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Romanian/bulgarian Axis Of Evil

Barrs Court Red

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The criminal aspect isn't my main point but there definitely IS data that links immigration with increases in crime.  Google 'atm fraud london' and read quotes from the police.  You can also follow the growth in certain types of sexual related crimes and immigration from the third word.  This is a European-wide issue (violent crime by Romanians is at epidemic levels here in Italy).


The issue I was focusing on is the Welfare budget - the number one priority of this budget should be British people, rather than spending it on the needs of immigrants.  This is clearly immoral because we're talking about economic migrants, not desperate refugees.  People who come here to work should not receive benefits for at least two years of continuous contributions.  People who don't come here to work shouldn't come here - unemployed immigrants should be sent home. 'Self employed' Roma Big Issue sellers are so because they are then entitled to benefits. It's a scandal. 


Again, I ask you: if you were in charge of the budget would you spend it on making sure pensioners don't freeze or starve to death or on providing housing and benefits for economic immigrants?  I mean why not provide free gas and electricity for people over the age of (say) 70?  I don't know the actual numbers but I'm guessing the government could easily afford this if they did not have other priorities relating to immigration and foreign aid.  The politicians won't do this of course because they don't answer to the British people in the end.  And this is why I look forward to a surge in nationalism across Europe - it's the only way ordinary decent people will be looked after by their government.


As for my Romanian mate - I'm worried about him tbh because he's a decent guy. However, when immigration is kept at a certain level everything is fine, when it goes above a certain level trouble is not far away, and I don't want him getting caught-up in the back-lash.


it is estimated as many as 30,000 pensioners died of starvation/hypothermia last winter, that is a scandal.



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The irony of this piece is that in the main the least polluting age group are the one's who are most likely to pay with their lives because of the green taxes, tax the actual polluters themselves FFS.



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Sorry, but are we now blaming Romanians and Bulgarians for pensioners being cold and hungry in the winter? I'd say that the artificially high cost of energy and food is a far bigger problem. It is a scandal but its something the government should be funding regardless of entirely speculative costs of extra Eastern Europeans. Don't shift blame from this ****less government (and the last) when they deserve it all

PS most foreign aid is designed to facilitate British exports and industry, not that I necessarily agree with it. That's why the budget isn't reduced

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What have intergovernmental foreign aid and Trident in common?

They both help to keep the UK's place on the UN Security Council. This brings precisely zero benefit to the people of these islands. However, it gives status to our politicians, at enormous cost to us.

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Having worked for around 9 years on and off in Romania I can assure you they are absolutely laughing their t1ts off at the thought of the dregs of their country (a sub-culture that does nothing but destroy everything they touch) piling into the UK. They can't believe they are so lucky. Make of that what you will.

Don't worry, Keith Vaz will be on hand to serve them coffee when they arrive.

Don't think it's really happening? Got an interesting message from a contact who regularly drives from Germany to Romania and back for work about the number of cars on the roads with RO number plates heading in ... which direction do you think?

It's ok though - it's not really happening.

Exactly. Altough your average Romanian is right up shite creek with money. Public sector having up to 75% of their salary taken away over the past 4 years. Many want to stay. Those that leave to work would rather move to latin countries as the language is easier. Leaving us with those who really want to work in the UK (a small but hard working minority) or those that come here for criminal activity, or those (some are not even classed as Romanian nationals) as the Romas are heavily persecuted.

Add into all of this, many Romanians are quite proud of their sneaky and corrupt ways (get to know them, and it is part of the psyche) we are set up perfectly to take many of the sneaky ones. Pretty harsh on those who just want to eatn to provide for their families back home, because they are damn hard workers (those that want to work)

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Oh and Robbo's mob again, is this journalism? No, it's childish...enjoy your contract matey!

What a ****** - how is this defendable as an 'impartial state broadcaster'?

Unless, of course, the BBC HAVE an agenda.....who knew?

It would take 6 months of not paying the license fee, and 3-4 UKIP MP's to change the whole political face of this country.

You do realise UKIP will never get any MP's ?

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You do realise UKIP will never get any MP's ?

It is inevitable that they will. Their rise has been staggering considering when they were formed.

I'd argue UKIP are now more relevant than the Lib Dems and with a favourable condidtions pre election (Romanian communists burn down parliment) could easily get 3rd.

Can you imagine a Conservative/ UKIP coalition.....

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It is inevitable that they will. Their rise has been staggering considering when they were formed.

I'd argue UKIP are now more relevant than the Lib Dems and with a favourable condidtions pre election (Romanian communists burn down parliment) could easily get 3rd.

Can you imagine a Conservative/ UKIP coalition.....

