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Disturbing Culture - Simple Question?


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I haven't read through the thread as some people's comments would just anger me but for anyone to point the finger at us supporters is amazing, how many wins in the past two season? and we still get 11,000 odd a week.


When the players have turnt up and won there isn't a boo in the house


Plus when I don't perform I get shit from my boss and others, so why shouldn't footballers? Especially with the money they are on.

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Ok people seem to want to draw comparsions to the army. So when our soilders are getting shot at in a combat situation the Sgt's or whoever is in charge are shouting abuse at these people telling them their useless ***** and should **** off etc?.

That's not 10,000 sergeants though now is it ? and not on telly .Not quite the same thing and our players don't have carrots with which to protect themselves.

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Im sure the police get much more abuse than any footballers and pretty much on a daily basis. They won't earn in a year what a lot of our players probably get in 1-2 months.

Surely they accept its as part of their job? I worked in a secure mental health unit and got abuse, death threats, etc on a daily basis but I just accepted that was part of the job.

I'm not saying its right to get abuse but to get paid what they do I'd happily have 10-15k of people give me a bit of booing, sarcastic cheering, etc for 90 minutes a week.

Judging by most footballers I've met they won't care what fans think of them because they think they are far superior to us. Just go to java on a saturday night and you will see our players don't seem to have any low self esteem issues.

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As stated above, this has always happened, and our status in the league doesn't necessarily come into it.  I distinctly remember chants of "Take off Cormack" in our first season back in the top flight when Peter was not having a great game and the cheers that went up when was subbed. This was the Peter Cormack we had signed from Liverpool earlier in the season and was, along  with Norman Hunter our only "household name" in the team at that time.  And yes it was the same Peter Cormack  who had scored the only 2 goals of the game when we beat Arsenal at home to complete the double over them a couple of months earlier.


Also when we were in the top flight I remember Gerry Gow doing a Q&A thing in the matchday programme.  He listed his pet hate as the "group of blokes in the Enclosure (now front Williams) who give me load of stick at every home game".  And this was player seen by many as one of the best of recent times, of all our players this is one of the few who really deserve to be described as a legend.  Yet he had to put up with that.


Whether its right or wrong, its always happened, even to top players when we have been playing in the top flight. 

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I blame all seater grounds. No, bear with me......


There seems to be an attitude these days of "go on then, entertain me & I'll give you my support". Plenty of sitting back with arms folded & a righteous look on the face. No getting behind the team until they are doing well, & believe me that is a while back now.


In the 40 years I've been watching football this seems the reverse of what it was like when I first started going, when you yelled your head off in support no matter what was going on. Total blind faith (stupidity?) has a lot going for it. Any player abuse ("Mabbut, you're a donkey") was usually one isolated voice followed by laughing from all.


Simpler times, but much more fun for supporters & players.


It'll all be alright when the rail seats are in  :fingerscrossed:

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I haven't read through the thread as some people's comments would just anger me but for anyone to point the finger at us supporters is amazing, how many wins in the past two season? and we still get 11,000 odd a week.

No we don't! That may be what they announce, but they do that when there's barely 7,000 there.

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I haven't read through the thread as some people's comments would just anger me but for anyone to point the finger at us supporters is amazing, how many wins in the past two season? and we still get 11,000 odd a week.


When the players have turnt up and won there isn't a boo in the house


Plus when I don't perform I get shit from my boss and others, so why shouldn't footballers? Especially with the money they are on.

Not pointing the finger, just asking the question on how getting on the back of individual players could ever help matters? It's sadly becoming the norm but it is a culture we can positively address - appreciate the entertainment isn't great at the moment but together, if we were to get behind the side more often we could make a visit the gate far more pleasurable?

Appreciate the team need to play their part too though!

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People flocking out the ground well before the end even when their team are winning tells its own story. I really love, support and will my team to win but don't want to be a part of the climax of victory, cos of traffic. I appreciate people pay their money and make their choice but still, aren't they missing the point?

The collective psyche is all a bit weid, it seems. Bloody Individualism!

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Seems Russell Slade supports this view, fair play to him for coming out and saying it...


Leyton Orient boss Russell Slade claims some fans should have stayed at home after criticising their treatment of goalkeeper Shwan Jalal during their 3-1 home defeat to Bristol City.


The O's crashed to their third consecutive defeat as their promotion hopes suffered a major setback. Jalal, on loan from Bournemouth, struggled throughout the match and was to blame for the Robins' third goal. But Slade hit out at supporters for their sarcastic applause and negativity towards the keeper. 

Slade said: "I have to say tonight I thought the fans that were cheering when he caught the ball on several occasions I think that's shocking. I wouldn't wish that on any professional player. I don't think anybody deserves that.

"If that's their way of protesting or not getting behind the team, then to be honest I'd rather they stayed at home."

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Seems Russell Slade supports this view, fair play to him for coming out and saying it...


Leyton Orient boss Russell Slade claims some fans should have stayed at home after criticising their treatment of goalkeeper Shwan Jalal during their 3-1 home defeat to Bristol City.


The O's crashed to their third consecutive defeat as their promotion hopes suffered a major setback. Jalal, on loan from Bournemouth, struggled throughout the match and was to blame for the Robins' third goal. But Slade hit out at supporters for their sarcastic applause and negativity towards the keeper. 

Slade said: "I have to say tonight I thought the fans that were cheering when he caught the ball on several occasions I think that's shocking. I wouldn't wish that on any professional player. I don't think anybody deserves that.

"If that's their way of protesting or not getting behind the team, then to be honest I'd rather they stayed at home."



i thought the Orient supporters had stayed at home ,judging by the gate.

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