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Work Tomorrow, Who's Going?


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Plenty of noise coming from someone's 'end' judging by the quacking sounds coming from one of the traps in the bogs. Poor bastard, probably a dodgy breakfast bap this morning.

I wonder if he was the same bloke who had destroyed trap two earlier?

I walked in and thought it was some sort of dirty protest about recent signings.

You dont think its linked to these rumours that the boss has bubonic plague do you?

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I wonder if he was the same bloke who had destroyed trap two earlier?

I walked in and thought it was some sort of dirty protest about recent signings.

You dont think its linked to these rumours that the boss has bubonic plague do you?


Probably caught in from one of the rats in the board room :(

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I've left before the end, to beat the traffic. Now watching Rastamouse . Easy!

Lucky for some. The person I'm car sharing for 'wants to stay till the end'

It's shocking just like last week!! We've got too many slackers not pulling their weight and people coming under pressure because they have to do 3 people's work!!

I can hear the boos from the Managers office as I type

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Will someone put up the highlights on here when they're available (and no, M. Porter, that doesn't mean a lovely pic of Dolly with her curly, lustrous, shiny locks tumbling gorgeously down to her petite, delicate shoulders, helping to frame an arresting face, with high cheekbones .... oh, dear god ..... )

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Dont leave early. I once went on a field trip observing colleagues in our mansfield office. They were awful all day and suddenly from nowhere they tie down a huge contract still talked about to this day just as the cleaner was turning the lights out.

I have heard those huge contracts take some controlling, especially in the dark................ :fear:

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Just back from the work, after a turgid display and going behind early due too some sloppy play pulled it right out the bag late on with a decent second half showing. Still a lot of work to do in the second leg of the five this week, maybe even extra time Saturday if needed

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