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Booing A Disgrace


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It's a bit ironic the happy clappers are the biggest bunch of loud mouthed bullys on here

Curious that some people who are criticised here claim to be bullied. Have I ever threatened anyone here with any harm? Have I issued death threats? I have stated my views and you are free to state yours.

In fact, you talk rowlocks and then complain of bullying when anyone dares to contradict you. May I respectfully suggest that you grow up or I'll send Horace around to bite your ankles ;)

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Really? When I lived in London I used to get the occasional Chelsea freebie and I'd say the pressure of expectation plus the much higher percentage of part-time fans makes booing (at full-time, half-time and during the match) MUCH more prevalent at Stamford Bridge than AG - and I could say the same about White Hart Lane, which I used to regularly visit with a Spurs' supporting mate in the 80s.

What is true, is we've become some of football's quietest fans, but it's hardly surprising given the dross we've been served. What was there to get the blood racing in that first half? Other than Bryan's runs down the wing, nothing.

I agree with much of this!

AG is quiet and has been for years with a couple of notable exceptions...

THE EE helps a bit but we dont have a singing end anymore we have a singing corner....The worst decision of the last 30 years was moving home support from the EE...

Booing is a knee jerk reaction at HT and FT...Its going to happen get over it, however support needs to be loud during the game and hopefully that will give the team something to make us cheer about....Crowd and team are symbiotic in this regard...So whether you are a player or a fan its your responsibility to create an atmosphere....

This is new young team which will come good....Just back them as much as you can!

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I'm out of breath after reading that sentence.

P.S. Talking with your feet could be a good idea :)

P.P.S. If your a City fan and supporter you can't have had enough. I've been supporting the club since 1967 and still haven't yet had enough. I've been frustrated , and annoyed more times than I care to remember during that time, with only odd bits of success and glory interspersed among the long periods of disappointment and dismay. However, its the disappointment and dismay that makes the success all the more enjoyable when it does happen!

P.P.P.S. Read the small print on your season ticket, where it says....

Terms and Conditions.

In purchasing this season ticket you, the season ticket holder, hereby accept that the club offers no guarantees of and carries no liability for your enjoyment of the season ahead.

The club hereby promises to take your money and in return to frustrate, disappoint and annoy you to varying degrees throughout the season.

The manager promises to variously baffle you with his tactics, confuse you with his team selections and annoy you with his after match comments and his static posture throughout the game.

The club promises that it will find new and innovative ways of shooting itself in the foot with administrative cock ups.

Notwithstanding all of the above, you promise your lifelong support to the team and club you love, because it is in your blood and your anger and frustration when things go wrong is a reflection of how much you care.

You promise to threaten to give up on the club when things look bad , but something inside means that you will be back for more of the same this time next year.

Chin up Chivs, keep the faith because being a city fan really means something. Otherwise you'd be wearing a Man U or Chelsea shirt.

Love those T&C's. That's going in my archive :)

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Or indeed like City fans. Strange to find those on the One Team In Bristol site :o

Well I think we have a mix actually, supporters, fanatics and followers.

I criticise the club and team too much to be a supporter, I won't defend the team at a costs to a fanatic but I'm happy to put my money into the club to watch them play home and away so I guess I'm a follower not a fan or supporter.

Whether the club actually needs people like me is debatable i guess, as someone else put it earlier "we don't need ***** like you at AG, so I'd rather you **** off"

But anyway see you all at Swindon and hopefully 3 points to bring home to BS3 and we can all be mates again.

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Because, as I said, I've got a broken toe and couldn't risk it being trampled on. Which bit of that didn't you understand?

I also arrived very early for the same reason. Do you have a problem with that, too?

I could understand if we were 2-0 down or 2-0 up, but at 1-1 that's when the players need the fans behind them. Seeing fans leave early when the game is still there to be won must be as soul destroying as fans booing.

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That's how it feels from the receiving end. As I said before, try recruiting a few yobs to boo you every time you make a mistake at work, and see whether it improves your performance.

Cant agree with that, it would spur me on to prove how great and able I am; kind of shove that then boo boys.

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Same here, I'd want to prove them wrong. It's a bigger FU than skulking away and hiding.

If I make a mistake, I make a mistake and accept the consequences of those actions. What I can do is to put it right and make sure that the same thing doesnt happen over and over and over and over again, in order to spite the detractors.

There is more than one way to skin a cat, and kowtowing to all of the totalitarian regime's requests for the most sterile atmosphere in the world because clearly we are not allowed feelings any more is complete fallacy

You couldn't be more wrong.

Have you ever been slating for doing your best even if it fell short ?

How would you feel if x amount of thousand people are booing you. Do you think players don't try ?? If you don't think it effects them in a negative manner then you my friend are massively mistaken and I talk from experience of this first hand.

