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Tall King Blox

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F.A Cup this weekend and not a mention on otib....has it lost all it's shine ?...has sky really destroyed what for me was the highlight of the football season when i was a nipper.........


I used to love the build up on telly for the Cup when I was a kid. Remember "It's a Cup Final Knob Out" between the supporters clubs and all the other shows that were on ?

Sadly now it means bugger all.

The only final I missed was so I could go Gliding with the ATC at RAF Locking.

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I used to love the build up on telly for the Cup when I was a kid. Remember "It's a Cup Final Knob Out" between the supporters clubs and all the other shows that were on ?

Sadly now it means bugger all

^^this.  Pubs used to be packed regardless of which of the 92 league teams you supported for Cup Final day.  Hours of build up.  Cameras at team hotels, following the coaches....  Now it barely raises a peep. 

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I personally think it's largely down to the lack of coverage pre kick off and the way bigger clubs approach it by putting out second teams until they get into the latter stages (if they do). The FA Cup doesn't seem such a big deal any more because little clubs never really go too far due to the ever growing gap between leagues.

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Ten reasons why the FA Cup has changed (not in any order)

1. Many teams rest star players, this would never have happened pre 2000.

2. Much more money for decent league finish than FA cup win, not the case before 1992.

3. Growth of Champions League, 4th place in League is bigger prize than Cup win.

4. Man Utd allowed to dip out of Cup for a year.

5. FA Cup moved some seasons from being last game of the season.

6. FA Cup moved from 3pm Saturday kick off time.

7. All games get big build up in Sky era, used to be only the FA Cup final that was hyped.

8. Used to be a rare live football match on TV, now it is possible to watch live football every day of the week.

9. Growth of play offs, cup style football with a promotion prize at the end.

10. Overuse of Wembley e.g Cup semi finals.

It is sad, but the only chance to restore any magic is to give FA cup winners a Champions league spot.

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The FA Cup shine is imo dead. It might be the oldest comp, but now little more, if at all, glamorous than the league cup.

Can't say I'm enthused by Hull v arsenal and may watch four rooms instead.

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Have a mate who has clubb Wembley seats, literally cant give them away.

Having gone with him to the Arsenal semi I can see why not. A simply awful expetience at club level. Wembley is sh1te and the atmosphere appalling. I wpuld never go back, it was dire enough when city were there.

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F.A Cup this weekend and not a mention on otib....has it lost all it's shine ?...has sky really destroyed what for me was the highlight of the football season when i was a nipper.........

Growing up on the Oldmixon in W-s-m I've really fond memories of FA cup day and the whole build up. Fathers would be off to the pub for a few beers before the game and us kids would have a good kick around, each one of us quietly fancying that we one day would be playing in the FA Cup.

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FA cup has been dying on its arse while the Champions League has eclipsed it.

I sort of agree with this except that the Champions League eclipse has resulted in a total blackout (of football) for me.


This is the analogy:  The FA Cup Final was a cheeky little kitten that everyone liked and couldn't wait to watch playing with a ball of string. Even if the first few hours didn't involve a ball of string.


Then, along came the big fat Champions League mole, eating chocolate, farting and generally looking unappetising.   The mole found it oh so easy to sit on top of the kitten.  And now we have a dead cute thing dwarfed by a huge ugly thing I don't want to watch.


PS Is it Arsenal versus someone?  In which case, I hope someone wins.

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^^this.  Pubs used to be packed regardless of which of the 92 league teams you supported for Cup Final day.  Hours of build up.  Cameras at team hotels, following the coaches....  Now it barely raises a peep. 

Because that, and the old Home Internationals, was about the only live football on TV back in those days.

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Theres too much football on tv period.. Problem is when a big game is on it just feels watered down because of the million and one other games you've probably watched that month not to mention all the other shit on sky thats football related. Its just over kill..

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Have a mate who has clubb Wembley seats, literally cant give them away.

Having gone with him to the Arsenal semi I can see why not. A simply awful expetience at club level. Wembley is sh1te and the atmosphere appalling. I wpuld never go back, it was dire enough when city were there.

I rest my case..

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A conversation most would had with their wives at some point:

Male: Just letting you know that this Sunday I will be watching the 4 o clock game

Female: Again? But we didn't do anything last Sunday because of the football.

Male: I know but this is a really big game

Female: you said that last Sunday and the Sunday before

Male: no but this game is massive

The female silently ponders divorce/separation

In a nutshell why the FA cup has died.

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The magic has well and truly gone.

It used to be the envy of the world but it's now just another second rate cup competition which the big clubs disrespect while obsessing about getting into the (ridiculously titled!) Champions League.

Playing at Wembley in the FA Cup Final used to be every player's ambition, a once in a lifetime chance, now with the JPT, play offs etc just about every team has played there at some point!

When the semi finals were at grounds such as Hillsborough, White Hart Lane, Villa Park etc it was just a magic competition.

The build up saw me staring in wonder at the tv from 7am on Cup Final day as a kid and the players who shone on the day were heroes and legends forever.

It's a sad demise....

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