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Interesting Article


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Some good points. There is definitely something horribly wrong in terms of leadership behind the scenes at the Gate, we've been rudderless for years. I remember Sexton getting constant grief but at least he was a 'face' who would front up with assertiveness. JL is embarrassing in the media, not that I think it's his fault necessarily. Never thought I'd remember CS's time fondly but I guess its a sign of how far we've dropped!

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Agree with the OP. Truth or speculation?

Though you have to think about many of AS' recent reports (which have been very good even for him), in particular the one about getting on with managers and having relationship where they will confide in him.

Is this 'the truth' about how bad things are and what SOD is faced with?

If so, the comment about DMC and how he didn't know who to approach is shocking. No wonder we are where we are.

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Very scathing of the board, just about saying nobody will ever come here and manage whilst we have the set up we do. It seemed a difficult job before the current restraints, now it is virtually impossible. I got to say I feel a bit more sympathy for SoD now and my frustration directed elsewhere. Not looking too attractive to anyone else if we are thinking about a change of manager, rumours must be rife in the footballing world. Who would touch us with a barge pole, some journeyman manager looking for a pay cheque maybe, no one with any credibility would.

Pretty soul destroying to see it written down in black and white, my poor club is sick.

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Very scathing of the board, just about saying nobody will ever come here and manage whilst we have the set up we do. It seemed a difficult job before the current restraints, now it is virtually impossible. I got to say I feel a bit more sympathy for SoD now and my frustration directed elsewhere. Not looking too attractive to anyone else if we are thinking about a change of manager, rumours must be rife in the footballing world. Who would touch us with a barge pole, some journeyman manager looking for a pay cheque maybe, no one with any credibility would.

Pretty soul destroying to see it written down in black and white, my poor club is sick.


The managers will continue to come as we offer a good payday, but when questioned about the inevitable failure on their CV they can just say "well, it's Bristol City - tell me a manager who has succeeded there?!".


McInnes walked into one of the top jobs in Scottish football without too much bother and now seems to be doing a good job there! Millen will be taking charge of a Premier league game on Saturday!!

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The managers will continue to come as we offer a good payday, but when questioned about the inevitable failure on their CV they can just say "well, it's Bristol City - tell me a manager who has succeeded there?!".


McInnes walked into one of the top jobs in Scottish football without too much bother and now seems to be doing a good job there! Millen will be taking charge of a Premier league game on Saturday!!

That's true, however Del went there with Championship experience which probably looks good, and Millen is there by default! I think SoD is more well known and set in a higher regard than those 2 put together where other managers are concerned, they will look at us and think 'well if SoD couldn't succeed there...'

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I've been saying it for a while. So good to see it down in black and white. Some new insights as well. Thank you Andy. After the match I Saturday I posted that it's time for the club to be put up for sale. Let's get someone in who knows how to run a football club. Otherwise we will go on around and around in circles, and Forrest Green Rovers will be the fixture we will be looking forward to. Oh for another Harry Dolman.

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I'm not being disrespectful to other posters... but surely you knew all this already?


It's all been well documented in the past and discussed.


This time it's just all been put in one article.


We all know the downfall of this Club has been because of the owners and board members and not the managers in place.


Not one manager has been able to manage properly without problems inherited from mistakes made by the board.


It's just spiralled to where we are now... it's no surprise.


Whoever comes in if SoD were to leave, would still have the same problems.


I certainly wouldn't want to manage this Club.


It has a history of being run poorly even going back before the Lansdowns.


I've spoken to at least 4 previous managers at social occasions ( Golf and Cricket ) and they've all said to a man... lovely people, but too nice and run amateurish.

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As I said on my post after Tuesday night, SOD is by a long way the best manager we could expect to get in the circumstances and it should be the board who the fans vent against, not SOD.

I know SL has pumped in millions which we've all gone along with, but as the man who has been in charge of over-seeing error after error, he has to take the blame.

I'd rather be the club we were before he took over than the club we are now, which is a damning summary of his reign.

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As I said on my post after Tuesday night, SOD is by a long way the best manager we could expect to get in the circumstances and it should be the board who the fans vent against, not SOD.

I know SL has pumped in millions which we've all gone along with, but as the man who has been in charge of over-seeing error after error, he has to take the blame.

I'd rather be the club we were before he took over than the club we are now, which is a damning summary of his reign.

You make a valid point. I think our club is run terribly from the top.

I have to include the football side in that mess, surely there's some segregation of accountability on the football side from Burt down?

The budget will be small and the turnover of players high. What I'd like to understand is how our football budget compares with say Crewe or Oldham or Carlisle. I struggle to believe it's lower, in which case one thing you can't blame the board for is a 20 odd game run without a win. Those players still aren't performing or set up correctly to perform.

I'd guess most clubs are badly run, we'd stop noticing it here if results were better.

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Interesting stuff. Some of it new information (well to me at least), and a fair bit that we already knew or at least suspected. Either way, it's a pretty daming indictment of the board.


