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The Rising Tide Of Discontent Aimed At Jet

Gene Hunt

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Would not say that personally, i can barely remember Barnett touching the ball or putting their defence under any kind of pressure, he's been a massive disappointment and therein lies the problem, there is barely any striker options for Cotterell to choose from,    

sorry mate, i dont agree with that, we defo were weaker without him

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We really need a Defensive Midfielder. Then we can afford to have JET as we will have cover defensively. Also takes the pressure off the defence as they don't have to deal with

1. The opposing midfielder running at them and having to cover the striker they are marking at the same time

2. Have an option to give the ball to instead of them having to pick out a 50yrd pass

3. Helps them win the second ball from a cross

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Would not say that personally, i can barely remember Barnett touching the ball or putting their defence under any kind of pressure, he's been a massive disappointment and therein lies the problem, there is barely any striker options for Cotterell to choose from,

Thats funny i saw him knock on several balls. His problem was no one close enough to him to make anything of it .if jet was closer and calling to him to knock it here knock it thereit would be much different.you are meant to play off a target man calling and reading knock offs ,sammy out wide and jet not looking to help him left him with no options . Felt sorry for barnet he was completely isolated and didnt have a chance ,he tried to run left and right to close down but we sat so far back it was futile,he was chasing shadows .

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Thats funny i saw him knock on several balls. His problem was no one close enough to him to make anything of it .if jet was closer and calling to him to knock it here knock it thereit would be much different.you are meant to play off a target man calling and reading knock offs ,sammy out wide and jet not looking to help him left him with no options . Felt sorry for barnet he was completely isolated and didnt have a chance ,he tried to run left and right to close down but we sat so far back it was futile,he was chasing shadows .

Obviously the manager seen it the same way as me which is why he hauled him off at half-time

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Jet's poor performance yesterday didn't cost us a win it was once again the ineptitude of our poor defence, their first goal came about from some shocking defending again but all this seems to go unnoticed in the chase of making Jet a scapegoat,

No agreed jet did not cost us a win. Jet is not a scape goat he just isnt performing for the team . Clean sheets are our biggest problem not jet. But on the other hand if you carry a player anywhere on the pitch it wont work, come on you must see he is not doing it ,he is our most creative player but only when it suits him.

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Jet's poor performance yesterday didn't cost us a win it was once again the ineptitude of our poor defence, their first goal came about from some shocking defending again but all this seems to go unnoticed in the chase of making Jet a scapegoat,

The defence have been poor all season. We know this. They're just bad, in the main.

JET however is a technically fantastic player who is playing currently at about 10% of his ability. That's where the frustration comes from. No one doubts his ability - but even you as his biggest defender must be able to see that and you have to accept that even good players can come in for criticism when they are performing considerably below their ability.

I don't know why you keep saying scapegoat. No one is blaming him for anything other than not performing up to expectations, expectations which he set by having such a good start to the season.

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Doesn't make sense? 

The whole team get slagged off but people take issue with JET as they like him/think hes a good player.


So people usually have to explain on big threads like this why they think hes not very good and argue with people thinking hes great, hes no more a scapegoat than any player in the team.

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Jay's unorthodox approach to the game is to amble about at pedestrian speed in apparently random positions then pick a perfect pass into the box or have an unexpected crack himself. We know this and accept this.

What is not acceptable and we saw again Saturday is standing and watching from our half while an attack is made, failing to pick up loose balls drifting feet away from him, zero tackles, zero attempts to jump. He had a very bad game and we were effectively sending out 10 men - arguably 9 if you are uncharitable about the second half improvement of Wade "I don't tackle" Elliott.

I don't think this is down to the manager: he had bad games under Sean too.

I do think with Burns coming on, a winger who can get behind his man and float in crosses, we probably took the wrong man off. Barnett may be slow, but at least he would be arriving in the box - as opposed to being 15 yards away.

A rest for JET methinks.

...we got ourselves the wrong kinda jet for that, what we'd give a a Harrier right now.

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I'd play JET every week. Granted his goals have dried up but he played a big part of the two goals at Orient and we all know he can score from anywhere on the pitch.


He's played a massive part people are just stupid, I mean 17 goals and all his assists most of them for our other 17 goal man Baldock people are mental to direct all the shit at him they do.

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He's played a massive part people are just stupid, I mean 17 goals and all his assists most of them for our other 17 goal man Baldock people are mental to direct all the shit at him they do.

Totally agree mate.

This club will never be a success

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Seems to me the same people slagging off JET are the ones who praised no goal Taylor. Very perverse and that mindset is part of the reason we are near the bottom of League One.

JET is a victim of his own success, similar to Gary Johnson in some ways. At his worst he is still more effective than the likes of Taylor, or Bryan or Burns at their best.

Barnett passed a horrendous ball across the backline to an opposition player yesterday. Some bloke behind me shouted '***** sake Thomas, you're shit.' Sums up too much of our fan base I'm afraid.

Don't want to jump on the jet kicking debate but you have dragged 3 others into the debate quite unfairly imo.

Taylor has gone so pointless debating that one full stop.

