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Bristol sport / shirts / Brand theft (Merged)


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So did he answer your question RedM? Not for me he didn't he just restated his agenda like any "good" politician.



I would say the "no" answered it. (Would you allow the name change? No)

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Well that's not unexpected..

And I am sure the club name change is not even on the agenda..

It's more to do with how BS will be introduced to inspire sport within BS3..


But that hasn't stopped it being debated on this thread.


I now have it on record that JL will not allow a name change but some things never change.

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Personal attacks? Please feel free to quote where I've personally attacked you.

If you care to read back through this thread, I and others have been debating your arguments but it's difficult when your initial main gripe is about a coach......the rest appears to be purely conjecture and speculation with no actual basis.

BSL is about promoting sport, creating a 'Bristol' brand with several individual clubs under its umbrella, it's a holding company driving commercials and efficiencies.

Although they make the odd mistake and bad decision, whilst the lansdowns are in the middle of this, I believe bcfc and the other clubs are in good hands

I see that you have used the words from @jonlansdown.

But I don't think the Lansdown's are in question - what has been questioned is the strategy behind the BS campaign and how it fits within Ashton Gate & BCFC..

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I see that you have used the words from @jonlansdown.


Well, it's my understanding of BS based on the information provided, it just so happens to come out of the same school of marketing as JL!

Admittedly, some further updates on BS and it's overall plan wouldn't go amiss, however, the decisions made so far e.g. the coach, the logo, the shared shop etc are good, prudent business decisions and should not be taken as some form of dastardly plan by SL/BS to erase the name and identity of BCFC

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I agree the club have boldly shown an initiative here, and I don't seriously consider the club's heritage or future to be under any kind threat of being diminishined by BS.

It has, however, kinda crept in under the radar since it's creation, and now is starting to throw it's weight around much more ebbs is inevitably raising some eyebrows.

Perhaps a bit more transparency is in order here.

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Cheers Milo, this really clarifies things, but that wont stop the conspiracy theorists on here, worrying about something that they have dreamt up in their heads.


It does clarify things Milo, and thank you. But I think that there is also a place for conspiracy theorists. It is right to question the actions of organisational bodies; it is what keeps them accountable for their actions.

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Cheers Milo, this really clarifies things, but that wont stop the conspiracy theorists on here, worrying about something that they have dreamt up in their heads.

If that structure was true, why is Bristol Sport the headline of both the coach and the shop? With the five others quite clearly dependants of Bristol Sport?

Plus my main issue is not knowing how far this is going to go, a blue away kit for example, or somebody else mentioned the "Bristol Sport South Stand" the latter not having been mentioned yet but people or merely concerned as there is no visibility of BS plans, it's also very hush hush, some people know a bit others nothing, BS or BCFC need to make a clear statement on where this is going, not some business jargon BS which is the type of sentence you palm off in business every day of the week.

I've got no conspiracy theory, but I do have suspicions and until the future is clarifyied I will continue to.

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If that structure was true, why is Bristol Sport the headline of both the coach and the shop? With the five others quite clearly dependants of Bristol Sport?

Plus my main issue is not knowing how far this is going to go, a blue away kit for example, or somebody else mentioned the "Bristol Sport South Stand" the latter not having been mentioned yet but people or merely concerned as there is no visibility of BS plans, it's also very hush hush, some people know a bit others nothing, BS or BCFC need to make a clear statement on where this is going, not some business jargon BS which is the type of sentence you palm off in business every day of the week.

I've got no conspiracy theory, but I do have suspicions and until the future is clarifyied I will continue to.

Why was Adidas and Peter Carroll the headline of both the shop and the coach beforehand?

As far as I can tell BS provide services to 5 other sporting entities within Bristol but non (including us) are under obligation to use the service, BS has no power to dictate to any of the sporting entities. In the relationship between the football club and BS the football club is the customer of BS not the subordinate.

We're basically outsourcing the back office to BS who have branded a few things they are now running for us.

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Cheers Milo, this really clarifies things, but that wont stop the conspiracy theorists on here, worrying about something that they have dreamt up in their heads.

Some will have already understand the structure, but not what FC identity assests may be re-branded, how revenue will be shared and that is what is not being explained. The word may was used there, the mays should be cleared up.

Bristol Sport could lead to Bristol City fans having input into Commercial decions that directly affcet them. It may lead to something much worse. Could and a may there again.

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I don't know much about branding, structure etc but is it just a simple case of gathering sports with Bristol connections and lumping them together under/alongside a heading - Bristol Sports. A sort of strength in numbers, reaching out to more people. The more components the potentially the bigger the brand.

