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We frequent there quite often KevP and we were going to go today but got Groupon tickets for Glos rugby. I took son there instead for his first taste of it, glad really as it made me even more assured that football rocks.. And yes the chips are and always have been class :)

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I keep meaning to get up there, I've enjoyed a few Conference games at Braintree when we visit the rellies

and the standards not bad. I also enjoy the 'old school' feel off it. I'll try and make more of an effort in the new year.

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Forest green have a budget and set up bigger than most lge 2 and many lge 1 clubs d, beforee their sugar daddy owner came aloong they were struggling along on gates of 500 and we're actually relegated from the conference twice ,but both times were reprieved due to alleged offences by other clubs, amidst much mutterings about brown envelopes, ( ask Salisbury city supporters ) most of their support comes from loc, ally based plastics Swindon fans and citg fans without the stomach to support a city side going through a rough spell, I feel to se athe love in with this club who are attempting to do what Crawley and Fleetwood are chastised for doing, buying success !if anybody wants to go to a non lge game when city are away go to Gloucester city or any other club that realy need your money and support, not a rich mans play thing !

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whatever you say harry, funny how all the love in with fgr dried up when they we're loosing but now lools to be back on, and of course their new ground and huge playing budget ( bigger tban swindons on good authority ) dosnt come from vinces pocket ,!it obvious that their gates of around 1,000 finance it !

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whatever you say harry, funny how all the love in with fgr dried up when they we're loosing but now lools to be back on, and of course their new ground and huge playing budget ( bigger tban swindons on good authority ) dosnt come from vinces pocket ,!it obvious that their gates of around 1,000 finance it !

Come on now Tim - I thought we'd been agreeing on a few things recently!! ;)

No "love-in" for me and if there was it certainly didn't dry up due to results.  I don't 'support' FGR so don't really give a hoot if they win, lose or draw when I'm up there.  Last Tuesday was the first game I was able make up there this season as City weren't playing and I wasn't doing anything else.


I've not suggested that Vince doesn't put a fair bit of money in - he clearly does.  But they do a hell of a lot off the pitch to help the out too and as I've said, BCFC would do well to learn a thing or two.

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They also go crawling on to the rovers fan forum, pushing their cheap admision for a/t holders deal, putting the lie to their claims to looove city, I know my views are unfashionable but I support city, and don't particularly like it when people come on a city forum and compare city unfavourabky with a club that is attempting to buy success, but hey you enjoy yourself watching a winning team, alomg with all the other city till I diers, whose support is conditiknal on us winning ! I'll carry on supporfing city !weird ain't I !

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They also go crawling on to the rovers fan forum, pushing their cheap admision for a/t holders deal, putting the lie to their claims to looove city, I know my views are unfashionable but I support city, and don't particularly like it when people come on a city forum and compare city unfavourabky with a club that is attempting to buy success, but hey you enjoy yourself watching a winning team, alomg with all the other city till I diers, whose support is conditiknal on us winning ! I'll carry on supporfing city !weird ain't I !

Come on now Tim.

I love City too and was one of 364 people who were at Carlisle.  I've also been to every home game (including all cups) and a number of away games too.  I only go to FGR if City aren't playing and I've got nowt else to do and if I can afford it.  Let's not pretend any of us is a better supporter of BCFC than the next one.  We're all City and we all want the best for our club.

FGR's half price offer is open to ST holders of any club, not just City.  So what if they're advertising and trying to entice fans to their club.  Something that our club ought to do more of - advertising - don't you think?  If you pass through our town centre you'll see NOTHING telling you there might be a game on at AG.  We don't advertise our club.  Why not?  And why is it wrong for FGR to do this?

I'm not sure if you have read the ACTUAL words in my posts, but I am not swanning off to watch a winning team.  My support of BCFC is also unconditional, just like yours.  What's so wrong with me popping to a non-league team every now and then when MY club isn't playing.  And what is so wrong with pointing out how impressed I am with their facilities compared to what we have at AG.  I'm only suggesting City take a look at their model in the hope of making MY club, BCFC, a better club.