Pretty sure when their policies & candidates are fully exposed they will sink back to obscurity, then they'll re-integrate with the tories into a rump right wing Sir Bufton Tufton old farts party.

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It is inevitable that they will. Their rise has been staggering considering when they were formed.

I'd argue UKIP are now more relevant than the Lib Dems and with a favourable condidtions pre election (Romanian communists burn down parliment) could easily get 3rd.

Can you imagine a Conservative/ UKIP coalition.....

UKIPs problem is that they've only managed to get across anything like a strong policy on the question of the EU and immigration (I suspect because that's the only thing they have a strong policy on, but that is a different debate really), they won't maintain their popularity into the election. The Conservatives will cherry pick some of UKIPs more palatable and realistic policies and tempt right-wing voters back into the fold. This is even assuming that UKIP maintain any kind of anecdotal popularity into 2015 given the current bounce in the economy; the happier right and centre-right voters are with their current lot in life, the less likely they are to stray from the Tories. Ironically, UKIP will probably do well in this years Euro elections though

I imagine the real winners from the apparent demise of the Lib Dems will be The Greens and ultimately, Labour

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The interviewers were idiots but they are paid to ask the questions and Farage can handle them.  Water off a ducks back.


But Eco, what about the points Nigel Farage has raised?  Romanian crime, the numbers of Roma ?


Nigel Farage can handle a few overpaid (at British taxpayers' expense) BBC EU loving arseholes no problem. Nigel Farage has been doing us proud in the vipers' nest that is the EU parliament by exposing EU fraud and corruption and taking on the unelected despots of the EU for years. All Tory and Labour EU loving traitors should hang their heads in shame for signing us up to the various EU treaties behind our backs - like Esau, they have sold their country for a mess of pottage.

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Robbos mates at their impartial best - *gobble gobble* choke splutter.... Nice Red Jacket!


Jeez, what's the smell? Oh, the troll's crawled out from udnder his/her stone....


You seem a bit fixated with gay sex, SX. Anything you want to tell us?


Anyway, you're going on ignore so sadly I wont read your tales from Down Under. For me, it'll be like flushing a particularly unpleasant turd out of the plumbing system! :)


Talking of turds, in my opinion - and it is just opinion - commodity brokers like Mr Farrage have done at least as much harm to the UK economy as uncontrolled immigration, probably more.


Your yesterday post was hillarious BTW, SX.  I have questions to answer about someone who worked somewhere years before I was there. Collective guilt, is it? So, former civil servant Red Goblin (for example) must know all about Dennis Nilsen.


You seem to be labouring under the illusion that you'd posted stories about a driver the BBC provided exclusively for scumbag Savile.


In fact, they were two different stories there. One about a bloke who worked for Savile (note the emphasis) for a while in 1971 and is now senile, and the other about a bloke employed to chauffeur various "stars" to shows in the early 80s who turned out to be a fiddler and has now, happily, killed himself.


Anyway, it's toodle-pip from me. Some of your opinions were worth listening to, SX, but you'll find no-one willing to engage with you, due to your unpleasant obsession with slinging personal insults at people you disagree with, then trolling them like a sad inadequate afterwards.


I'm not sure why the moderators won't act over your behaviour. Luckily the ignore option exists! :clap:

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Jeez, what's the smell? Oh, the troll's crawled out from udnder his/her stone....


You seem a bit fixated with gay sex, SX. Anything you want to tell us?


Anyway, you're going on ignore so sadly I wont read your tales from Down Under. For me, it'll be like flushing a particularly unpleasant turd out of the plumbing system! :)


Talking of turds, in my opinion - and it is just opinion - commodity brokers like Mr Farrage have done at least as much harm to the UK economy as uncontrolled immigration, probably more.


Your yesterday post was hillarious BTW, SX.  I have questions to answer about someone who worked somewhere years before I was there. Collective guilt, is it? So, former civil servant Red Goblin (for example) must know all about Dennis Nilsen.


You seem to be labouring under the illusion that you'd posted stories about a driver the BBC provided exclusively for scumbag Savile.


In fact, they were two different stories there. One about a bloke who worked for Savile (note the emphasis) for a while in 1971 and is now senile, and the other about a bloke employed to chauffeur various "stars" to shows in the early 80s who turned out to be a fiddler and has now, happily, killed himself.


Anyway, it's toodle-pip from me. Some of your opinions were worth listening to, SX, but you'll find no-one willing to engage with you, due to your unpleasant obsession with slinging personal insults at people you disagree with, then trolling them like a sad inadequate afterwards.