Of course SL wants success for all the components, but say for example the basketball team closes, are failures or there is some scandal, well that part of Bristol Sports can easily be removed or standalone. Other sports can easily be brought in. Say he sponsors a golfer, darts player, ice hockey team etc, the components can just be under/alongside the Bristol Sports banner.

Nobody outside of Bristol ( and many in Bristol) will really ever know what Bristol Sports covers unless they seek the information, but the name looks strong. For example if I saw Nottingham Sports on a team I would think it covered all or a lot of sports teams or individuals in Nottingham, therefore quite big and important in that field.

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I don't know much about branding, structure etc but is it just a simple case of gathering sports with Bristol connections and lumping them together under/alongside a heading - Bristol Sports. A sort of strength in numbers, reaching out to more people. The more components the potentially the bigger the brand.

Of course SL wants success for all the components, but say for example the basketball team closes, are failures or there is some scandal, well that part of Bristol Sports can easily be removed or standalone. Other sports can easily be brought in. Say he sponsors a golfer, darts player, ice hockey team etc, the components can just be under/alongside the Bristol Sports banner.

Nobody outside of Bristol ( and many in Bristol) will really ever know what Bristol Sports covers unless they seek the information, but the name looks strong. For example if I saw Nottingham Sports on a team I would think it covered all or a lot of sports teams or individuals in Nottingham, therefore quite big and important in that field.

You are attempting to explain with opinion something the decision makers alrrady could have with facts.

Within that theory I can see scenarios which could dumb down Bristol City and alter / devalue its identity. Similar could be achieved by linking the sporting bodies to Bristol City FC in name and colours, avoiding the rugby club as it has a strong identity of its own.

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I have to admit from the impression I had on the above I would have expected to see PULA then BS then the rest below.


The way Bristol sport have been reporting and tweeting about all things Bristol City recently, they don't appear to be on a level par with all the others listed

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Great to know that the Supporters Club & Trust, and David Lloyd are on the case. A few final thoughts on this:

1. If the club decided tomorrow, or whenever, to phase out "Bristol Sport" and just brand everything, except Bristol Rugby, "Bristol City" i.e. Bristol City Ladies, Bristol City Flyers, would they be happier or less happy with that situation? We could always incorporate the Community Trust logo onto the shirts if we feel underweight logo-wise. BSL would of course continue as a backroom company, but need not be branded in such an artificial manner (to avoid brand dillution/cannibalisation).

2. At some point in time, somebody, maybe a future owner, is going to want to streamline all these brands. It's only a matter of time. Would you prefer:

a) Bristol Sport Rugby, Bristol Sport Vixens, Bristol Sport Flyers and Bristol Sport Robins; or

b) Bristol City, Bristol Rugby, Bristol City Ladies and Bristol City Flyers.

[Jon Lansdown says he'll never change the name but what happens if his family sells up?]

3. Current business management is about taking lots of decisions. Inevitably, you're going to take some that will need improving later on. We've seen this happen with previous marketing issues and, of course, the ticketing, er, is it all right to call it a fiasco...? I believe that part of the role of this forum is to flag up these areas that need improving and discuss them. Others then take ideas to the decision makers and see if things can be changed/improved. I have no idea why a) some forum members pretend that all the decisions taken by the club have been and always will be correct; or b) they label people who come forward with ideas for improvement as "conspiracy theorists".


Up the Sport. Sorry, City.

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Was just looking at this and from a purely business point of view this looks to me as if Bristol Sport will provide a backoffice or shared service centre model to the Bristol clubs.   So Bristol Sport can process 100 invoices per week just as cheaply as 200 a week ... rather than the cost of each club processing them.   So its all about cost saving:   Economies of scale for Brizz Sport and headcount reduction for the clubs (no need to employ accountants etc).     Kind of like out-sourcing, but on a local level.


And if you look at that over all structure.   It is quite similar to Barcelona.   Anyone thats ever done the ground tour will have seens the campus for the other Barca clubs (ice hockey and basketball if memory serves).

I agree that without all the facts, it could look as if Bristol Sport are some entity to be feared.   But from what Ive seen above it looks very similar to how many modern companies are now structured.    

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Cheers Milo, this really clarifies things, but that wont stop the conspiracy theorists on here, worrying about something that they have dreamt up in their heads.

Really PSR...

Why would any fan want to dream up something like this in their heads..

I for one as a fan of nearly 50 years, will always show concern for anything that shows confusion regarding the 'history/heritage' of our club.

I really do hope you understand this & embrace the concern rather than diss other posters..