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They bought their facilities!they rely on I one mans support, they were a nothing club whwn he came and they'll be a nothing club when he goes, as I said a non lhe club rar more deserving of and in need of support is gloucester city, but I suppose they don't win enough games to deserve the support of bcfc fans who after all are renowned for our loyalty, knowledge, and for not glory grabbing band waggon jumping at all!

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They bought their facilities!they rely on I one mans support, they were a nothing club whwn he came and they'll be a nothing club when he goes, as I said a non lhe club rar more deserving of and in need of support is gloucester city, but I suppose they don't win enough games to deserve the support of bcfc fans who after all are renowned for our loyalty, knowledge, and for not glory grabbing band waggon jumping at all!

And has BCFC been much different under SL? Massively overspending beyond our means to try buy success, which has failed miserably. SL also put alot into our facilities and a new stadium with which would be able to get if he was not here? Up until the last 18 months (now were getting back on a sound financial footing) haven't we been totally relying on one mans support to keep us going? Really are we THAT different? It almost comes accross as bit of hatred towards them?

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Cant disagree with most of that red brizzle robin, only thing is that I am a bristol city supporter not a fgr supporter , you're right I can't stand them, but as a bristol city supporter I don't go on fgr forums going on about how wonderfull bristol city are here's a thought ! let's go on their board and invite them to come and watch city next tme fgr are away I bet the answer would consist of two words, one beginning with f and the other with o ! most of them are Swindon fans !

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Great stuff KevP.  I've been up to FGR a few times now and always enjoy the experience.  If you are a City Season Ticket Holder you are able to purchase 2 tickets at half price.  We usually go in the Main Stand and have a pre-match pint and bit of grub in the Carol Embrey Suite. The food is excellent (had a lovely veggie burger and chips up there last Tuesday v Nuneaton, but the hake & chips is always a cracker!)

There's a nice atmos in the bar and you get the chairman and players who aren't in the squad mingling up there with supporters (take note BCFC!)  We were having a chat with Stokes (their injured left back, last week).  There's no heirs and graces up there - everyone can mingle with everyone else.


I've been impressed with Jamie Turley in most games I've seen - although he was a bit quiet last Tuesday.  James Norwood is also a talented boy but is lacking a bit of confidence at the moment.  Eddie Oshodi is a good centre-half too.


City would do well to advertise the half-price ticket offer for our ST holders.  They're a great little club to establish links with and are working really hard at their youth set-up.  Obviously we sent Burns up there on loan last season, and I'd love to see us give them Joe Morrell asap to get him playing some proper football.



Hey Tim.  I can appreciate the frustrations of Salisbury City, but to be frank, they broke the rules and got relegated.  That wasn't FGR's fault.


Yes, Vince has come in as owner and he's put a bit of money in and they do have a top 6 budget, but there is a hell of lot they do to help their budget along - it's not just investment from the owner.

They may be a small club but their hospitality puts BCFC to shame.  Remember, we currently have Zero Exec boxes.  FGR have Exec boxes all along the length of the main stand and every time I've been there, all of the boxes are sold out.  This is a great revenue generator.

They run a multitude of events on non-matchdays - business conferences, birthday parties, charity dinners, team building days, presentation evenings etc.  They even cater for weddings - a good money-spinner!  Now remember that City generate pretty much f-all from Ashton Gate on non-matchdays.

They also have a gym attached to the stadium which is NOT for the sole use of the players and staff.  Anyone can become a member of the gym and this obviously also generates revenue.

Finally, they have their own pub.  For 7 days a week the pub is open to everyone and clearly generates cash.  Obviously the pub can also be used for all the other things I've mentioned above (weddings, parties etc).

Oh - and I almost forgot - 10% of their power is generated by solar energy - so their leccy bill is cheaper than every other club too!!


Off the pitch, BCFC are miles behind FGR and City officials would do a good job by getting up there to have a look.

