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Sacking Left Me Feeling Ashamed


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Have I missed something here are we actually 11th in the league? or 11th in a stat that was originally invented to assist our granddads to make a more informed decision about where to put their 'X's on their Littlewaoods or Vernons pools coupon?.

Care to explain why it helps people with their pools coupon ?

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Im not looking at it as years of failure because, that will only keep holding us back. Sure be mindful of what's gone on before, but we cannot be held hostage or be driven forward by it. We have a fantastic opportunity to do something here (again, So'D coulda shoulda worked, didnt) with at least something to back us up should the coach fail to achieve their goals





Well there isnt so many words and hot air, in this case, we are doing... It may be a case that it's not right first time, everytime, but unlike before we are doing something and have to stick with the Pillars as fundamentally they are sound.


The next coach doesnt have to have a 'similar style' to So'D because long balls to Baldock and passes between the back 4 arent great, they can be whoever they want as long as they by in to the club ethos and allow player and tactical progression and flexibility. We have the players, we have the potential and we just need some one to orchestrate that tactically, something that SO'D didnt manage to do despite all of the procrastination. All I ever said about SO'D was that he should walk the walk and not just talk the talk, we need a 'doer and a thinker' not just a 'thinker' 

FWIW I reckon So'D will go to Crawley, again and perhaps assume a DoF role

Well, Ralph. If we don't see "long balls to Baldock" or "passes between the back four" the mind boggles at just what we will see. Long balls between the back four, perhaps, or, daftier still, passes to Baldock! I don't know, these modern day coaches with all their fancy drills and philosophies. You are starting to wet my appetite!

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Care to explain why it helps people with their pools coupon ?


I can only assume that you are not that old, back in the day most working class people did the pools and most had various systems, one was just keeping the same numbers, my granddad had a bag of numbers which he drew out on a weekly basis, some of them believed that just like with horse racing you could study current form and chose your draws that way, in the newspapers there would a fixture list for the coming saturday with a prediction from the football or betting correspondent and W L D for the previous six games before the home side and after the away side in this list, later on they also published league tables of current form for people to study, because the pools had by then progressed to offering pay outs for predicting wins and even defeats and then of course there was Horace Batchelor from Keynsham, spelt K-E-Y-N-S-H-A-M (i'll leave to google that one).


Much the same way people do the lottery actually.



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I can only assume that you are not that old, back in the day most working class people did the pools and most had various systems, one was just keeping the same numbers, my granddad had a bag of numbers which he drew out on a weekly basis, some of them believed that just like with horse racing you could study current form and chose your draws that way, in the newspapers there would a fixture list for the coming saturday with a prediction from the football or betting correspondent and W L D for the previous six games before the home side and after the away side in this list, later on they also published league tables of current form for people to study, because the pools had by then progressed to offering pay outs for predicting wins and even defeats and then of course there was Horace Batchelor from Keynsham, spelt K-E-Y-N-S-H-A-M (i'll leave to google that one).

Horace Batchelor (no relation) had a brilliant scam, the Inforadraw(l) Method, which he advertised on Radio Luxembourg. He used a primitive computer to prepare different sets of random numbers for each client and asked them to send him a portion of any winnings. Most did - out of misplaced gratitude ;)

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