As per this from RZ...

I believe that part of the role of this forum is to flag up these areas that need improving and discuss them. Others then take ideas to the decision makers and see if things can be changed/improved. I have no idea why a) some forum members pretend that all the decisions taken by the club have been and always will be correct; or b) they label people who come forward with ideas for improvement as "conspiracy theorists"

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This really is pretty pathetic. It's a bus - which has Bristol City's logo on it - and a 'megastore' - which has Bristol City's logo all over it. Neither Peter Carol nor the Bristol City megastore are richly intertwined in the club's history, nor is BCFC about to be rebranded.

Christ, we kicked up enough of a fuss when villagers didn't want a stadium in their back yard, but can't deal with the prospect of a Bristol Sport bus. All of a sudden they seem reasonable folk in comparison.

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This really is pretty pathetic. It's a bus - which has Bristol City's logo on it - and a 'megastore' - which has Bristol City's logo all over it. Neither Peter Carol nor the Bristol City megastore are richly intertwined in the club's history, nor is BCFC about to be rebranded.

Christ, we kicked up enough of a fuss when villagers didn't want a stadium in their back yard, but can't deal with the prospect of a Bristol Sport bus. All of a sudden they seem reasonable folk in comparison.

I agree ... rather than a bus .... perhaps we could have a horse & cart?    Is Ernie still around?

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This really is pretty pathetic. It's a bus - which has Bristol City's logo on it - and a 'megastore' - which has Bristol City's logo all over it. Neither Peter Carol nor the Bristol City megastore are richly intertwined in the club's history, nor is BCFC about to be rebranded.

Christ, we kicked up enough of a fuss when villagers didn't want a stadium in their back yard, but can't deal with the prospect of a Bristol Sport bus. All of a sudden they seem reasonable folk in comparison.

That's fine & valued opinion..

But if you have bothered to read more detailed posts, the wider picture is being 'professionally' dealt with by the ST.

Not only about 'a bus' 'a shop' ..... These were key pointers into what has developed into 'thought provoking' discussions..

As previously detailed a few posters seem to 'diss' the bigger picture and don't seem to care if BS will have any influence on the history/heritage of our great club.

If it is 'all for the good' - then great.. But really surprised that so many supporters don't really care.........

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That's fine & valued opinion..

But if you have bothered to read more detailed posts, the wider picture is being 'professionally' dealt with by the ST.

Not only about 'a bus' 'a shop' ..... These were key pointers into what has developed into 'thought provoking' discussions..

As previously detailed a few posters seem to 'diss' the bigger picture and don't seem to care if BS will have any influence on the history/heritage of our great club.

If it is 'all for the good' - then great.. But really surprised that so many supporters don't really care.........

Not sure the many supporters dont really care .... after all they are on OTIB .... but they maybe do not agree?

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I have signed up..


This topic may interest you. It is about how using the example of another clubs openness could help to affect the FC/BS here in a positive manner, and thus see an improvement in communication, in supporter engagement and perhaps identify commercial opportunities in a small way.

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This topic may interest you. It is about how using the example of another clubs openness could help to affect the FC/BS here in a positive manner, and thus see an improvement in communication, in supporter engagement and perhaps identify commercial opportunities in a small way.

Very interesting read..

It would be interesting to see if the ST can convince someone at the club to take ownership of a Crystal Palace type fan module.

But I fear this would never happen, as the club like the 'softly softly' approach & feel that the Fans Forum is as good as it gets...

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If you care to have a look round the football league, you'll see plenty where random Q;A sessions, if that, are the best it gets. Let's not play the neglected card.

Looking around the leagues is what has been done.

Crystal Palace are an example of a form of best practice. Palace fans can ask quetions of their club and get answer in hours. An enquiry regarding communication at CPFC was made by a Bristol City fan, a club director replied in person on a sunday night!

Bristol City fans can pass on questions to the Supporters Club Trust, or Fan Liason regarding the FC and not get an answer to a question in months. Acknowledgement yes, answer no.

Questions have been asked about BS.

The Fans Parliament by its very nature only hold meetings every few months = A Limititation.

Bristol City fans have not had the opportunity to put forward questions regarding BS at a Q&A.

Bristol City DO portray themsleves as a "listening" club and a "Bristol City family". This thread highlights clearly an area where BCFC can improve i.e. communication. Communication should be linked to the clubs pillars.

Anybody want to answer the question about PULA?

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Looking around the leagues is what has been done.

