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Hi, My Name Is Les, And I'm A......

The Right Honourable Les Q

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...a.....a...a Lesbian, ....no, sorry, (Freudian slip, sorry)...I'm nervous actually. Sorry, never been to this before...Umm, yes, my name's Les and, um, I'm adickhead..no, sorry. No, I'm uh, a addicted...

Can I just ask, why has that bloke got a pretend hedgehog?

Sorry. I'll let someone else speak now. Oh, meant to say, think some mad gymnast or something used the bog and there's sh1t all over the seat, the back, everywhere. It stinks, too.

Sorry. That's all. Oh dear god. Can you ask that fellow not to do that with his fingers coming out of his eye?

Oh, one more thing. Um, confidentiality. Do we really have to have that dolly bird, lovely as she is, posting everything out on social media as we speak? And I seem to know everyone here, kind of. Thought this was anonymous?

And is this fancy dress, as well? Not my thing really, certainly not dressing up like a bridesmaid.

I'll stop there. Someone else speak now, while I move and sit next to Glyn Riley. Alright Glyn, bloody legend mate



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Horace isn't a pretend hedgehog. He's been to the Gate more often this season than some I could name :nono:

I think you're at the RIGHT group. Definitely. We're here to support each other in all this

(Not a pretend hedgehog? Bloody hell. This group is worse than I thought. I'm alright really, but this lot got problems...mmm, that's Jimmy Mann, blimey. Sit next to him next week....)

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(And Tinns, still insisting he be called up for England, poor thing. Can't adapt to not playing anymore, poor bugger...mind, in front of Leighton Banes, tasty?)


If you happen to bump into Basso, in your imaginary world, can you ask him his chances of making the Brazil World Cup squad?  And then let us know. Cheers Q old chap.

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I think Q has got love sickness for some dolly bird. He is definitely on a high.

Romantic relationships between the addicted are not encouraged in the group, "Thresh," just supportive ones...

(Not my fault if that delightful dolly bird is crazy for old Les! Who can blame her, though. Think the group should make an exception here...fingers crossed...)

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