The fans who boo'ed the club last night are not supporters !! Supporters get behind a team not on top of them !

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Same here, I'd want to prove them wrong. It's a bigger FU than skulking away and hiding.

If I make a mistake, I make a mistake and accept the consequences of those actions. What I can do is to put it right and make sure that the same thing doesnt happen over and over and over and over again, in order to spite the detractors.

There is more than one way to skin a cat, and kowtowing to all of the totalitarian regime's requests for the most sterile atmosphere in the world because clearly we are not allowed feelings any more is complete fallacy

Jeez, totalitarian regime requesting a sterile atmosphere. What complete and utter ****

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I could understand if we were 2-0 down or 2-0 up, but at 1-1 that's when the players need the fans behind them. Seeing fans leave early when the game is still there to be won must be as soul destroying as fans booing.

[sIGH]wall brick to talking like a it's - arrange into a well-known phrase or saying

Have you ever had a broken toe stepped on? In sandals because you can't get your boots on? It's well up the Richter scale.

Still, I suppose you need evidence, so here it is.


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Can't critisise ANYONE who booed at halftime, but what I found a disgrace, is how much abuse Fielding got. What can the man do, no-one is giving him an option, then all he can do is whoosh it, and if he does that, the fans get on his back, give the man a chance, 2 mistakes he's made, he's finding his feet here still. I'm un-sure why he dropped Parish, but cut the man some slack.

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Can't critisise ANYONE who booed at halftime, but what I found a disgrace, is how much abuse Fielding got. What can the man do, no-one is giving him an option, then all he can do is whoosh it, and if he does that, the fans get on his back, give the man a chance, 2 mistakes he's made, he's finding his feet here still. I'm un-sure why he dropped Parish, but cut the man some slack.

Everyone near me was giving him stick for the time he took, not what he did with it.

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That's pretty fair. Relief at the late equaliser combined with disappointment with the poor performance. Booing was way worse at HT

Yes I heard booing half time,but I've heard much,much worse in the past,what I didn't get was how it seemed to get louder as the the last group of players reached the tunnel,was it aimed at some one in particular?.

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Yes I heard booing half time,but I've heard much,much worse in the past,what I didn't get was how it seemed to get louder as the the last group of players reached the tunnel,was it aimed at some one in particular?.

No. The sheep had just woken up to the fact that other sheep were baa'ing.

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[sIGH]wall brick to talking like a it's - arrange into a well-known phrase or saying

Have you ever had a broken toe stepped on? In sandals because you can't get your boots on? It's well up the Richter scale.

Still, I suppose you need evidence, so here it is.


urgh that's horrible. Broken or bruised toes are bloody painful. I hope you didn't drop your BBQ on it?

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Was it a kick around with Horace,and he left his foot in.

The first time I broke it, many many years ago*, I ankle-tapped this guy in a game of beach football. Not sensible, in bare feet :(

This time was even sillier. I thought I'd do the keepy-uppy thing to pick up a discarded T shirt, missed, and crunched my toe into the corner of my desk. My, how I laughed :laughcont:

* really, really long ago, after the first Isle of Wight Festival

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The first time I broke it, many many years ago*, I ankle-tapped this guy in a game of beach football. Not sensible, in bare feet :(

This time was even sillier. I thought I'd do the keepy-uppy thing to pick up a discarded T shirt, missed, and crunched my toe into the corner of my desk. My, how I laughed :laughcont:

* really, really long ago, after the first Isle of Wight Festival

So you are in fact a hedgehog hugging ex hippy,was the t shirt in question tie dyed by any chance.

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Booing is not enough as it seems to make no difference. People boo cus we are playing badly, after the booing the players continue to play badly.

I say we fill up empty bottles with piss and throw it at them as they come off at half time or at full

time. Better still do it when they warm up at the

start of the game to let them know another

shocking performance will not be


With posts like this it's no wonder SO'D makes the remarks he does about elements of our fan base.

SO'D is completely on the money - and I hope SL backs him all the way to get the negative fans to change their mindset.

A big ask - as we are talking of changing their culture...

Bottles of piss... ...hang your head in shame.

I'm embarrassed that you support BCFC.

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With posts like this it's no wonder SO'D makes the remarks he does about elements of our fan base.

SO'D is completely on the money - and I hope SL backs him all the way to get the negative fans to change their mindset.

A big ask - as we are talking of changing their culture...

Bottles of piss... ...hang your head in shame.

I'm embarrassed that you support BCFC.


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For all those who thought it was a good idea to boo the players last night - in your vernacular I suggest you do one - and stay away from AG.

It was embarrassing - and in no way productive.

What were you hoping to achieve?

Please find something else to vent your spleen and stop using BCFC as a conduuit for your deep-rooted bile...

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