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Booing A Disgrace


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I think it's legitimate to distinguish fans from supporters. A fan may boo. They are fanatical about the team. A supporter would not boo. Unless somebody can explain to me how booing can be considered supportive. I can't see myself booing at a daughter's piano lesson or concert. Or my friend's chemotherapy. Etc etc.

City fans have been doing this for years. I recall countless young players being booed because of what a fan would call "rightful expression of frustration" because of a misplaced pass. Personally, I understand the frustration. But the booing isn't helpful at all, and I think SOD is right on this one.


People boo because the team isn't winning. Booing players won't help them improve or win games.

The way many people last night were shouting and screaming at Fielding when he took a second or two before kicking upfield was also annoying. All that does is make him rush and he's then more likely to make mistakes.

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How pathetic to say that people that boo arent real fans of the club , we all have a different outlook on things and are each entitled to our own opinion, we attend every game with fresh intentions only to be served up the same old shit time n time again , personally i dont blame the players as they are told to play the way they are playing but it was only a matter of time before we started to blame them as they are the end product on the pitch , i will boo whenever i feel like it and should anyone around me not like it then feel free to say so or move ...as fans we are running on empty and we are becoming a joke on the pitch and it hurts , if we want to show our dismay then we are entitled to do so

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To be fair the booing is a joke but I guess when people pay good money to watch the club and are entitled to vent their disappointment when a teams performance isn't deemed good enough.

Having said that some City fans are loopy, I remember when we were actually winning a game a bloke in the Williams was shouting abuse, then walked out and shouted disgrace... we won 4-1. It seems some fans aren't happy unless they are abusing/booing the team.

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Restraints? Don't give me all that nonsense! Lsst night we played Shrewsbury who probably work on half the budget we have but with good organisation and coaching they perform. Much the same as Leyton Orient! And even if this was the case, lack of passion and pride is totally unacceptable.

Now I dont boo, never have done, but I would never question anyone who does especially in the situation we currently find ourselves in. For those that are that much against booing how do you suggest people vent their frustrations otherwise because they are more than entitled to do so.

And I for one have had enough of this "project" and "transition" bullshit. I couldnt care if the average age of the team was 38 as long as they are playing with a bit of passion and pride!

Well they'd go down the season after when all the 39 year olds retire and we go bust trying to buy a new squad again...

Archaic attitudes are becoming more and more prevalent on here.


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Everyone is entitled to an opinion, just assume those that booed differ to you

But don't bring out the not real fans line, that is really boring

I agree.

People seem to have become very sensitive about this, perhaps because they pick up on the truculent 'fans are annoying, I wish I could get on with my job of churning out disappointing draws without any pressure of expectation' vibe that our manager gives off.

However a poor display has been booed at AG for as long as I've been going there. And that first half last night was as poor a display as we've seen all season.

I'm not a booer myself, but I understand the motives of those who are. We've paid our money and can express our dissatisfaction as we see fit. Managers and individual players come and go, but we remain. We are the club.

What I don't approve of is the booing of individual players. I heard some when Fielding's name was read out. Now I'm not convinced by FF but it's crazy to boo the guy. Achieves nothing.

And I never understand those strange individuals who boo the team off at half time then clap their return? Schizophrenic?

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I'm in the booing brigade, I don't believe the club or players are entitled to positive support, it has to be earnt. I've not seen really anything for some time that would constitute good value for money (this is an objective opionion of course) and as a customer in the clubs eyes I feel I'm duty bound to complain when I feel short changed.

Did you notice some of the biggest cheers of the night we go when a player actually showed a bit o effort an put their foot in?

Those condemning booing remind me of those one direction fans who get so defensive when someone dares to critise their beloveds.

Open your eyes, the club doesn't care about you.

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People dont just boo because we arent winning. They are booing because ot the lack of passion, pride, effort, creativity, the same tactics being used that clearly dont work, players like wagstaff and fielding under performing yet still playing on a regular basis.

It all adds up to overall frustration which will obviously be aimed at the manager and players.

Like I said earlier I dont boo but everyone has the right to vent their anger.

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REAL fans. Hahaha, you joker.