I think it was mooted in the Bountyhunter recently that City should attempt to purchase the old Luckwell Club and turn it into a 7-day-a-week bar.  North Street is thriving and City could open up a large venue here which serves as a Supporters Club on matchdays but generates money the other 6 days of the week as well serving food, drink, holding events etc.  City have nothing like this.  FGR do.  Revenue directly into the club.

It's not all about getting a spanking new stadium and hoping for the best.  There are numerous initiatives BCFC could buy into which make the club more self-sustainable.  I mean - is there a gym at Ashton Gate?  If so, why not open it up to the public at a reasonable membership fee?  Make the club some money!


FGR may be slated for the size of their budget compared to other clubs at that level, but they do a hell of lot to make themselves more self-sufficient than a great many other clubs.  They are far from a rich-mans plaything fella.  They are also trying to make sure they don't have to spend spend spend by working on a very good youth policy.


As I've said before - BCFC should take note.  If we could replicate for 10-15,000 fans what FGR do for 1000 then we'd be in great shape.

I can only concur with what Harry has said... It's a really enjoyable football experience at FGR... I prefer, way more than going to AG...fantastic facilities...awesome gym... green energy led, fantastic local food and drink at good prices, friendly, accommodating, what's not to like....

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Yes, I've always wanted to watch a game there. Totally impractical by public 'transport' from Bristol, though :(


Not totally impractical, train to Gloucester and then the 93 bus to Forest Green.. granted it would take a couple of hours but it is doable.


On a side note I cant stand the club.. never have done pre Dale Vince and still don't.

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If you enjoy it so much more than going to Ashton gate spudski I suggest you go ,!fgr are always looking for fickle city fans and gashead, in fact their support is based on plastic fans who only go to watch a winning team ( note how after a view defeats their support dips from 1200 to 400, of course when Vince has a tantrum andwalks away leaving them at their true level, local derbys with bishops clever and Cinderford, I'm sure you'll stick with them, after all your not just climbing on a bandwaggon are you ?

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Whats not to like spudski is that they are a totaly plastic club who Quite happily spent their entire history playing other villages in front of a couple of hundred people till vince and his pre decessor came in and pouted ridiculous ammount of money,btw Harry spudski and all you others who are deserting Ashton gate, for their entire history fgr s colours ware black and white, vince changed their colours because he can ! of course I suppose that what is destroying the fabric of football at cardiff is ok at fgr ( as long as they keep winning ah lads ! )

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Whats not to like spudski is that they are a totaly plastic club who Quite happily spent their entire history playing other villages in front of a couple of hundred people till vince and his pre decessor came in and pouted ridiculous ammount of money,btw Harry spudski and all you others who are deserting Ashton gate, for their entire history fgr s colours ware black and white, vince changed their colours because he can ! of course I suppose that what is destroying the fabric of football at cardiff is ok at fgr ( as long as they keep winning ah lads ! )

Wow...now just hold your horses mate... who said anything about deserting AG?


I go to watch City, FGR and Yate Town...


And it's not about the winning... it's the fact you actually get treated like a human being at FGR's compared to City.


The whole set up, quality and experience is ten times better than at the gate. City could learn a lot.


I don't need a lesson in their history thanks... I already know it.


It's great to mix with players and owners and scouts and other managers... to be able to sit and talk football.


Also to see and watch potential City signings and ex players play...that's why I go.


So before you go insinuating things that aren't true... I suggest you roll yer neck in bud.

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Whats not to like spudski is that they are a totaly plastic club who Quite happily spent their entire history playing other villages in front of a couple of hundred people till vince and his pre decessor came in and pouted ridiculous ammount of money,btw Harry spudski and all you others who are deserting Ashton gate, for their entire history fgr s colours ware black and white, vince changed their colours because he can ! of course I suppose that what is destroying the fabric of football at cardiff is ok at fgr ( as long as they keep winning ah lads ! )


Tend to agree with Tims last point, we have all been taking the proverbial Michael out of Cardiff for changing their shirt colour but fans welcome the FGR change? It was a controversial move changing from the black and white kit to that god awful green kit they play in now.


