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Nile Ranger


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The court also commented how he 'ran down the corridor with his arms out as if he'd just scored a goal'. Which is fair enough.

How cases like this get to court I have no idea. It's a disgrace. If you read the case notes then there was obviously never going to be a guilty verdict.


Well if you decide to take totally inebriated women (women who could never properly give consent) to hotel rooms for sex, you run the risk even in a liberal world, just ask Ched Evans but hey whatever floats your boat Dave.



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My objections are not founded on the rape case, but on the litany of other nonsense he's got up to.


Even ignoring the bother from his youth (kids can make mistakes and become upstanding adults), he's repeatedly shown a total lack of professionalism in his conduct, and found himself having brushes with the law (drunk and disorderly conviction, charged with assault).


Doesn't matter if he was as good a Pele (which he certainly is not), he does not display the sort of professional approach I'd hope our players would have, so don't want him here.

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Well if you decide to take totally inebriated women (women who could never properly give consent) to hotel rooms for sex, you run the risk even in a liberal world, just ask Ched Evans but hey whatever floats your boat Dave.

I am not saying it wasn't stupid of Ranger but it's ridiculous to take this to court when there was next to no chance of a conviction. Another waste of money case.

If she cannot remember having sex then what are the jury supposed to do?

The Ched Evans case seems a lot different to this and I've read a bit about that as well.

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I am not saying it wasn't stupid of Ranger but it's ridiculous to take this to court when there was next to no chance of a conviction. Another waste of money case.

If she cannot remember having sex then what are the jury supposed to do?

The Ched Evans case seems a lot different to this and I've read a bit about that as well.


The only difference is in one case there were 2 defendants and and baying crowd and in the other 1person, in both cases there was independent witnesses to the drunken demeanour of the female and these cases hinge on whether a woman that badly drunk can actually consent to having sex, I suspect that you do not have daughters, which is probably just as well, I can quite easily see why this case was brought before a court and as with most rape cases the outcome is almost always a lottery but at least it was tested before a court, at a time when recorded rape cases are going down as are convictions, the 'there but for the grace of god go I' defence doesn't wash anymore.


The bottom line is simple if you end up with a very drunken woman, do the honourable thing and get her home safely, if you don't (and personally I would suspect sex with an unconscious woman is on a par with cracking one out) be prepared to have to defend your actions.



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So he's on CCTV,clearly hitting a women three times,and the police say there isn't enough evidence to get a conviction,I know a city supporter who was with four others when they were attacked by fifty,yes fifty,sags.well the five fought back,it only lasted a matter of seconds before plod broke it up.He only threw one or two punches himself,but that didn't stop the knock on the door at 6 in the morning,being carted off to Trinity rd,and getting charged with a gaolable offence,all on evedence taken from CCTV.Am I missing something?

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