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Booing A Disgrace


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What a disgrace booing half and full time . I get that we're all frustrated me included , I get we pay hundreds of pounds every year, I get we pay our cash so are entitled to boo but what does it achieve ?? All we do is take away confidence from players who are scared to make a decision on the pitch with fear of making a mistake and getting groans from the crowd. Several times players were damned if they did or did not last night. No one could fault the effort of the players it just ain't happening at the moment but we got to stick with them. Granted the manager dies not help himself with certain comments but like it or not he is the manager end of!

Get off there backs or sod off and don't bother coming ! Real fans NEVER boo there team

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Booing is not enough as it seems to make no difference. People boo cus we are playing badly, after the booing the players continue to play badly.

I say we fill up empty bottles with piss and throw it at them as they come off at half time or at full time. Better still do it when they warm up at the start of the game to let them know another shocking performance will not be tolerated.

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It was pretty embarassing to be honest, especially seeing Flint react by trying to gee up the crowd and then get booed louder. Shows BCFC fans for the - in general - bunch of moronic thickos we are. Brand new team, changed financial constraints, but yeah let's all boo our new team because it's been 7 games without a win, even though we've only lost 3 (all three being against teams that have started excellently, and two out of those three by just one goal). And don't bring out that last season crap, it's irrelevant in the context of what's happening now. No one is booing because we were crap last season.

Don't you know, we're BRISTOL CITY and we should walk this league. Let's face it if something hasn't worked in a few weeks it's obviously shit and we may as well sack the manager, you know, to create that feeling of stability we've been moaning we haven't had for years. And you know, Wolves and Posh are doing well so by law and by rights, we should be up there too. Leyton Orient? Never heard of them. They have 21 points, we're BRISTOL CITY and we should have at least 22 I reckon.

Joke fans at times.

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REAL fans. Hahaha, you joker.

If the club insist on football being "entertainment", and that's what they keep branding, even with the "let us entertain you" billboards, then I think I'm in my right to boo if I'm not getting my money's worth. How else are the fans supposed to get their points across? Maybe a love chant to some classical music of "excuse me sir, I spend a lot of money at this club, any chance old boy we can start winning" will do?

I also think you've missed the point slightly too, I think the booing is also some pent up frustration on how the club has been run as a whole (with ticketing issues etc). I for one can't argue at booing for the way things are being run at the club at present.

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It was pretty embarassing to be honest, especially seeing Flint react by trying to gee up the crowd and then get booed louder. Shows BCFC fans for the - in general - bunch of moronic thickos we are. Brand new team, changed financial constraints, but yeah let's all boo our new team because it's been 7 games without a win, even though we've only lost 3 (all three being against teams that have started excellently, and two out of those three by just one goal). And don't bring out that last season crap, it's irrelevant in the context of what's happening now. No one is booing because we were crap last season.

Don't you know, we're BRISTOL CITY and we should walk this league. Let's face it if something hasn't worked in a few weeks it's obviously shit and we may as well sack the manager, you know, to create that feeling of stability we've been moaning we haven't had for years. And you know, Wolves and Posh are doing well so by law and by rights, we should be up there too. Leyton Orient? Never heard of them. They have 21 points, we're BRISTOL CITY and we should have at least 22 I reckon.

Joke fans at times.

Great post, the amount of stupid fans we have is unreal, some of them have no idea what's happening off the pitch.

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I think it's legitimate to distinguish fans from supporters. A fan may boo. They are fanatical about the team. A supporter would not boo. Unless somebody can explain to me how booing can be considered supportive. I can't see myself booing at a daughter's piano lesson or concert. Or my friend's chemotherapy. Etc etc.

City fans have been doing this for years. I recall countless young players being booed because of what a fan would call "rightful expression of frustration" because of a misplaced pass. Personally, I understand the frustration. But the booing isn't helpful at all, and I think SOD is right on this one.

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Great post, the amount of stupid fans we have is unreal, some of them have no idea what's happening off the pitch.

AV farce, owner abroad and tinkering with new sports toys, owner's son on board because he's owner's son. Owner's pet mutely 'chairing' board. A board with less power than a solar panel in Manchester. Club's PR continuing to plumb new depths. A ticketing system that would embarrass a third world team with a dirt road stadium. More changes in direction, policy, staffing than the Limp Dems. Anymore?!!!

