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Religion In Schools.


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Isn't it about time this was dropped completely. Surely if you wish to brainwash your child into following your religion of choice it should be away from the classroom.

Religion should be taught at home or in a church or mosque if you so wish. My son and daughter have RE in their school and it bothers me why they should have their time wasted when they could be learning more about the world we know, rather than a set of story books that have no place in a modern world.

Shouldn't schools be honest with their pupils, teaching them fact based subjects rather than wild fantasy tales where people ride winged horses or part seas with their hands.


Here's a recent story where the fruit cakes are corrupting childrens minds. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-27743742


Even though my son tells me he is bored to tears when "the god stuff" is being taught (he's 8) I never give him my view of any of it, I would rather he works it out for himself one way or another. That's how it should be shouldn't it. If the school had never taught him RE, he wouldn't know about the many confusing stories that religion brings.

An invisible being that is judging him on what he does, if he prays to it for something it may give him his wish, when his hamster and cat dies he doesn't quite get why god would be so mean.


Schools do not need to be faith schools or to have religion being taught, teach it at home if you must.

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When I was at school (I'm 27) RE wasn't taken seriously and we had one lesson every two weeks (no exams).  All I remember learning is some interesting things about Sikhs. It was a joke of a lesson but I wouldn't deny somebody who is genuinely interested the right to learn. I think religion should be taught but not practised (two very different things).


I do think faith schools are wrong though, especially the exceptions they get.

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Well this thread has all the makings of a barrel of laughs.


I am not going to have an argument on here about the existence of God, but I'm a Christian. And it should be noted that literally billions of people on this planet believe in some kind of God or deity in some shape or form. And if religion is an integral part of our world and is (according to wiki), still observed by over half the planet (I have my doubts about that but still a very high percentage). I think it is important that some time is spent looking at religions, as they have a big impact on our world.  

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it shouldn't be taught in schools, schools should use that time to teach more about maths english and science,

if parents want children to be taught about RE they should attend a sunday school (do they even happen) in their own time

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For me, knowledge and tolerance go hand in hand - it is just very open to abuse to do it through schools.


There is more to religeous studies than blind faith, it had been converted to Philosophy & Ethics by the time I was 15, which made it less exclusive to a classroom that had more and more agnostics & atheists.


RE/RS does not teach kids to believe, it teaches kids about beliefs of others predominently; comparing two faiths is a key part of any coursework or exam.


The bariers of ignorance grow with every person that refuses to at least listen what other people do/say/feel or believe. No one is asking anyone's kids to follow any faith by studying RE - what other subjects will kids learn about other cultures from around the world?


Georgraphy? Far too scientific

PD? I quite like the idea of kids looking at their options and not following what they believe to be the norm just because school-college-university-job-life is how it's "supposed to work".


Religeous studies is the study of religeon not the observance; in this day and age, ignorance is not bliss

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I actually think it's very important that kids understand the philosophy of different religions- they're undoubtedly going to come across religious people in their lives. Just need to make sure that RE/RS/whatever it's called these days is about educating rather than indoctrinating and there is a very fine line that is open to abuse on all sides

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As a society we should not have to rely on ancient books as a basis for a moral compass. Secular schools have the ability to teach right and wrong, and the consequences of certain actions. I don't see how teaching children about talking snakes and the Ten Commandments is going to make them better people.

Human beings should have the freedom to choose or not choose a religion, and I believe the best way to do that is to isolate them from all of that when they are young, and then make an informed decision when they are of a suitable age. Being brainwashed by parents and schools to follow any religion, in my eyes, is wrong. The Government shouldn't be afraid to stand up to certain groups of people who are determined to undermine our way of life. The French Government seem to be doing the right thing.

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I think schools should be secular in this country and so should medical care.

For example a parent should not refuse their child medfical treatment on religious grounds.

Also schools should not have religious asemblies full stop. We should have an option of non vocational religious education, or even have a topic of cultural studies.

But the whole Birmingham schools thing is an example of a secular government body interfering with a school. To me to make the observation that a 90% Muslim school is too Muslim is a bit strange, the whole connection of that with the word extremist is just stigmatising loads of young kids.

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Bloody hell, I agree with Monkeh

No religion what so ever should be taught at school. That is what churches are for if someone chooses to be brain washed. They can go their on their own free will if they feel the need for a crutch in life.

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I can say after 6 years at a CoE secondary school, with RE for 5 of those years, not once did a teacher tell me to believe anything and we learnt about religions, we were not told what was right and wrong. Many of you have said that people should decide for themselves but how can anyone do this if they don't know about the options in detail to make a judgement. 

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Bloody hell, I agree with Monkeh

No religion what so ever should be taught at school. That is what churches are for if someone chooses to be brain washed. They can go their on their own free will if they feel the need for a crutch in life.