I think it's telling that given our current league position and run of form, there isn't a universal swathe of opinion that wants SO'D gone. Whilst the number who want a change is growing with each poor result, normally by now in this situation you'd have approx 95% wanting the manager sacked.

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Has he hell! That's way out!

I see this as nothing more than an extension of Stockhausen's O'Driscoll love-in.

Did Lansdown order that Baldock play as a lone striker? No. So given the results on the field it's no wonder there is an "obsession" with the position of the man behind them - SOD. We should remember that in L1 he actually has a larger budget than most of his rivals.

Now the expensive signings loan or otherwise, who asked the board for money to bring them in. That's right, the managers.

Stockhausen gets hopelessly entangled when first he reports Coppell brought two expensive crocks in, and later he possits that the shifty Scouser walked because he had less moneythan he thought because of David James. My understanding from someone connected with the club is that this is a myth; the reason he bolted is to do with his mental health. I need hardly add how everyone on here was creaming thenselves - as was the BEP - when we signed James. If Coppell left over a money dispute he'd have said so, and not made himself look such an idiot. He's paid up now and no gagging clause could prevent him from talking about it. His silence speaks volumes.

So in sum, a revisionist piece, no doubt cobbled together from stuff he's read here. And all seeking to shift the spotlight away from his man-crush Sean.

Does he really think in any other club where the team is on a 21-game winless run there would not be an "obsession" with. the manager's position.

Stockhausen is a clown.

If only you knew the truth re Coppell leaving.

And no, before you ask, i'm not going to share it with anyone on here...but you couldn't be further from the truth.

I've had it from the horses mouth.

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Well written, but not exactly news. My only question is who on earth are Mark Ashton and Martin Griffiths?

I like Mark's surname though but have no idea who he or his mate Martin is or what they do, if anyone would care to enlighten me?


It's very difficult to read this and not let out a huge sigh. I guess now that SOD will be in charge for the game at Carlisle the day after next and I would love nothing better than a win, please please PLEASE drop JET for Taylor (or even the IMO rubbish Harewood) and give Baldock a chance of the 2nd ball rather than being constantly belittled by taller (hardly difficult) defenders EVERY time we lump the ball forward.


The article focuses on lack of leadership OFF the field, but how about ON it? Baldock just isn't captain material. Look back at some of the leaders we've had in the past & this lot are embarrassing. Only maybe Louis Carey could be the answer and he's probably less fit than I am.


That said, CTID and we're SURELY due a bit of luck and if we could fluke (I don't care how) 3pts on Saturday who knows how that could help.

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Spot on article, especially about Coppell, who obviously saw what a joke the club is, and didn;t want to suffer what Sean O'driscoll currently is, and bailed out early.


The only answer to the problem is what is Lansdown senior going to do about it, instead of letting it fester like he has ?


To me it'd make sense to try and bring in some fellow big investors behind the scene, with football experience of how a club should be run, and run the club as a democratic unit, instead of him trying to run things on his own, as clearly it's been a disaster.


Then everyone would be happy, as he'd still be on board, but part of a collective unit, making democratic decisions.


Otherwise Steve Lansdown is in danger of becoming Steve Lansdowndownagain.

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The point made by Spudski is very true - we knew all if this before. However, previously all of this information has emerged and been discussed in dribs and drabs. The fact that it's been sunmmarised in one article makes it much easier, and depressing, to digest.

If someone had suggested making a TV series about a football club run like this the suggestion would have been laughed at. No successful businessman such as Steve Lansdown could possibly allow this to happen.

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If only you knew the truth re Coppell leaving.

And no, before you ask, i'm not going to share it with anyone on here...but you couldn't be further from the truth.

I've had it from the horses mouth.

I'm not speculating. I've talked to club officials who knew the man, and other more clued up sports journalists.

Can't you see that that whole article is part of the Stockhausen's whole "distract attention away from my new friend Sean" blog offensive?

And I'd like to ask the Lansdown-is-to-blame theorists, what precisely do you expect the board to do - other than sack the head coach - to influence the dire results on the pitch this season?

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A few have been saying this for a while. Whilst one managerial failure can happen - they all can't be bad so the bad management must be higher up - and that stops at the board and owner.

Exactly. It is clear and has been for a while that this club is run by jokers at the top. Many of them faceless. There by nepotism he may be but jl is the one who at least tries to offer communication to the fans. Daddy wont write off the debtso we are stuck with them. The club is in ruins.

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I'm not speculating. I've talked to club officials who knew the man, and other more clued up sports journalists.

Can't you see that that whole article is part of the Stockhausen's whole "distract attention away from my new friend Sean" blog offensive?

And I'd like to ask the Lansdown-is-to-blame theorists, what precisely do you expect the board to do - other than sack the head coach - to influence the dire results on the pitch this season?

 Resignations would be a good start !

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