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AV farce, owner abroad and tinkering with new sports toys, owner's son on board because he's owner's son. Owner's pet mutely 'chairing' board. A board with less power than a solar panel in Manchester. Club's PR continuing to plumb new depths. A ticketing system that would embarrass a third world team with a dirt road stadium. More changes in direction, policy, staffing than the Limp Dems. Anymore?!!!

None of that has anything to do with the playing or coaching staff, so why not vent your anger to the legitimate channels!

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And you don't think you're at the Gate?

I don't understand the question? Do you mean it's OK to boo about all that stuff because you're at Ashton Gate?

Anyone using those excuses for booing yesterday is deluded - you were booing because we weren't beating Shrewsbury and haven't won a league game yet.

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This club is in decline, on and off the pitch. Can anyone tell me 16 games without a proper win is acceptable? Now I'm still willing to give So'D a chance, but he, the players and directors need to know that things need to improve. Since I would be banned if I started running across the pitch trying to explain to everyone individually, I have to options. Either I can ask Yellow T-Shirt man to use his VIP pitch pass to talk to every player and director for me, or I can join the chorus of boos.
I've been a season ticket holder for as long as I can remember, so please don't say I'm not a real fan. Anyone seeking to defend players performing terribly should remember: Is this our club or theirs?

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I don't understand the question? Do you mean it's OK to boo about all that stuff because you're at Ashton Gate?

Anyone using those excuses for booing yesterday is deluded - you were booing because we weren't beating Shrewsbury and haven't won a league game yet.

Yes, I do think people were booing about everything. The club is a mess at the moment. We can't even get simple ticketing right. So yes, I think the booing was aimed at the situation we find ourselves in as a whole.

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It was pretty embarassing to be honest, especially seeing Flint react by trying to gee up the crowd and then get booed louder. Shows BCFC fans for the - in general - bunch of moronic thickos we are. Brand new team, changed financial constraints, but yeah let's all boo our new team because it's been 7 games without a win, even though we've only lost 3 (all three being against teams that have started excellently, and two out of those three by just one goal). And don't bring out that last season crap, it's irrelevant in the context of what's happening now. No one is booing because we were crap last season.

Don't you know, we're BRISTOL CITY and we should walk this league. Let's face it if something hasn't worked in a few weeks it's obviously shit and we may as well sack the manager, you know, to create that feeling of stability we've been moaning we haven't had for years. And you know, Wolves and Posh are doing well so by law and by rights, we should be up there too. Leyton Orient? Never heard of them. They have 21 points, we're BRISTOL CITY and we should have at least 22 I reckon.

Joke fans at times.

What's moronic is cheering when your losing. Anyway it's upto you if you cheer or boo!!
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AV farce, owner abroad and tinkering with new sports toys, owner's son on board because he's owner's son. Owner's pet mutely 'chairing' board. A board with less power than a solar panel in Manchester. Club's PR continuing to plumb new depths. A ticketing system that would embarrass a third world team with a dirt road stadium. More changes in direction, policy, staffing than the Limp Dems. Anymore?!!!

All frustrating I will give you that but nothing in there about the restraints SOD is having to work under.

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A few questions

Has booing ever been anything other than counter-productive?

As fanatical supporters of a team should we not be enlightened to the answer to the above question by now?

Are some fans clearly more interested in letting off steam and having a good old rant than actually realising what sort of response might improve the performance that has infuriated?

Engage brains people, it's stupid.

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Yes, I do think people were booing about everything. The club is a mess at the moment. We can't even get simple ticketing right. So yes, I think the booing was aimed at the situation we find ourselves in as a whole.

What utter nonsense.

You don't boo the playing and coaching staff off the pitch because of ticketing issues

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I thought the booing was for Darren Jones (ex City), Paul Parry (ex Cardiff) and Joe Jacobson (ex Rovers).

Oh wait.....

None of these were booed/jeered/given stick.

Too many focussed on being negative when we were trying to play some football.

Spot on. I swear we have a minority of 'supporters' who love nothing more than things going badly during a game so they get chance to let off steam and vent.