Don't you think children should be taught about religion ?

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Don't you think children should be taught about religion ?

Of course they should be taught about the different religions as part of their education, as long as they are not preached to or brainwashed then what's the problem?

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Don't you think children should be taught about religion ?

Not particularly. As I said before should be done in their own time through their own choice. Should they be taught magic? in essence it is the same thing.. Being taught something someone wants you to think is real... When it is an illusion.

Actually magic would be a better thing to teach. The basis of it causes less problems in the world

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The whole problem with the situation regarding Birmingham schools is any normal right thinking person must realise that it's the tip of the iceberg throughout the UK and it just adds fuel to people arguing about a Muslim led plot to eventually have Britain adopt Islamic laws.


PS:- Davros if you want secular try France, the law banning overt religious symbols in the classroom was brought about by teachers lobbying and had/has over 84% approval rating and it's an across the board ban that doesn't target any one religion.

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Isn't it about time this was dropped completely. Surely if you wish to brainwash your child into following your religion of choice it should be away from the classroom.

Religion should be taught at home or in a church or mosque if you so wish. My son and daughter have RE in their school and it bothers me why they should have their time wasted when they could be learning more about the world we know, rather than a set of story books that have no place in a modern world.

Shouldn't schools be honest with their pupils, teaching them fact based subjects rather than wild fantasy tales where people ride winged horses or part seas with their hands.


Here's a recent story where the fruit cakes are corrupting childrens minds. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-27743742


Even though my son tells me he is bored to tears when "the god stuff" is being taught (he's 8) I never give him my view of any of it, I would rather he works it out for himself one way or another. That's how it should be shouldn't it. If the school had never taught him RE, he wouldn't know about the many confusing stories that religion brings.

An invisible being that is judging him on what he does, if he prays to it for something it may give him his wish, when his hamster and cat dies he doesn't quite get why god would be so mean.


Schools do not need to be faith schools or to have religion being taught, teach it at home if you must.


So your son / daughter should make a judgement based on no education of the subject?


Surely not teaching religion just leads to more ignorance. As someone has said, religion is a huge part of this world whether you like it or not, and to dismiss it as "wild fantasy tales" is disrespectful at best.


Perhaps your son / daughter should be encouraged to be respectful of other peoples beliefs and ideas - though that's something you are clearly lacking yourself

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I can say after 6 years at a CoE secondary school, with RE for 5 of those years, not once did a teacher tell me to believe anything and we learnt about religions, we were not told what was right and wrong. Many of you have said that people should decide for themselves but how can anyone do this if they don't know about the options in detail to make a judgement. 


Agreed. How can you make a decision on something that you haven't been educated on?


I assume those who don't agree with religion don't celebrate Christmas & Easter

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So your son / daughter should make a judgement based on no education of the subject?


Surely not teaching religion just leads to more ignorance. As someone has said, religion is a huge part of this world whether you like it or not, and to dismiss it as "wild fantasy tales" is disrespectful at best.


Perhaps your son / daughter should be encouraged to be respectful of other peoples beliefs and ideas - though that's something you are clearly lacking yourself

why is it disrespectful to call it a fairy tale or a story?


If I were start my own religion saying Han Solo told me x y and z and I got people believing, I would quite rightly be frowned upon, just like David Icke is with his reptilian ideals.  Hey he could be proved to be right.  


I don't care if people get upset if I think they are loons for believing in religion, if they are truly religious they won't care and turn the other cheek

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Agreed. How can you make a decision on something that you haven't been educated on?


I assume those who don't agree with religion don't celebrate Christmas & Easter

They make decisions by going to Church or temple or mosque and hear what is being taught by those properly educated to teach their religions rather than piecemeal from a teacher who does not and cannot know the ins and outs of all religions.


If you think you may be religious, there are plenty of proper ways of getting taught than the particularly piss poor efforts that are taught at schools.

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Agreed. How can you make a decision on something that you haven't been educated on?

I assume those who don't agree with religion don't celebrate Christmas & Easter

If you reach a certain age and decide you want to learn about a particular religion further, you can

a) Read up on it (books, online etc.)

b) Learn from your parents

c) Decide to go to a church, mosque etc and learn more there.

Pretty simple really, you don't need schools funded with public money to educate people about religion.

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If you reach a certain age and decide you want to learn about a particular religion further, you can

a) Read up on it (books, online etc.)

b) Learn from your parents

c) Decide to go to a church, mosque etc and learn more there.

Pretty simple really, you don't need schools funded with public money to educate people about religion.