If the club insist on football being "entertainment", and that's what they keep branding, even with the "let us entertain you" billboards, then I think I'm in my right to boo if I'm not getting my money's worth. How else are the fans supposed to get their points across? Maybe a love chant to some classical music of "excuse me sir, I spend a lot of money at this club, any chance old boy we can start winning" will do?

I also think you've missed the point slightly too, I think the booing is also some pent up frustration on how the club has been run as a whole (with ticketing issues etc). I for one can't argue at booing for the way things are being run at the club at present.

Having watched football around the World and at many grounds, it shames me to listen to many of the fans we have at City.

You listen in on conversations or hear shouts and see reactions, and I would say we have some of the thickest most unintelligent fans of any Club.

It must be so frustrating to be a player or manager for City.

It's no coincidence that whatever manager we get or whatever playing staff we have... it seems to go backward... and then they leave and more often than not thrive elsewhere.

As fans go... we are the most typical 'Sing when we're winning' Club.

Has it never crossed anyone's mind that this could be a reason why our players at home look so nervy... regardless of who is manager or playing?

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People boo because the team isn't winning. Booing players won't help them improve or win games.

The way many people last night were shouting and screaming at Fielding when he took a second or two before kicking upfield was also annoying. All that does is make him rush and he's then more likely to make mistakes.

If they really felt they needed to boo, the target should have been the upfield players who weren't in position to receive the ball, but that would have required a basic knowledge of football.

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I didn't boo but i can understand why people did at HT.

The only time I ever remember booing was Pulis.

The booing on the h/t whistle last night was minimal from the crowd in general - hugely exaggerated on here - I don't know who fans in the Atyeo were booing as the teams and officials approached the tunnel. It should be remembered though that we'd barely had a shot worthy of the name during the whole Peterbro' match, or the first half last night, and that prolonged period of non descript football is bound to lead to frustration being shown by some, however patient and understanding the vast majority.

Unfortunate that it's come to this again.

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Those condemning booing remind me of those one direction fans who get so defensive when someone dares to critise their beloveds.

What cobblers!

Every paying 'customer' on match days is entitled to criticise, yes. I do so myself, in conversation with my friends. But, as a loyal supporter, I don't want to hear the players being jeered loudly during games and at half time. I want to hear supporters encouraging the players to play better, especially when it's such a young team.

I'm going to put this bluntly. I think those of you who think it's OK to boo the team, particularly before the final whistle, are *****s and I wish you'd all **** off.

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Having watched football around the World and at many grounds, it shames me to listen to many of the fans we have at City.

You listen in on conversations or hear shouts and see reactions, and I would say we have some of the thickest most unintelligent fans of any Club.

Really? When I lived in London I used to get the occasional Chelsea freebie and I'd say the pressure of expectation plus the much higher percentage of part-time fans makes booing (at full-time, half-time and during the match) MUCH more prevalent at Stamford Bridge than AG - and I could say the same about White Hart Lane, which I used to regularly visit with a Spurs' supporting mate in the 80s.

What is true, is we've become some of football's quietest fans, but it's hardly surprising given the dross we've been served. What was there to get the blood racing in that first half? Other than Bryan's runs down the wing, nothing.

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What cobblers!

Every paying 'customer' on match days is entitled to criticise, yes. I do so myself, in conversation with my friends. But, as a loyal supporter, I don't want to hear the players being jeered loudly during games and at half time. I want to hear supporters encouraging the players to play better, especially when it's such a young team.

I'm going to put this bluntly. I think those of you who think it's OK to boo the team, particularly before the final whistle, are *****s and I wish you'd all **** off.

It was quiet amusing last night watching the reaction in the Atyeo at half time.

The Neanderthals all jumped up and started booing, then a large majority stood up and started clapping and shouting encouragement at the players.

The Neanderthals all looked around and sat down, like the timid mice they are when they haven't got a 'gang' around them... made me chuckle at the *****.

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It was quiet amusing last night watching the reaction in the Atyeo at half time.

The Neanderthals all jumped up and started booing, then a large majority stood up and started clapping and shouting encouragement at the players.

The Neanderthals all looked around and sat down, like the timid mice they are when they haven't got a 'gang' around them... made me chuckle at the *****.

Same happened in the Dolman.