Crystal Palace are an example of a form of best practice. Palace fans can ask quetions of their club and get answer in hours. An enquiry regarding communication at CPFC was made by a Bristol City fan, a club director replied in person on a sunday night!

Bristol City fans can pass on questions to the Supporters Club Trust, or Fan Liason regarding the FC and not get an answer to a question in months. Acknowledgement yes, answer no.

Questions have been asked about BS.

The Fans Parliament by its very nature only hold meetings every few months = A Limititation.

Bristol City fans have not had the opportunity to put forward questions regarding BS at a Q&A.

Bristol City DO portray themsleves as a "listening" club and a "Bristol City family". This thread highlights clearly an area where BCFC can improve i.e. communication. Communication should be linked to the clubs pillars.

Anybody want to answer the question about PULA?


It's limited in its size of replies but the question I put to Jon Lansdown on Twitter was answered within 10 mins. Try asking him about the above?

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Bristol City fans have not had the opportunity to put forward questions regarding BS at a Q&A.

Simply not true.

Questions were asked about Bristol Sport at the last Q&A and Steve Lansdown spoke about how he saw the potential of the unified approach leading to increased commercial revenues. He spoke of how signing a multi-sport sponsor could be beneficial.

Don't forget that the RSG sponsorship of Bristol City was jointly announced as sponsorship of Bristol Flyers.

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It's limited in its size of replies but the question I put to Jon Lansdown on Twitter was answered within 10 mins. Try asking him about the above?

The idea of far more open means of communication in the manner of "questions to CPFC201" has been answered this evening via the Supporters Club and Trust.

To quote " The idea of an open forum was not openly welcomed".

Simply not true.

Questions were asked about Bristol Sport at the last Q&A and Steve Lansdown spoke about how he saw the potential of the unified approach leading to increased commercial revenues. He spoke of how signing a multi-sport sponsor could be beneficial.

Don't forget that the RSG sponsorship of Bristol City was jointly announced as sponsorship of Bristol Flyers.

The post earlier should have been more specific. Andrew Billingham (Bristol Sport) was not in his role at that point, but as of an hour ago, the Supporter Club and Trust will be meeting Mr Billigham on the 31st July.

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That's fine & valued opinion..

But if you have bothered to read more detailed posts, the wider picture is being 'professionally' dealt with by the ST.

Not only about 'a bus' 'a shop' ..... These were key pointers into what has developed into 'thought provoking' discussions..

As previously detailed a few posters seem to 'diss' the bigger picture and don't seem to care if BS will have any influence on the history/heritage of our great club.

If it is 'all for the good' - then great.. But really surprised that so many supporters don't really care.........

There is no wider picture to any influence on BCFC beyond the conspiracy theories in this thread. It's that simple.

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Don't forget that the RSG sponsorship of Bristol City was jointly announced as sponsorship of Bristol Flyers.

Erm. People outside BCFC might fall for that one but I don't think anyone on here will. To be honest, if the Advertising Standards Authority take a look at the BS website and read: "RSG has recognized the power of the Bristol Sport family by sponsoring multiple clubs", we might have to duck. It's stretching it a bit, both from the "related party" angle and from the laughable notion that, if you sponsor BCFC, you also get the Bristol Flyers. (Not that the secon part of this would trouble any regulator of course, bullshitting in itself is not illegal.)


Steve Lansdown spoke about how he saw the potential of the unified approach leading to increased commercial revenues. He spoke of how signing a multi-sport sponsor could be beneficial.

Sure. Everyone agrees that a unified approach is needed for a lot of back-office tasks and corporate business (althought a multi-sport sponsor is not necessarily better than several single sport sponsors). But neither then nor any time after have the fans been briefed about the BS brand standing alongside/replacing/ diluting/dwarfing on buses...the BCFC brand. In fact, none of us expected a BS brand at all. Why would we?

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Erm. People outside BCFC might fall for that one but I don't think anyone on here will. To be honest, if the Advertising Standards Authority take a look at the BS website and read: "RSG has recognized the power of the Bristol Sport family by sponsoring multiple clubs", we might have to duck. It's stretching it a bit, both from the "related party" angle and from the laughable notion that, if you sponsor BCFC, you also get the Bristol Flyers. (Not that the secon part of this would trouble any regulator of course, bullshitting in itself is not illegal.)


Sure. Everyone agrees that a unified approach is needed for a lot of back-office tasks and corporate business (althought a multi-sport sponsor is not necessarily better than several single sport sponsors). But neither then nor any time after have the fans been briefed about the BS brand standing alongside/replacing/ diluting/dwarfing on buses...the BCFC brand. In fact, none of us expected a BS brand at all. Why would we?