Oh not forgetting the badge to ;)

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so if it's so much better than ashton gate stick with it ! two questions, when fgr are back at their true level playing brimscombe kings stanley etc,will you still be supporting them or will ashton gate have become just a little more attractive by then ? secondly if it was so awful for cardiff to change the colour of their shirts why was their no squeak of protest when fgr did the same ,? oh well I suppose that plastic fans have no sense of history or tradition, and certainly not of loyalty !

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Tend to agree with Tims last point, we have all been taking the proverbial Michael out of Cardiff for changing their shirt colour but fans welcome the FGR change? It was a controversial move changing from the black and white kit to that god awful green kit they play in now.


Oh not forgetting the badge to ;)

You can't compare what's going on at Cardiff with what's going on at FGR's...


One is for pure commercial gain the other is for the benefit of the community and it has a great agenda.


If you actually went to see it yourself you would see with your own eyes what they are trying to do.


Read about it on their website too... http://www.forestgreenroversfc.com/about-forest-green-rovers/ecotricity-and-forest-green-rovers/greening-up-football


They still have White and black away kit... the Green and Black is a nod to what they are trying to achieve... a green eco friendly Club that is sustainable and of benefit to the local community.


To compare with Cardiff is like chalk and cheese imho.

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Don't even reply to him people... When.city are away we can do what we like.. Personally being a single parent on a low budget can only attend home games and fgr is a cheap enjoyable day and only just up the road from us.. Our club could learn alot from them.. At least they are run well and try to attract new support

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so if it's so much better than ashton gate stick with it ! two questions, when fgr are back at their true level playing brimscombe kings stanley etc,will you still be supporting them or will ashton gate have become just a little more attractive by then ? secondly if it was so awful for cardiff to change the colour of their shirts why was their no squeak of protest when fgr did the same ,? oh well I suppose that plastic fans have no sense of history or tradition, and certainly not of loyalty !

Kinnel mate... do you not understand anything you read... I watch BCFC, FGR and Yate Town... I go to watch football close to where I live...this is not about 'Supporting' FGR... I go to watch football...whoever is playing...do you not understand that?


There was no protest, as the fans of FGR are obviously intelligent to realise the sentiment of the owner and what he is trying to achieve for the local community... unlike Cardiffs owner... how can you not see that?


I will 'stick with it mate'... because you won't find plastic fans their...you'll find fans of football... who go for a different experience..nothing to do with the football being played and winning...

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You can't compare what's going on at Cardiff with what's going on at FGR's...


One is for pure commercial gain the other is for the benefit of the community and it has a great agenda.


If you actually went to see it yourself you would see with your own eyes what they are trying to do.


Read about it on their website too... http://www.forestgreenroversfc.com/about-forest-green-rovers/ecotricity-and-forest-green-rovers/greening-up-football


They still have White and black away kit... the Green and Black is a nod to what they are trying to achieve... a green eco friendly Club that is sustainable and of benefit to the local community.


To compare with Cardiff is like chalk and cheese imho.


I already know what they are trying to do being a local native and fair play to them for their environmental concerns and what they are trying to achieve but I just don't care about that club whatsoever.. proven by the fact that the only competitive fixture I have been to was watching Oxford at the New Lawn when invited by my Oxford mate. Not saying that about all local clubs as I take big interest in the likes of Shortwood, Brimscombe, Kings Stanley etc all clubs plying their trade in the 8th tier and below but are on the up.


If I wasn't watching City I would rather watch one of the those clubs over FGR.


Edit:- the comment about Cardiff was more tongue-in-cheek than anything else.

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I already know what they are trying to do being a local native and fair play to them for their environmental concerns and what they are trying to achieve but I just don't care about that club whatsoever.. proven by the fact that the only competitive fixture I have been to was watching Oxford at the New Lawn when invited by my Oxford mate. Not saying that about all local clubs as I take big interest in the likes of Shortwood, Brimscombe, Kings Stanley etc all clubs plying their trade in the 8th tier and below but are on the up.


If I wasn't watching City I would rather watch one of the those clubs over FGR.


Edit:- the comment about Cardiff was more tongue-in-cheek than anything else.

