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I cant see it being a failure on that scale , graphically its still will compete with ps4 , apparently ps3 was way more powerful than the 360 , and there virtually the same , it will be the same this gen , its just what you prefer , both tidy bits of kits


It is, in terms of number crunching. The problem was it was a very bespoke CPU architecture that most devs had trouble squeezing out the max from it. I think it was the US Air Force who strunge a thousand odd PS3s together to create what is the fastest computer in the US defence network!


You only need to look at Naughty Dog titles to see what can be done with a PS3, that was about the limit of its ablilities.


PS4 has a more traditional PC type architecture which should ensure multi platform titles are closer matched between the two consoles, where as in the last generation Xbox 360 came out on top more often than not.


I think it's fair to say whichever system people choose, come the day you get it out of the box you will be happy. Only time will tell which one is "best".

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It is, in terms of number crunching. The problem was it was a very bespoke CPU architecture that most devs had trouble squeezing out the max from it. I think it was the US Air Force who strunge a thousand odd PS3s together to create what is the fastest computer in the US defence network!


You only need to look at Naughty Dog titles to see what can be done with a PS3, that was about the limit of its ablilities.


PS4 has a more traditional PC type architecture which should ensure multi platform titles are closer matched between the two consoles, where as in the last generation Xbox 360 came out on top more often than not.


I think it's fair to say whichever system people choose, come the day you get it out of the box you will be happy. Only time will tell which one is "best".

it took a long time for dev's to get their head round the cpu archietecture which is why all the best games only appeared at the end of the PS3 life cycle, the PS4 shouldn't have that problem this time around, it will still take a few years before we can really see what the next gen consoles will do, its going to be intresting but for me the kennect issue is what swings it to the PS4,

The xbox reveal did a hell of alot of damage

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Well I think it might be a role reversal this time round because I have heard devs are struggling with the xbox one hence why some games are 720p , or maybe a smart move cause some games are struggling at 1080p on ps4 , major lag on ps4 version of cod ghost being one . Think they have pushed so much for 11080p that the frame rate is struggling. But im no game expert this is just what ive been reading , I like to research every aspect before committing to a expensive purchase , always want the best , so hopefully money is well spent on xbox .

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Well I think it might be a role reversal this time round because I have heard devs are struggling with the xbox one hence why some games are 720p , or maybe a smart move cause some games are struggling at 1080p on ps4 , major lag on ps4 version of cod ghost being one . Think they have pushed so much for 11080p that the frame rate is struggling. But im no game expert this is just what ive been reading , I like to research every aspect before committing to a expensive purchase , always want the best , so hopefully money is well spent on xbox .


The COD Ghosts lag issue sounds like the last generation all over again, except this time the devs should have no excuses, both machines have a similar PC based architecture. That's a compiling issue by the sounds of it. As an example, Battlefield 4 has no such issues and leads by example on PS4, with the PC version obviously being even better to look at.


As Monkeh mentioned, it will take a couple of years before we start to see the real benefits, always the way.


Used to know a guy who made games for PS1/2 and PC. He explained that the compiling software most companies use quite literally just has a tick box for which platform it is for, choose that click OK then sit back for a week or 2 whilst it compiles everything into the consoles native language.The devs then tidy up and optimise the code, this is where you end up getting laggy conversions a la COD.

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Well I think it might be a role reversal this time round because I have heard devs are struggling with the xbox one hence why some games are 720p , or maybe a smart move cause some games are struggling at 1080p on ps4 , major lag on ps4 version of cod ghost being one . Think they have pushed so much for 11080p that the frame rate is struggling. But im no game expert this is just what ive been reading , I like to research every aspect before committing to a expensive purchase , always want the best , so hopefully money is well spent on xbox .

the lag issue isn't a console thing its because the game sucks donkey dick,

You can't compare the Xbox and PS4 versions as xbox one hasnt reliesed any footage gameplay or anything related to ghosts due to a media embargo (always a very bad sign),

anyway FPS have been and always will be better on a PC as they are just quicker and more responsive,

