It doesn't make them crap! I can bet you hardly ever buy anything though but still continue to moan though.

Well, of course I bloody don't! Even hedgehogs learn what not to eat! When I go to Nevil Road, I dap down to the Sportsman for lunch and/or tea. It's a bit less easy at the Gate.

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Dolly Marie was assured by DL ks uncle tom cobleigh and all that the practise of checking tickets at the bottom of the e.e.steps would be stopped! far from this happening ks is now attempting to spin the fact that they have gone back on their promise as the club trying to help fans who are apparently incapable of entering the right stans! if people like him weren't ripping the club apart it would be almost funny!

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Well, of course I bloody don't! Even hedgehogs learn what not to eat! When I go to Nevil Road, I dap down to the Sportsman for lunch and/or tea. It's a bit less easy at the Gate.

You happily buy a burger from the unaudited chip van or Clarksville pies who not so long ago failed audits though! Enjoy!

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I didn't buy an ST this season because I'm unsure of working arrangements (I'm looking to change job). But what on earth was even wrong with the old scanning system? It did the job it was supposed to. You could slot in your ST or ticket in the turnstile scanner and voila! It was quick and it was easy, why change a winning formula?

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Not sure if it has been mentioned elsewhere, but the Peterborough fans were turning up trying to pay cash on the turnstiles, as they would have done every season before this one. Nothing was mentioned on their website about the changes, because presumably BCFC never told them. Anyway, having been told they had to queue at the Williams ticket Office to buy a ticket, they returned to the turnstiles with bought tickets, which wouldnt scan because they were for the HOME Wedlock Stand. I kid you not, supporters in Blue shirts being sold home tickets. So even the Ticket Office staff don't have f...kin clue.

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Not sure if it has been mentioned elsewhere, but the Peterborough fans were turning up trying to pay cash on the turnstiles, as they would have done every season before this one. Nothing was mentioned on their website about the changes, because presumably BCFC never told them. Anyway, having been told they had to queue at the Williams ticket Office to buy a ticket, they returned to the turnstiles with bought tickets, which wouldnt scan because they were for the HOME Wedlock Stand. I kid you not, supporters in Blue shirts being sold home tickets. So even the Ticket Office staff don't have f...kin clue.

WOW that just about sums it all up dosn't it

A Shambles from top to bottom !

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Not sure if it has been mentioned elsewhere, but the Peterborough fans were turning up trying to pay cash on the turnstiles, as they would have done every season before this one. Nothing was mentioned on their website about the changes, because presumably BCFC never told them. Anyway, having been told they had to queue at the Williams ticket Office to buy a ticket, they returned to the turnstiles with bought tickets, which wouldnt scan because they were for the HOME Wedlock Stand. I kid you not, supporters in Blue shirts being sold home tickets. So even the Ticket Office staff don't have f...kin clue.


If it wasn't City, you wouldn't believe it :grr:

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You have to hand it to the club really. They are doing all they can to try and make sure that people have other things to criticise rather than the manager or the players.

Cunning plan, as as cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxoford University

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Same assumptions as everyone else on here. Because that seems to be a common theme that those greasy burgers that have no meat in them are nice but actually probably cost less and are sold for the same if not more!

Apology, please. I have never said any such thing and you have no right to make any such assumption about me.

By the way, do you work for Lindley's? You're the first person to speak up for them since I've been on this group. That's a question, by the way, not an unfounded assumption.

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I see that Kevin Smith has responded on twitter "let down by systems". I do not know what this means, it would be like a murderer blaming the gun or a speeding driver blaming the car. How exactly can you be let down by systems, they are not living things with a mind of their own, they are inanimate objects created to your own or one of your teams specifications. If they don't work they are not letting you down they are representing the quality of your own specification, testing and implementation.

The bit I find really incredible is even if it worked, what level of oversight has been used to change from a passive system (RFID in card, pushed into proximity device) to an active system (human being has to take ticket and scan, which requires a degree of accuracy) which surely must add a minimum of 5 seconds to every entry in a location of significant crowd flow. These are not simple things you can just play about with processes on and expect no impact. A change can and has radically altered crowd flow.

It's not rocket science but it does require a degree of intelligence to plan, which obviously is and continues to be missing.

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Apology, please. I have never said any such thing and you have no right to make any such assumption about me.