Fair play mate... that's cool... you obviously like watching local football like me... hence watching my local team Yate Town who I used to play for... right through Yate Utd boys under 13's to Yate Town... best days of my life playing local football.



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Great to hear this "Harry" fella is enjoying himself up FGR so much. Let's just hope when he's finished stuffing his chops up there with veggie burgers and chips and fish and beer and cake and coffee and more chips*, that he remembers why the ... he's there in the first place. Or this "transition" is never going to bloody end.

*Roy Keane was right, all them years ago


Fixed it for you there Mr Q. :D

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Fair play mate... that's cool... you obviously like watching local football like me... hence watching my local team Yate Town who I used to play for... right through Yate Utd boys under 13's to Yate Town... best days of my life playing local football.




Local football is great... used to watch Slimbridge a lot (mainly the seconds) when I was very young as my dad used to play for them. Before I could travel independently with City used to watch Dursley Town when they were County League standard.


I don't know what it is about FGR and my dislike for them, I admire what they did pre Vince in regards of achieving a lot of success by reaching the Conference Premier for such a small club but for me the club doesn't seem well supported in the local area Nailsworth and Stroud as for me I don't see many FGR supporters around its mainly neutrals who are City fans like yourself and Gas/Swindle fans who couldn't make an away game.

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Great to hear this "Harry" fella is enjoying himself up FGR so much. Let's just hope when he's finished stuffing his chops up there with burgers and chips and fish and beer and cake and coffee and more chips*, that he remembers why the ... he's there in the first place. Or this "transition" is never going to bloody end.

*Roy Keane was right, all them years ago

Trust me your Honour ;-)... It is possible to sit and talk about football, players, prospective prospects etc, in a civil atmosphere, around a large round table, enjoying tasty grub and local produced cider and beer, and then meander out of the French doors into your seats to watch and make notes of who is playing, and what other Clubs Scouts are watching.... then come in and do the same post match....

It's very enjoyable as Harry will testify... ;-)

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So youd be watching fgr if they were back in the glos county lge would you ? no dont think so ! and of course what fgr is different to what cardiff did ,! don't believe you ,but fp for sticking up for the club you currently support , talking of support,I assume you all honoured city with your support when times were good, ( I seem toremember many crud ers like you at Wembley ! but now times have changed a little you hace discoverd that ag is sooo nasty,and the new lawn is soon nice ! enjoy supporting fgr, hope you have the dignity not to come crawling back to ag when the good times return, although I doubt it somehow !

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Great to hear this "Harry" fella is enjoying himself up FGR so much. Let's just hope when he's finished stuffing his chops up there with burgers and chips and fish and beer and cake and coffee and more chips*, that he remembers why the ... he's there in the first place. Or this "transition" is never going to bloody end.

*Roy Keane was right, all them years ago

Get it right Les. That will be VEGGIE burger.

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So youd be watching fgr if they were back in the glos county lge would you ? no dont think so ! and of course what fgr is different to what cardiff did ,! don't believe you ,but fp for sticking up for the club you currently support , talking of support,I assume you all honoured city with your support when times were good, ( I seem toremember many crud ers like you at Wembley ! but now times have changed a little you hace discoverd that ag is sooo nasty,and the new lawn is soon nice ! enjoy supporting fgr, hope you have the dignity not to come crawling back to ag when the good times return, although I doubt it somehow !


I think that's awfully harsh Tim, Spud has already mentioned he watches Yate Town, FGR as well as watching City and tbh reading his posts on here he is in full support of what is trying to be achieved at the club in regards to SO'D and has defended his view/stuck to his guns from the naysayers quite admirably (I happen to agree with him regarding the same issues at City)


There is nothing wrong with following and taking an interest in a local club as following City home and away can prove to be mightily expensive in this time of austerity and I don't think its down to the clubs current situation.

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So youd be watching fgr if they were back in the glos county lge would you ? no dont think so ! and of course what fgr is different to what cardiff did ,! don't believe you ,but fp for sticking up for the club you currently support , talking of support,I assume you all honoured city with your support when times were good, ( I seem toremember many crud ers like you at Wembley ! but now times have changed a little you hace discoverd that ag is sooo nasty,and the new lawn is soon nice ! enjoy supporting fgr, hope you have the dignity not to come crawling back to ag when the good times return, although I doubt it somehow !