I thought people were against the BCFC "brand" as its whats wrong with modern football,

Can you explain how the brand has been diluted? as I'm not buying a bristol sport season ticket I'm buying a Bristol City one, my son isn't getting a bristol sport shirt he's getting a bristol city one,

the players don't play for bristol sport they are playing for bristol city, the scores won't be reported as Bristol Sport 0-1 Sheffield united  it will be reported as Bristol City 0-1 Shefield united,


What does this Bristol Sport Brand you go on about what does it sell? are their Bristol Sport Trainers? are ther Bristol Sport footballs? or is it simply providing a kit made in this country which is unique to the clubs of Bristol using it?

Why didn't you post this sort of stuf last season and the season before that where Adidas was plastered everywhere? where wasn't TFG or Puma diluting the BCFC brand?

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Really PSR...

Why would any fan want to dream up something like this in their heads..

I for one as a fan of nearly 50 years, will always show concern for anything that shows confusion regarding the 'history/heritage' of our club.

I really do hope you understand this & embrace the concern rather than diss other posters..

As per this from RZ...

I believe that part of the role of this forum is to flag up these areas that need improving and discuss them. Others then take ideas to the decision makers and see if things can be changed/improved. I have no idea why a) some forum members pretend that all the decisions taken by the club have been and always will be correct; or b) they label people who come forward with ideas for improvement as "conspiracy theorists"

But people are creating scenarios with little or no evidence, a couple of logos and a megastore? As I said earlier in this thread, this would have happened at a new ground because we are being put under one umbrella with the other sports within the Bristol Sport portfolio. I see no difference to this than any company that has disparate brands, you don't go into USC or Lilywhites and think about the fact they are owned by Sports Direct even though there is a plaque somewhere in the stores stating this., They are still seen as a separate entity within that company and I am sure we will too.

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I thought people were against the BCFC "brand" as its whats wrong with modern football,

Can you explain how the brand has been diluted? as I'm not buying a bristol sport season ticket I'm buying a Bristol City one, my son isn't getting a bristol sport shirt he's getting a bristol city one,

the players don't play for bristol sport they are playing for bristol city, the scores won't be reported as Bristol Sport 0-1 Sheffield united  it will be reported as Bristol City 0-1 Shefield united,


What does this Bristol Sport Brand you go on about what does it sell? are their Bristol Sport Trainers? are ther Bristol Sport footballs? or is it simply providing a kit made in this country which is unique to the clubs of Bristol using it?

Why didn't you post this sort of stuf last season and the season before that where Adidas was plastered everywhere? where wasn't TFG or Puma diluting the BCFC brand?

Either you don't understand what's going on or you're on a wind-up. I'll be busy most of the day, so I'll leave this to someone else if that's OK with you.

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Either you don't understand what's going on or you're on a wind-up. I'll be busy most of the day, so I'll leave this to someone else if that's OK with you.


Like many others clearly doesn't understand!!

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Either you don't understand what's going on or you're on a wind-up. I'll be busy most of the day thinking up more conspiracy theories, so I'll leave this to someone else if that's OK with you.



Edited for you :shifty:

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Like many others clearly doesn't understand!!

i don't  thats why i need it explaining like many others we don't see what the problem, and you've not explained in depth what you preceve the problem is which is why many are jumping to conclusions,

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Pula is named after the currency of Botswana.


SL has confirmed in his interview today on YouTube that the name Bristol City will not be changing (obviously) and neither will Ashton Gate unless a company comes along with a load of money to sponsor it but SL "can't see that happening".


Also the idea of a new bus was actually SCs. I guess the opportunity presented itself and BS were chosen to sponsor it.


SL also gives a different interpretation of where BS sits amongst all the various companies. SL says BS sits between him and Bristol City, Bristol Rugby etc NOT alongside them as Milo was told. I must admit that was always my understanding of it:




City, egg-chasers, basketball etc

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So, from what I could make out from SL. BS is responsible for the commercial and financial side for all sports under it but thats it, it is in no way in control of them. BCFC still operate as a seperate identity and its name, colours and ashton gate shall remain the same and nothing will change in the future. What BCFC and BRC are at the moment will stay the same the only changes being made are to the commercial and financial side of things. Hope that dismisses peoples worries about 'identity theft', I certainly feel alot more at ease now anyway.

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So when we're signing a player, is it the Chairman of Bristol City or someone at Bristol Sport that has the final say as to whether we can afford it? Is the football clubs budget set by Bristol Sport if part of their remit is finance?


Can you tell I'm no businessman?

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