By the way, do you work for Lindley's? You're the first person to speak up for them since I've been on this group. That's a question, by the way, not an unfounded assumption.

No I don't and no apology required. It was an assumption based on the same general info as everyone else on here makes a statement. Also based on the fact that I think burger vans, donner kebabs etc are not nice options and nor do I like lindley pies. I just don't buy them.

What I find frustrating on here is that a lot of comments are followed by the word " fact" when actually it is someone expressing an opinion. You're smart enough to know the difference.

Whilst I don't like a lot of what is happening there are obviously just reasons for all the changes and they simply haven't worked as planned. Whilst they have time to test things between matches they simply don't have the opportunity to "run live" and make immediate corrections with the infrequency of matches. Shops, airlines etc are open at reasonable capacity everyday and can make such changes. Same thing with staff. Whilst the staff have an opinion on what's not working they should show more loyalty and support the club with appropriate responses to fans and not be saying "it didn't work in training" etc. That's an easy response which doesn't help in the long term. More common sense is required but I'm sure you will agree kids these days lack that and initiative. And it's something you can't teach.

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Take the Atyeo Stand as an example. The four turnstiles at the shop end have fixed scanners, very similar to last seasons. Ok, the STs have to be removed from their wallets, and the cards have to go in sideways as opposed to longways, but people will get used to that as time goes on, in fact i would have expected them to know these facts by now after 3 games. That aside, they work very well, and there are no queues at this end of the stand, even ten minutes before kick off. Now, compare that to the opposite end of the stand, at the Dolman end, and the queues are huge because of the hand held scanners which very often do not read anything. But the overiding fact is that even when the hand held scanners work perfectly well on a ticket, it takes at least twice, maybe three times as long per person, to get the ticket scanned and entry gained to the fixed scanners. The club must realise that it has to bite the bullet and do two things. One is to install fixed readers into all 43 turnstiles and do away with the hand helds, and the other is to raise the number of turnstile staff from 30 up to 36, which would ensure the Dolman is fully manned at all games, not just the big ones. Last season we had 43 stiles open, and this was cut to 30 for financial reasons this season, with dire consequences. The big games against Wolves and Rovers meant having more staff, but the problems then were the faulty bar codes, which believe it or not are slowly being sorted. Only those dreaded e tickets are posing a problem now, but that will be sorted very soon, possibly even with that option taken away completely.

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name="Aizoon" post="1873023" timestamp="1379256150"]

Apology, please. I have never said any such thing and you have no right to make any such assumption about me.

By the way, do you work for Lindley's? You're the first person to speak up for them since I've been on this group. That's a question, by the way, not an unfounded assumption.

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Not sure if it has been mentioned elsewhere, but the Peterborough fans were turning up trying to pay cash on the turnstiles, as they would have done every season before this one. Nothing was mentioned on their website about the changes, because presumably BCFC never told them. Anyway, having been told they had to queue at the Williams ticket Office to buy a ticket, they returned to the turnstiles with bought tickets, which wouldnt scan because they were for the HOME Wedlock Stand. I kid you not, supporters in Blue shirts being sold home tickets. So even the Ticket Office staff don't have f...kin clue.

That is staggering but so unsurprising.

City players were out delivering season tickets the night before the campaign started. Jordan Wynter delivered mine, my daughter's and my father-in-law. Lovely bloke and really nice staff. I didn't have the heart to tell them that I'd actually managed to track down the to a previous address. The club had the right address when I purchased them but for some reason the computer had used part of an address from 8 years ago.

Anyway, the irony was that after the club doing a great PR job delivering tickets I didn't need them anyway because the system in the Dolman crashed and they just opened the gates and everybody just walked straight in.

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I dont often vent about staff on here but ive had enough now

So myself and my daughter arrived at the Atyeo turnstiles and made our way to the front of the line, handed over our ST's and guess what they woudn't scan AGAIN !

However this time the guy refuses entry and says I need to go back out and see and I quote "The man in the yellow jacket" not to many of them milling around doing nothing is there !

As it happens though the one I wanted was easy to find as he had a que all of his own.

The poor guy infront of me had a little child in his arms and was holding an "at home printed ticket" that woudn't scan on this blokes scanner, so was told to trundle over to the ticket office and see what could be done, the guy said you have to be joking its near KO and there is sure to be a cue.

Dont worry was the response if there is a que come back and I will let you in anyway ! [Why the **** not just let the guy in anwyay?]

