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Your City, Your Shirt


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Good Morning My Poppets,

Has anyone else received the email from the club asking for shirt designs for next year?

If any of you have any shirt designs that they want to share with the club, please email them to yourshirt@bcfc.co.uk

You need to get them in by the 7th of October.

I've seen a few good ones on here over the years!!!

So, come on, get designing... I'd love to see your designs on this thread!!!!

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I cant see them changing the crest but theres no harm in having the robin on the back of the colar or just below if there isnt one.

Id also like to see something simple in the design without unnecessary white flashes.

Im also like it when the away shirt is exactly the same but in white and black like the sanderson centenary kit.

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I'd like to see plain traditional red with as few white cut out shapes or white beading on it as possible. The last kit I really liked was the Lotto one form 1996-97.

As for the away kit, which really doesn't matter so much, I'd prefer to see us being much more adventurous. Why not go for stripes or a diagonal band? The away kit should be for imaginations. I'm tired of seeing variations of black and white.

The crest must remain, but I'd like to see the robin incorporated.

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I'm not going to design one - mainly because it's a bloody shirt and i don't know why people get so funny about the design, so I can't be bothered! Also, a plain one or a fancy one = people all have different tastes.

The only thing that I would actively favour would be to have one with a proper collar, like old shirts used to be, rather than just having a crew or V neck design.

I assume that everyone who moaned about last seasons will now be taking the opportunity to have their input considered......... no, of course the won't!

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Looks as if we could be going...


Designing our own gets away from the Bristol Rugby disaster...

Must be Zar-x as we wouldn't get an opportunity to design a shirt with Adidas.

Great stuff from the club.

They DO listen to fans albeit the fact that rather than being constructive, too many moan and develop negativity about things...

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Plain red, round white collar, Robin on the sleeve. Keep it simple.

However...with the away kit I want them to go absolutely bonkers! Proper nuts. Bright horrible colours, massive collar, string tied, with maybe a classic players face on in and Stade Francaise/Andy Warhol pattern. Let the fans vote who. I say Scott Murray. He'd love that. And would take the edge off Carey smashing him at scalletrix and subboteo.

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I'm not going to design one - mainly because it's a bloody shirt and i don't know why people get so funny about the design, so I can't be bothered! Also, a plain one or a fancy one = people all have different tastes.

The only thing that I would actively favour would be to have one with a proper collar, like old shirts used to be, rather than just having a crew or V neck design.

I harken for the time when pulling on the jersey meant just that ......

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A round neck, simple and smart version of the 1988 shirt with a Robin on either the sleeve/collar/back/seam.

Face it, the badge ain't gonna change, though I'd like the Robin back.

It should!!

Next year will be the 20th year that monstrosity has been on our shirts. It was rubbish then and despite all the years in between its still rubbish now - Get rid

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