Christ mate... do you not understand anything you read?


I get abused for calling certain City fans numbskulls...but you certainly come into that category!

Read over what I've posted and you'll understand I go to CITY, FGR and YATE TOWN.... how many ******* times... hello clyde...earth calling mother ******* earth...kinnel it's like talking to a VEGGIE burger sometimes...not eating the damn things.


Come back when you understand plain English...either that or your just on a ****in massive wind up...

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It's our club that needs "fixing," and this is not going to happen, "Stroudie," my lad, while the likes of this "Harry" is filling his face with top drawer hippie-food, guzzling beer and generally poncing about in fancy, 21st century football hospitality suites, mingering with players and basically with his snout firmly wedged in the corporate "trough." Dispicable!


As long as it was free he'd be laughing, despicable or not :)

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It's our club that needs "fixing," and this is not going to happen, "Stroudie," my lad, while the likes of this "Harry" is filling his face with top drawer hippie-food, guzzling beer and generally poncing about in fancy, 21st century football hospitality suites, mingering with players and basically with his snout firmly wedged in the corporate "trough." Dispicable!

That's the thing mate... it's not corporate at all.


It's open to any fan in the main stand. A bar selling local beers and ciders as well as the 'normal'... a kitchen with chef producing a massive array of cheap tasty food, served buffet style by lovely efficient polite young ladies... all in a civil environment.


Something all football Clubs should be doing for the average fan in this day and age imho.

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Normally, "spuds," I'd take your word on footballing matters without question. But when it's this "Harry" chap, on whose shoulders so much depends, let's just remind ourselves, that is under scrutiny here, then I'm going to take a great deal more convincing.

It wasn't so long ago that the cars the players drive, Audis and what have you, was being debated. Young players, at this level, not really made it yet, how dare they, etc...well, for players and Audis, you can now say, "Harry" and his "sort" and bloody veggie burgers! What has this "Harry" achieved thus far, that makes him think it's okay to swan around munching bloody weirdo, greeny burgers and come on here bragging about it?

Haha... Classic... You should see the cars the FGR's players have. Little green electric cars...they even have electric points at the ground for them to charge up the cars... a most excellent idea imho...more clubs should be doing this...


I sit with Harry and others... trust me...any potential signings will be spotted ;-)

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I get everything right, "Rob" you should know that. It's bloody "vegetables" like this "Harry"bugger that's got me all worked up...

This is what you are missing out on at FGR's available for any fan... and it is like this at very reasonable prices...





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We frequent there quite often KevP and we were going to go today but got Groupon tickets for Glos rugby. I took son there instead for his first taste of it, glad really as it made me even more assured that football rocks.. And yes the chips are and always have been class :)

Don't use Newcastle in the Cup as an example of an atmosphere at Gloucester. Get tickets for Bath/Worcester/Leicester then you'll experience a real atmosphere. The Shed is well known world wide, and for good reason. Hartlepool at home in FA Cup 1st round would be a shit atmosphere at City too....

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Don't use Newcastle in the Cup as an example of an atmosphere at Gloucester. Get tickets for Bath/Worcester/Leicester then you'll experience a real atmosphere. The Shed is well known world wide, and for good reason. Hartlepool at home in FA Cup 1st round would be a shit atmosphere at City too....

I've been there many a time bud and seen.some cracking games, was merely stating that it reminded me why I like footie so much.. Altho the food was outstanding, I'd rather pay for quality every time..
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And do, voraciously.

The huge increase in badgers over the last 30 years - up 13 fold - is said to be the main reason for the decline in hedgehogs.

That's why Horace and his friends in low places are actively promoting the TB scare ;)

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Guest catcott_red1

Honestly don't see what the problem is here. Its not like the OP has said he's decided to jump ship to FGR is it. He's a Bristol City fan and clearly supports us but likes to watch local football too. Is there such a problem with that? Isn't that what people should be encouraging instead of sitting on thier bums and paying SKY to watch Man Utd.