I'm not sure why the moderators won't act over your behaviour. Luckily the ignore option exists! :clap:


It was commodity brokers such as Nigel Farage that brought massive wealth to the British economy by helping to finance world trade over the past 300 odd years. Again, not highlighted by the BBC EU loving propaganda newsagency but Nigel Farage exposes a EU Tory traitor (sat behind him) and what yet more EU immigrants will bring to the UK economy and how the EU would want to embroil us in war in Syria...........


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It was commodity brokers such as Nigel Farage that brought massive wealth to the British economy by helping to finance world trade over the past 300 odd years. Again, not highlighted by the BBC EU loving propaganda newsagency but Nigel Farage exposes a EU Tory traitor (sat behind him) and what yet more EU immigrants will bring to the UK economy and how the EU would want to embroil us in war in Syria...........



No, they are pure speculators, Goblin. They are parasitic middle-men whose bumper salaries boost the price of essential items for the rest of us.



You seem a tad confused though. Commodity brokers are not the traders of yore - bringing goods back from around the World, but people working on behalf of large financial institutions in casino capitalism artificial markets. I believe Mr Farrage traded in "futures" on behalf of a number of banks.

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and here's the thing, 10 years ago when New Labour began realising they had ****** immigration right up and looking for a scapegoat they turned on the French and in particular Sangat where many of these legal and illegal migrants were camped. The mayor of Sangat famously said 'instead of looking for scapegoats, perhaps the UK should ask one simple question, why are these people traveling through various borders in europe, with only one intention in their mind, to get to Britain at any cost?' and the question still remains unanswered well by politicians anyway.

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I will be amazed if UKIP don't get at least 2 MP's in 2015.

I will qualify that by saying that if the Euro (MEP) vote is not massively in favour of them, then that will be the maximum I can see.

However, if the MEP is a big success for UKIP, then, yes, I really do think 3-4 MP's is not too far a stretch.

There is a huge, disenfranchised block of Christian Working Class Men and Women who have been shat on for 40 years. Maybe, just maybe, Nigel Farage, and UKIP will provide them with them big kick in the arse they need to vote.

I, for one, hope so.

So what will one Euro-sceptic MP mean to this country? It will mean that challenging Immigration, stupid amounts of overseas aid, an open-borders policy for EU members will not be tarnished with the shout of "RACIST"

Let me just say something For the people who seem to need to keep pointing this out - I work in Australia because I was able to jump through all the hoops and pitfalls of getting here. Because I have the skills, after 20 years of study and training to be qualified for the position I have.

Would it be fair if I just strolled in to Australia and took a position that an Australian could fill, just because the (pretend name) "Far-East multicultural Open borders Alliance" said I could?

No. So why should the UK be different. Immigration to fill jobs that CANNOT be filled by the local workforce, and that job is one that is necessary - surely that's fair?

Increasing the number of people applying for a minimum wage job in the UK, by allowing extra people into the UK because Van Rumpole (sic) says so? NO,No,No.

While I think that it's highly likely that UKIP will see an increase their total share of the vote, I really doubt they'll win a parliamentary seat. Euro elections are contested over a wider area meaning such an increase in vote share and the proportional representation system properly reflects it. Our FPP system Will only reflect it in a very small area and people tend to vote tactically. People will be worried that a vote for UKIP is really helping Labour gain a seat in a swing area, Labour or Lib Dem areas they have no chance and presuming the economy improves, I can't see them taking seats from Tory strongholds

Can I ask what it is you do SX225? Just interested what it is you do that is so specialised that an Australian can't do it? Genuinely interested. In the interests of fair disclosure, I work for a Local Authority in Environmental Regulation

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No, they are pure speculators, Goblin. They are parasitic middle-men whose bumper salaries boost the price of essential items for the rest of us.



You seem a tad confused though. Commodity brokers are not the traders of yore - bringing goods back from around the World, but people working on behalf of large financial institutions in casino capitalism artificial markets. I believe Mr Farrage traded in "futures" on behalf of a number of banks.


Commodity brokers, speculators, are looking to make a profit and will therefore attempt to buy when prices are low, thus raising prices, and sell when prices are high, thus lowering prices. Their activity therefore will help to stabilise prices, exactly the opposite of what you suggest.

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Commodity brokers, speculators, are looking to make a profit and will therefore attempt to buy when prices are low, thus raising prices, and sell when prices are high, thus lowering prices. Their activity therefore will help to stabilise prices, exactly the opposite of what you suggest.


Not if they're selling short.

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Commodity brokers, speculators, are looking to make a profit and will therefore attempt to buy when prices are low, thus raising prices, and sell when prices are high, thus lowering prices. Their activity therefore will help to stabilise prices, exactly the opposite of what you suggest.

Only in theory. In practice they buy and sell to manipulate the markets in their favour rather than the markets
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