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All frustrating I will give you that but nothing in there about the restraints SOD is having to work under.

Restraints? Don't give me all that nonsense! Lsst night we played Shrewsbury who probably work on half the budget we have but with good organisation and coaching they perform. Much the same as Leyton Orient! And even if this was the case, lack of passion and pride is totally unacceptable.

Now I dont boo, never have done, but I would never question anyone who does especially in the situation we currently find ourselves in. For those that are that much against booing how do you suggest people vent their frustrations otherwise because they are more than entitled to do so.

And I for one have had enough of this "project" and "transition" bullshit. I couldnt care if the average age of the team was 38 as long as they are playing with a bit of passion and pride!

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Restraints? Don't give me all that nonsense! Lsst night we played Shrewsbury who probably work on half the budget we have but with good organisation and coaching they perform. Much the same as Leyton Orient! And even if this was the case, lack of passion and pride is totally unacceptable.

Now I dont boo, never have done, but I would never question anyone who does especially in the situation we currently find ourselves in. For those that are that much against booing how do you suggest people vent their frustrations otherwise because they are more than entitled to do so.

And I for one have had enough of this "project" and "transition" bullshit. I couldnt care if the average age of the team was 38 as long as they are playing with a bit of passion and pride!

Flint showed passion and pride at half time, trying to encourage the crowd and got booed even louder as a result!

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What a disgrace booing half and full time . I get that we're all frustrated me included , I get we pay hundreds of pounds every year, I get we pay our cash so are entitled to boo but what does it achieve ?? All we do is take away confidence from players who are scared to make a decision on the pitch with fear of making a mistake and getting groans from the crowd. Several times players were damned if they did or did not last night. No one could fault the effort of the players it just ain't happening at the moment but we got to stick with them. Granted the manager dies not help himself with certain comments but like it or not he is the manager end of!

Get off there backs or sod off and don't bother coming ! Real fans NEVER boo there team

With you there completely. How completely dim to boo the team. What good do these idiots expect booing does expect make things far worse. Fortunately the booing was from a minority who seem to perform little other than having someone to hate and moan at. A large section of the Dolman clapped at the end, not because it was great but because they support the team, thick and thin etc.

Those that boo always say, "I pay my money so I have a right to boo". Great ,so what good do you think it is doing? Do you think? That's a lame and pathetic excuse.

What's far worse than sitting through 90 minutes of that last night is having to listen to so called fans getting on our team's back. It doesn't help anybody and it was clear to see.

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Flint showed passion and pride at half time, trying to encourage the crowd and got booed even louder as a result!

Should try showing it when playing then not just when its easy cus you are walking off the pitch and you csn wave your arms around in the air!

To say booing doesnt help when the players went off at half time to boos and performed better in the second half shows it can make a difference. Even if they are sat in the changing room thinking everyone in tbe crowd is a moron who knows nothing about football at that level so I am going out there to show them... good! If thats where the passion comes from great.

But dont have a go at fans for booing when they are perfectly entitled to do so.

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I think part of the problem is supporters are carrying the baggage of the laat few seasons.Supporters have been been served up poor performances for years and that negativity is hanging over the club is affecting our judgement of any progress that may be being made on or off the pitch,albeit long term.

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Spot on. I swear we have a minority of 'supporters' who love nothing more than things going badly during a game so they get chance to let off steam and vent.

I've had people around me move from their ST seats to get away from the negativity around them.

The groans and moans from some are unbelievable and petulant to say the least.

If it affects the fans, it'll affect the players even more.

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Should try showing it when playing then not just when its easy cus you are walking off the pitch and you csn wave your arms around in the air!

To say booing doesnt help when the players went off at half time to boos and performed better in the second half shows it can make a difference. Even if they are sat in the changing room thinking everyone in tbe crowd is a moron who knows nothing about football at that level so I am going out there to show them... good! If thats where the passion comes from great.

But dont have a go at fans for booing when they are perfectly entitled to do so.

I suspect all the booing it did was make the Manager's half time talk even harder than it already was.

Oh, I forgot, the manager couldn't possibly have had anything to do with the team performing better, he only affects the team when it does badly.

Do we honestly want a team motivated by the thought of showing up the fans for being morons? Then again, if they tried that we would be top of the league!!

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