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The Moan Thread

Tall King Blox

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I normally do that after I've had a few jars, I normally forget about it........


Drives me ******* mental!!


I was out the other Sunday lunch time (gather round!)


Barmaid says to me "What can I get you?" Now me, having been brought up with a bit of bar etiquette, says "this chap was before me" pointing at the bloke next to me.


He then ordered a pint of Bitter, which the barmaid poured and brought back. He then ordered a glass of wine, which the barmaid poured and brought back. Then half a lager or something, which the barmaid poured and brought back. And finally the pint of Guinness.


How that**** is still walking round with all his own teeth I'll never know.

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and are back when you are half way through your order to complain interupting you and demanding to be served first,

Don't get me started on this one. The CAMRA fanatics are the worst. "Are you sure this is Old Todger? It tastes more like Ferret's Gonads to me".

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Why is abbreviation such a long word??!

Why are they called 'apartments' when they are all close together?!

Why is there only one Monopolies Commission?!

Why has 'lisp' got an 's' in it?!

Why is it called 'rush hour' when you aren't moving?!

How does a snow plough driver get to work?!

These things keep me awake at night.....

like why dont they have mouse flavoured cat food ???

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Back to the petrol station thing.

people who hog the entire forecourt, blocking all other cars from entering (and thus jamming the road) so they can claim which pump becomes available first...


Tough titty if another pump happens to become available before yours - you chose unwisely, that's how it goes.

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Night time cyclists who dress in black from head to foot on black bikes with no lights.

In the daytime they're all dressed in Dayglo Lycra, some even with red spots, but at night it's a different story. Do they think they're ninjas or what?

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Why is abbreviation such a long word??!

Why are they called 'apartments' when they are all close together?!

Why is there only one Monopolies Commission?!

Why has 'lisp' got an 's' in it?!

Why is it called 'rush hour' when you aren't moving?!

How does a snow plough driver get to work?!

These things keep me awake at night.....


Why does Israel get to enter the Eurovision Song Contest?

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If you are popping into petrol station to get a paper or coffee etc.... DONT PARK ON THE EFFING PUMPS....

Another thing that boils my piss is when people fill up, for example, at the Tesco Petrol Station on Henleaze Rd then leave their car at the pump whilst they do their weekly shopping in the store.

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Retired couples. Just because you have nothing to do all day doesn't mean you can drive everywhere at 15mph while i'm trying to get to my next job. Inconsiderate buggers

They should also be banned from doing their food shop outside the hours of 10-3pm and on weekends.  You're retired!  You have all day to go shopping, so why do you choose to bumble around the supermarket after work or on my days off!!!!


Get out of my way!  :grr:

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They should also be banned from doing their food shop outside the hours of 10-3pm and on weekends.  You're retired!  You have all day to go shopping, so why do you choose to bumble around the supermarket after work or on my days off!!!!


Get out of my way!  :grr:

And they should also (the men) be barred from getting their haircut between the hours of 12:00 and 14:00 so when I try and get mine cut at the barbers in my short lunch break, I don't have to wait for an hour listening to old lonely men talking bollocks while getting their comb over trimmed :no:  :grr:  There should be a very high OAP rate at lunchtime :yes:

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They should also be banned from doing their food shop outside the hours of 10-3pm and on weekends.  You're retired!  You have all day to go shopping, so why do you choose to bumble around the supermarket after work or on my days off!!!!


Get out of my way!  :grr:

And stand with the trolley length ways across the isle.

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Crapped on by a Seagull in the City Centre and having to walk around as though I always have bird shit on my trousers. Picking up a penny and finding a money spider on me all of which convinces me I'm in for good luck.


Don't normally bet on City but with all this money about to come my way a nice chunky double on City to beat Oxford and Real Madrid to beat Sevilla. Both short odds but clearly this is because they are mismatches.  Read that Cotts is 'guarding against complacency' so what can go wrong?


Two minutes gone and it's just a case of how many we will win by. Thoughts turn to what I'm going to do with my winnings and how this good luck thing really works.....  :grr:

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Retired couples. Just because you have nothing to do all day doesn't mean you can drive everywhere at 15mph while i'm trying to get to my next job. Inconsiderate buggers :grr:

Are these the same people that ignore the broken lines at junctions, fail to stop (pretending to be invisible) and immediately kill their speed to a snails pace?!! :punish:

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