With the exception of Item C you can use that argument with every subject taught in schools so it really doesn't wash 

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With the exception of Item C you can use that argument with every subject taught in schools so it really doesn't wash 

exception c is all that matters,being taught Hinduism, or Islam by potentially a Christian, or vice versa........  what is your opinion on that?  Mine it is utter bollocks, and you should only be taught by those that know about their religion, not by bloody teachers who "know about" other religions.


There is no place for it in schools.  There is no place for religious schools either, you are forcing a way of life on a child. The decision should be given to the person at a relevant age where they can choose to follow what I perceive as stories or choose another path.

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So your son / daughter should make a judgement based on no education of the subject?

Surely not teaching religion just leads to more ignorance. As someone has said, religion is a huge part of this world whether you like it or not, and to dismiss it as "wild fantasy tales" is disrespectful at best.

Perhaps your son / daughter should be encouraged to be respectful of other peoples beliefs and ideas - though that's something you are clearly lacking yourself

Take a leaf out of your own book and respect my belief. I think all religions are a crock of shite based on a fear of needing something more after their inevitable demise. Do dogs, chickens ants and bacteria all go off to this magical place when they expire? Of course not because they dont write the stories.

My children have been encouraged to have a greater gift, to keep an open mind. Both believe in the tooth fairy and father christmas by the way, I wont tell them dont worry, they'll realise when they are older, hopefully a while yet.

I have said I have not encouraged or discouraged what my children believe, the way it should be. When they are old enough to understand a bit more of what life is they can explore more if they show an interest.

History and science lessons will teach them about where they came from and why the world around them functions like it does, why would I swap modern books that teach them up to date science over a book of ancient stories.

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Take a leaf out of your own book and respect my belief. I think all religions are a crock of shite based on a fear of needing something more after their inevitable demise. Do dogs, chickens ants and bacteria all go off to this magical place when they expire? Of course not because they dont write the stories.

My children have been encouraged to have a greater gift, to keep an open mind. Both believe in the tooth fairy and father christmas by the way, I wont tell them dont worry, they'll realise when they are older, hopefully a while yet.

I have said I have not encouraged or discouraged what my children believe, the way it should be. When they are old enough to understand a bit more of what life is they can explore more if they show an interest.

History and science lessons will teach them about where they came from and why the world around them functions like it does, why would I swap modern books that teach them up to date science over a book of ancient stories.

Good on you Screech.


No need to teach you kids they need a crutch to get through life.


If they choose religion later in life, that is their choice,you can just role your eyes at them when they come to visit :)

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exception c is all that matters,being taught Hinduism, or Islam by potentially a Christian, or vice versa........  what is your opinion on that?  


And what if the teacher in any other subject is religious and tries to ram their beliefs down the throat of their students in these classes (eg: Born again Christian). What is your opinion on that ? How do you control that ?

Using your logic our children should not receive an education

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And what if the teacher in any other subject is religious and tries to ram their beliefs down the throat of their students in these classes (eg: Born again Christian). What is your opinion on that ? How do you control that ?

Using your logic our children should not receive an education

Children should get a education, not fairy stories embellished through the ages.  Any sort of religion if part of the curriculum or not should be stopped, anyone caught preaching their religion, given one warning, then removed from post if caught doing it again.  Simple as that. the church, whoever's church it is, is free, waste your own time learning about it if you so wish. 


Any subject should only be taught by someone who is qualified to teach with authority on the subject,  for instants a bloody PE teacher, teaching maths (yes that happened to me fro about a year at school, no wonder I am shite at maths!)  So for a Christian to teach about IIsam, Hinduism, or any other region is plain wrong and vice versa.  So even though I completely disagree with religion,if it is taught, it needs to be taught  properly by religious scholars, not a bit part English/maths/PE/Geography/History teacher.  Anyway that is by the by, it shouldn't be taught in schools imo.


I see you replied by asking a question, fancy answering the one I asked of you, I have answered yours.

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Children should get a education, not fairy stories embellished through the ages.  Any sort of religion if part of the curriculum or not should be stopped, anyone caught preaching their religion, given one warning, then removed from post if caught doing it again.  Simple as that. the church, whoever's church it is, is free, waste your own time learning about it if you so wish. 


Any subject should only be taught by someone who is qualified to teach with authority on the subject,  for instants a bloody PE teacher, teaching maths (yes that happened to me fro about a year at school, no wonder I am shite at maths!)  So for a Christian to teach about IIsam, Hinduism, or any other region is plain wrong and vice versa.  So even though I completely disagree with religion,if it is taught, it needs to be taught  properly by religious scholars, not a bit part English/maths/PE/Geography/History teacher.  Anyway that is by the by, it shouldn't be taught in schools imo.


I see you replied by asking a question, fancy answering the one I asked of you, I have answered yours.


........you write Cultural Marxist bullshit - this is a Christian country and has been since about 600 AD when the religion was adopted for England. Have some respect for this country's culture and heritage.

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