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the lag issue isn't a console thing its because the game sucks donkey dick,

You can't compare the Xbox and PS4 versions as xbox one hasnt reliesed any footage gameplay or anything related to ghosts due to a media embargo (always a very bad sign),

anyway FPS have been and always will be better on a PC as they are just quicker and more responsive,

There was some cod ghosts xbox one multiplayer footage on youtube. Not sure if its still on there though

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Ill wait for everyone else to help iron out the problems before i decide to get one. If i could afford both i would but Im leaning towards the xbox one because of a silly reason, Im used to the xbox controller and dont like the playstations. I also dont like the fact you can't use an external hard drive, play audio cds or mp3s with the playstation. Plus most of my friends are going for xbox.

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Ill wait for everyone else to help iron out the problems before i decide to get one. If i could afford both i would but Im leaning towards the xbox one because of a silly reason, Im used to the xbox controller and dont like the playstations. I also dont like the fact you can't use an external hard drive, play audio cds or mp3s with the playstation. Plus most of my friends are going for xbox.

you can use a external h/d and its compatable with iphones etc, its also a blue ray player so it should be able to play audio cds

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Ill wait for everyone else to help iron out the problems before i decide to get one. If i could afford both i would but Im leaning towards the xbox one because of a silly reason, Im used to the xbox controller and dont like the playstations. I also dont like the fact you can't use an external hard drive, play audio cds or mp3s with the playstation. Plus most of my friends are going for xbox.


Funnily enough I can only use a xbox controller, PS ones are just to small and I can not stand the aligned analogue sticks.

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Funnily enough I can only use a xbox controller, PS ones are just to small and I can not stand the aligned analogue sticks.


Each to their own isnt it. I find the opposite, dont like the split analogue sticks on a 360 controller but find the PS one just sits nicely in my hands.


Was the same with the N64 when that came out, hated that controller.

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Half like is my favourite game series, along with Mass effect 2 quality story driven games. 


Yep one of the all time classics for sure. First person games never looked back since.


Wish they would pull their finger out though and release the third one, FFS its been 6 years since HL2 Episode 2!

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Yep one of the all time classics for sure. First person games never looked back since.


Wish they would pull their finger out though and release the third one, FFS its been 6 years since HL2 Episode 2!


As i've got older games don't hold my attention so much but the half series had me hooked, been waiting for EP.3 forever, I've forgotten most the story now.

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you can use a external h/d and its compatable with iphones etc, its also a blue ray player so it should be able to play audio cds

I must of read it wrong on the playstation website then. 


Edit: Just checked again, and it says you can't use an external hard drive and cant use audio discs

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The only game I have found myself playing a lot for the last few years is Dice's battlefield series... When playing with friends find it great fun.


With you on that one. Im on a PS4 BF4 for pre order, can't wait to get stuck in!


PS4 Reviews are in, embargo lifted yesterday...




The heat issue does give me a little cause for concern after my PS3 launch model ended up with the yellow light of death!


Heard the XBox One is quiet as a mouse and runs fairly cool....guess its to be expected if its only putting out sub HD graphics ;)

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With you on that one. Im on a PS4 BF4 for pre order, can't wait to get stuck in!


PS4 Reviews are in, embargo lifted yesterday...




The heat issue does give me a little cause for concern after my PS3 launch model ended up with the yellow light of death!


Heard the XBox One is quiet as a mouse and runs fairly cool....guess its to be expected if its only putting out sub HD graphics ;)


Sounds like the opposite of this gen, I suffered the red ring of death of 3 different consoles no less until I bought the newer black model). The things were also noisy as hell, akin to a airplane taking off when playing a game. Hoping the Xbox one does not have another RROD debacle or similar this time round.


Will add you later Duncs when I get home.

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