My go next so he takes the 2 ST's from us and tries scanning them, mine goes through fine this time but my daughters wont, so he holds on to both of them and im told to return to the ticket office before Tuesday to get new ones.

But dont worry he says I will do you a favour and let you in this time.... :laugh: do me a favour, im now feeling like i should swing for this silly little man !

So I ask for a receipt for the two tickets, "no i cant do that he says" well i say I will have my tickets back and exchange them on tuesday in said office " no i cant do that he says" now im really getting pissed off, and he can see it. the gate is opened and im ushered into the ground and reminded of what a favour im getting.

I shit you not what a shambles

So now i have no ST's and no way of proving I havent lost them etc, I suspect everything will be fine and new ones issued Tue but this ticket shambles really isnt get much better even after all the promises.

And if staff are removing something from you even if it remains the property of BCFC which no doubt it does then a receipt should be given.



Send a grumpy email and real mail to the ticket office it's all you can do, then if your still not dealt with escalate it through the courts. Its the only way they will learn.

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Thank you. That's the information for which I've been fishing since last Tuesday. They tested it, it didn't work and they still went live with it.

As far as I can see, the club is operating outside the terms of its public safety licence, and should not be allowed to stage games until there is an effective ticketing and admission system in place. Harsh, but better than a disaster caused by overcrowded stands and fans without tickets.

Yes. I was laughing at the 'new system' when entering the Dolman. The steward i spoke to said just as much, but also said the aim is for it to work properly in 2-3 games time. Staggering that apparently we will be going through this well into October, assuming it actually even works!!

Well we have weeks before games, weeks!! How hard can it be to put in systems and test them!!!! INCOMPETENCE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM!!! If i did this so consistently badly in my job, well, i dont think i'd have a job!!

We used to say the players had a 'jobs for the boys' feeling. Stuff that, job for the boys on the Board of Directors i think!! And these chaps are supposed to be guiding us forward, and cant even get this right.

Dont even start me on the 'lumps' they employ as stewards. Hitler-esque, all around. UNBELIEVABLE!!

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Mentioned it elsewhere but close to kick off yesterday they opened up one of the last turnstiles in the dolman, few of us dived into that queue, first lad haded over his ticket twin blokes behind the fence with a scanner and literally neither of them had a clue how to use it, after a minute of trying and failing to scan they just go, oh let him through, next person, exactly the same thing, then me....another minute waiting, still can't get a single season ticket to scan, the blokes say, think there is something wrong with your ST.....my reply of, "yeah it's called a two blokes being unable to use a scanner" with that I'm let through and my mate behind is Prompty waved straight though and with that people just start flowing through the turnstile without checks. The older of the steward then comes out the booth ranting to his mate and I quote......"it didnt work in training, what makes them think it will work on a matchday"

So the question is....who is actually taking responsiblity for this continued farce. Seems like nobody within the club has a clue what they are doing.

This made me laugh, It has all the makings of a great tv comedy series.

Please let me know when it comes to air so as I can download it .

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. I didn't have the heart to tell them that I'd actually managed to track down the to a previous address. The club had the right address when I purchased them but for some reason the computer had used part of an address from 8 years ago.

I took over my dad's ST when he died in 2003 yet despite various calls, emails and even a letter, correspondence from the club always turns up at his house. Until recently, we had sales sorts from the club ringing up and asking for him.

If they can't go into a database and simply change an address what hope is there.

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2014/2015 season BCFC announcement: We are pleased to announce a new catering deal with Aizoon and Horace Catering Ltd who will be offering a range of hedgehog friendly food such as slug pie, worm hot dog and teas and coffees (made from dirt and mud) ;)

Fantastic news - thanks for the heads up Welcome To The Jungle. This menu will undoubtedly be a vast improvement over the range and quality which has been offered to date. :clapping:

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Don't blame the matchday staff.

All trying their hardest with s*** equipment and no back up.

To everyone who posts complaints on OTIB, you should write, e-mail or phone your complaints to the club, it's the only way anyone will take any notice.

Exactly-why aren't they being backed up/supported by their team leaders/ supervisors who should be then communicating with and being backed up/supported by their manger/s..??..seems that those above them either are not capable of delivering adequate training,dealing with snags/troubleshooting or maybe lack the motivation/self discipline to do the very best they can..a pattern seems to be emerging!!
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