He's  merely pointing out the fact that he visited a side a couple divisions below us in the football pyramid and said what a good time he has had and where he thinks the club he supports (Bristol City) can do to impropve their match day experiences. I mean shouldn't the club always be looking to improve it self and make things better for us as fans and if taking note and benchmarking us agaisnt a lower side is the way to go then i'm more than happy to back that. All he's done is try to suggest where his club can improve. If he didn't care and you wanted him to "bugger off to forest green"  he wouldn't be on here suggesting how city could improve would he!?

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Guest catcott_red1

Dead right. Maybe some of the suits who are running/ruining BCFC should go to FGR to see how it can be done?


They definantley should. I highly doubt many of them have tried our own matchday experience, they just sit in their nice cushty seats.


I mean if they actually tried going down under the Dolman, had a pint and some food and even a flutter they would see what the majority of fans go through and what we experience and how poor (in some aspects) it really is. Then after they've done that go to other clubs, both higher and lower and see how they do and what we do better and progress that and improve and change the areas in which we don't excell. I know if the food was better and the booze was cheaper i'd buy alot more of it. I feel alot of people at the "top" feel the club are offering a decent service and value by just re branding the food and taking 10p off but truth is they are not. The food is poor and the price of a pint is very high and if they tried it themselves they would see this. Good food and drink at reasonable prices served by competent and effcient staff is not asking the world in my opinion. Other clubs can do it so why not us too. It would increase the reputatio of the club as well as increasing the revenue.

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The ironic thing about all of this thread is if the op had not been a city fan I myself and my son would never of been either as he took me to my first game when I was about 13 and am now 41... KevP is a lifelong city fan as are all of us

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I've been there many a time bud and seen.some cracking games, was merely stating that it reminded me why I like footie so much.. Altho the food was outstanding, I'd rather pay for quality every time..

Quality....L1 vs Premiership with internationals / world cup winners. No contest for me, each to their own! Far more passionate about City than Glos, but you can't compare the product

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Quality....L1 vs Premier League with internationals / world cup winners. No contest for me, each to their own! Far more passionate about City than Glos, but you can't compare the product

I'm referring to the food I tasted... Jeeez
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Tim your a complete (.)(.) quite why you feel the need to argue with everyone just goes to show you up as a right knob, you clearly cant read either I dont see one post above where someone has said they goto FGR when City are playing, NO it quite clearly states when City either dont play or are miles away from home.


Grow up or get lost, the quicker you go into melt down and get yourself banned the better


And yes i dont like you !




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To be fair to our under-fire board, or "suits," they're not about to do anything with the catering, half-time fan experience, when the place is about to be bulldozed. Let's see what they come up with once it's all been transformed! Then you can contrast and compare, or just moan and gripe. Or waffle and ... chips[/quote

I disagree. This is precisely when they should be looking to see how it CAN be done, so that the new AG is better than the old.

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Tim your a complete (.)(.) quite why you feel the need to argue with everyone just goes to show you up as a right knob, you clearly cant read either I dont see one post above where someone has said they goto FGR when City are playing, NO it quite clearly states when City either dont play or are miles away from home.

Grow up or get lost, the quicker you go into melt down and get yourself banned the better

And yes i dont like you !



I second this completely, would also appear he's local to me.. Maybe he'd care to carry his Internet persona into the real world as even his keyboard must if had enough of getting a bad name for itself because of its unstable owner
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Folks...Im the OP...I'm sat here wondering what the F@ck I bothered posting for. As Pooki says, I'm lifelong City. I go to FGR once or twice ( at most ) a season. I live a 5 minute drive from the ground. I was just sharing a very enjoyable football experience on a bleedin football forum. And making the point about Turley....I didn't actually suggest City could or couldn't learn from FGR....but with hindsight, as some have posted, they probably could !! And for Timothy Bird, you seem to have upset several on here on this post alone so please don't reply, cos most of us can't understand the drivel anyway. 

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