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Really? When I lived in London I used to get the occasional Chelsea freebie and I'd say the pressure of expectation plus the much higher percentage of part-time fans makes booing (at full-time, half-time and during the match) MUCH more prevalent at Stamford Bridge than AG - and I could say the same about White Hart Lane, which I used to regularly visit with a Spurs' supporting mate in the 80s.

What is true, is we've become some of football's quietest fans, but it's hardly surprising given the dross we've been served. What was there to get the blood racing in that first half? Other than Bryan's runs down the wing, nothing.

I think it's the quietness of the majority that makes a difference.

I was thinking more along the lines of what conversations and comments I've heard rather than booing... some City fans wouldn't even get on the Jeremy Kyle show... they are that thick with their comments.

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This is actually tedious.

Most fans do not boo our players or manager, as evidenced by this thread and numerous others over the years, and would only ever do so under extreme circumstances/provocation, i.e. Pulis.

Some do, when they feel they have good reason, and that won't change either.

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I think it's the quietness of the majority that makes a difference.

I was thinking more along the lines of what conversations and comments I've heard rather than booing... some City fans wouldn't even get on the Jeremy Kyle show... they are that thick with their comments.

Hehe. We've all got a few people like that around us.

One exceptionally vocal "pundit" behind me is forever bemoaning when an under pressure defender puts the ball out of play for safety. Apparently they should always "find a red shirt!" You just have to sigh....

However Spud, I think you're being a bit harsh on Bristolians. I've heard such dimwitted comments in other grounds and certainly when watching footie in the pub.

I think it comes from a lot of people who've never tried to play the game.

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What cobblers!

Every paying 'customer' on match days is entitled to criticise, yes. I do so myself, in conversation with my friends. But, as a loyal supporter, I don't want to hear the players being jeered loudly during games and at half time. I want to hear supporters encouraging the players to play better, especially when it's such a young team.

I'm going to put this bluntly. I think those of you who think it's OK to boo the team, particularly before the final whistle, are *****s and I wish you'd all **** off.

I think you've illustrated my point perfectly.

Unable to put a coherent argument together on the subject without being abusive.

That level of fanatasim is unhealthy in my opinion, just like a 13 year old girl upset that her favourite pop star got tackled by a professional footballer.

For the record I didn't boo until FT and was singing encouragement with a lot of other in the EE throughout during play.

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I think you've illustrated my point perfectly.

Unable to put a coherent argument together on the subject without being abusive.

That level of fanatasim is unhealthy in my opinion, just like a 13 year old girl upset that her favourite pop star got tackled by a professional footballer.

For the record I didn't boo until FT and was singing encouragement with a lot of other in the EE throughout during play.

But you booed at full time, being a bit 2 faced yes

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Hehe. We've all got a few people like that around us.

One exceptionally vocal "pundit" behind me is forever bemoaning when an under pressure defender puts the ball out of play for safety. Apparently they should always "find a red shirt!" You just have to sigh....

However Spud, I think you're being a bit harsh on Bristolians. I've heard such dimwitted comments in other grounds and certainly when watching footie in the pub.

I think it comes from a lot of people who've never tried to play the game.

Haha... we sure have.

It's not an observation of 'Bristolians'... in fact i'd say Bristol as a whole has some rather intelligent people to converse with.

It's just a shame a huge majority of the 'pond life' tend to hang out at the Gate.

As for your last sentence... I couldn't agree more.

It's no surprise that the majority of the Bristolian footballing public prefer playing football on a Saturday or 5 a side during the week.

An observation I have made though... is a lot of 'Inteligent' followers of football tend to watch non league football as their choice.

Strange one that.

For that alone... I actually prefer going to watch FGR's than City for conversation.

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Ok so booing is a disgrace so wat should we do roll over and take it up the ass then shall we this is a results business and we aint gettin them as i and many others pay the players and that useless mouse in charge then i can voice my opinion how i like wat we going to do wait till its to late like last yr or as fans show how we are pi55ed of with our feet and voices i still aint made up my mind if to go next home game and to let them know how i think there playin of to talk with my feet an not bother goin and yes im a real fan a season ticket holder ive just had enough! Sod out! and landsdow jnr out aswell!!!!!

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