Bryan was on the pitch for 10 mins yesterday and put in a greater effort than jet did in 90 mins yesterday, and actually he jet wasn't at his worst, i have seen him worse than he was yesterday and dragged off rightly so in those games.

Wes also was far more effective when he came on, so not sure what game you were watching or what players

To have to drag young joe bryan and burns into your jet comparisons just proves you are going nowhere with your jet infatuation.

Big name and big wages, the club deserve better in return

Yesterday's performance was not acceptable, period

It wasn't his failure,it was his attitude and effort that is under attack here, and rightfully so.

So don't come the brainless fan card here, they have every right to question his commitment yesterday.

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Don't want to jump on the jet kicking debate but you have dragged 3 others into the debate quite unfairly imo.

Taylor has gone so pointless debating that one full stop.

Bryan was on the pitch for 10 mins yesterday and put in a greater effort than jet did in 90 mins yesterday, and actually he jet wasn't at his worst, i have seen him worse than he was yesterday and dragged off rightly so in those games.

Wes also was far more effective when he came on, so not sure what game you were watching or what players

To have to drag young joe bryan and burns into your jet comparisons just proves you are going nowhere with your jet infatuation.

Big name and big wages, the club deserve better in return

Yesterday's performance was not acceptable, period

It wasn't his failure,it was his attitude and effort that is under attack here, and rightfully so.

So don't come the brainless fan card here, they have every right to question his commitment yesterday.

Taylor was already being discussed on this thread and I am using Burns and Bryan as good additional examples especially as they don't get criticised. Your line about Bryan putting more effort in in 10 mins than JET in the whole match sums my point up perfectly. What is the point in effort if there is no end result, as there has been so little of from Bryan all season?


Burns also put in a lot of effort running the ball out of play a few times although I suppose that midfield slide tackle got the crowd going.

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Some crazy crazy opinions on here. You only had to witness Brentford and Oldham away to see how much was created without him. And that is when he isn't on great form.


He certainly hasn't been at his best for a month or so now but still provides way more than anyone else can.


Anyway just drop him and see how we get on...

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I can't believe what people are saying on this thread, Jet is not only our top scorer with 18 goals, he's also got more assists (11) than anyone else, ie he's been involved in 29 of our goals this season. Also, he's scored 4 since SC took over.


It's no coincidence that Baldock's been getting more goals under SC since JET has had a different role, acting more as a provider.


Why do some of our supporters always have to have someone to moan about, now Fontaine's not playing it looks like another scapegoat has to be found when the team doesn't perform well?

This has been a problem all my life and I'm well into my 50s. As supporters we always have a scapegoat. My god Cheese was hammered for weeks before his promotion to GOD! Try a few of these scapegoats.

Christian Roberts

Dave Smith

Dave Rennie

Joe Burnell

Lee Johnson

Gerry Sweeney (during and following relegation from Divvy One)

Christ one bloke got up and left saying my only crime was I once played for Bristol Rovers NAME ANYONE

I can name another half dozen easy

We all get upset because we care but blimey don't pick on players for no reason at least!

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Some crazy crazy opinions on here. You only had to witness Brentford and Oldham away to see how much was created without him. And that is when he isn't on great form.


He certainly hasn't been at his best for a month or so now but still provides way more than anyone else can.


Anyway just drop him and see how we get on...

That's the problem, we can't drop him, because even though he might be dreadful for 85 minutes in the game he will still create more than our whole squad in five minutes

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That's the problem, we can't drop him, because even though he might be dreadful for 85 minutes in the game he will still create more than our whole squad in five minutes

JET is now playing in that creative midfield role we have been so desperate for....He tends to be involved in anything that leads to a goal and I suspect that is where he'll stay for the foreseeable future!


Never forget this was the forum that many held the belief that Rickie England International Lambert wouldn't cut it in the Championship!! (Altough I hear he missed a sitter on Saturday :laugh:!) 

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Don't want to jump on the jet kicking debate but you have dragged 3 others into the debate quite unfairly imo.

Taylor has gone so pointless debating that one full stop.

Bryan was on the pitch for 10 mins yesterday and put in a greater effort than jet did in 90 mins yesterday, and actually he jet wasn't at his worst, i have seen him worse than he was yesterday and dragged off rightly so in those games.

Wes also was far more effective when he came on, so not sure what game you were watching or what players

To have to drag young joe bryan and burns into your jet comparisons just proves you are going nowhere with your jet infatuation.

Big name and big wages, the club deserve better in return

Yesterday's performance was not acceptable, period

It wasn't his failure,it was his attitude and effort that is under attack here, and rightfully so.

So don't come the brainless fan card here, they have every right to question his commitment yesterday.


You are correct Taylor was pointless, whats a work ethic with no end result relegation.


He was a swap deal and you have no idea what he is paid.

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He's scored 18 goals and assisted 11. Immense output. If he did nothing but this (which he doesn't) he would be worth selecting on his productivity alone. The fact that so many want him dropped because he isn't outstanding each week is typical of most football fans' inability to understand that playing well is based on such a high number of variable factors that it is often consistency that separates the brilliant from the good and the good from the average.

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