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The Moan Thread

Tall King Blox

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Women who when you first get with them are more than happy to service your sexual needs but stop when you been with them after a certain amount time like you don't need that anymore grr.


golden rule number 1, never say you enjoyed your dinner or your clothes smell nice etc,the minute that feeling of being good at something else creeps in,you've lost it for good

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i had this tonight and the supervisor had to check my bags. got home and checked reciept,free washing tabs for me tonight,feels like a lotto win  :clapping:

People who wash their Tabs for free annoy me, mine cost a fortune at the Hand carwash.

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Women who when you first get with them are more than happy to service your sexual needs but stop when you been with them after a certain amount time like you don't need that anymore grr.


Nah, sorry, my memory doesn't stretch back that far! :no:

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After a really bad city day, people who say to me 'whats the matter with you then' I may reply, ####all,i'm as happy as larry and anyway who the #### is larry, and why the #### is the #### so happy.

Funnily enough, the most miserable guy I know is a City fan called Larry :o

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golden rule number 1, never say you enjoyed your dinner or your clothes smell nice etc,the minute that feeling of being good at something else creeps in,you've lost it for good

H'mm. "Your cooking is carp and your clothes smell like cat's pee, but you're really hot".

Worth trying, I suppose..

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I've thought about this long and hard and have managed to narrow my 'annoying list' down to every thing and every one, including myself - who is the worsted offender*

So just stop it, ok, all of you.

*attractive females that won't sleep with me and bar tenders who insist upon me paying for my drinks are second and third, respectively. Bastards.

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Getting on a bus with loads of free seats then next stop getting a village idiot sit in front of you then turns around trying to engage conversation about how Rovers arnt the same since Ricky left.

Always me.....!


Reminds me of the guy a bit worse for wear who found himself on our shuttle express bus to the beach when he wanted to take the bus that shared the same stop.He had to ride the 10 kilometer round trip with the half hour stop on arrival.

All the passengers had tears in there eyes trying to stifle the  laughter and the more he grumbled the more difficult it became to keep it in.

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Night time cyclists who dress in black from head to foot on black bikes with no lights.

In the daytime they're all dressed in Dayglo Lycra, some even with red spots, but at night it's a different story. Do they think they're ninjas or what?

"I took a ride one night,

A PC hoved in sight,

He was made up because I had no bell, no brakes, no light,

'i'll sling the book at 'ee',

That copper said with glee,

I said 'sling all you like, tis your dad's bike,

'so don't tell I, tell 'ee'."

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Night time cyclists who dress in black from head to foot on black bikes with no lights.

In the daytime they're all dressed in Dayglo Lycra, some even with red spots, but at night it's a different story. Do they think they're ninjas or what?

Personally think cyclists should have to wear high viz jackets better than any lights I reckon, even had the police ignore me with no lights but a high viz on a pitch black road.

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Sisters, or indeed any girls who used to interrupt the one bastion of boyhood by insisting 'I CAN play subbuteo'. I CAN play with Barbies, but it is not exactly the point.


Then, in a sulk, they would turn around, and whilst walking out you would hear a 'crunch' under their heel and you would realise your number 9 was going to be out for some time with a bad leg injury, or at least until you got the Airfix glue tube out (again). By the end of a hard season most of your players were a good half foot smaller and standing in glue up to their knees, and were a bit wobbly (from the cider obviously). 


Sisters, or indeed any girls, who questioned with a look down their nose at how could Bristol City beat Pele's Brazil 7-2 with words to the effect 'that is not really very likely is it'.


Sisters who bought you for Christmas the TV stand for your set, when you had made it bloody clear it was the floodlights (real working ones mind) you were after.


Actually, scrap all that. I am seeing the common theme here.


Lets just say 'sisters'.  

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When watching clips of the Brazilian World Cup winning side from 1970, I rarely think to myself "hmm I wonder what that bird from 'the Saturdays'....(who wasn't born for another 25 years)....has to say about this".

Whilst we're talking TV programmes has anyone mentioned that ******* garbage Mrs Browns Boys?


Aaron and Marvin?

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Sisters, or indeed any girls who used to interrupt the one bastion of boyhood by insisting 'I CAN play subbuteo'. I CAN play with Barbies, but it is not exactly the point.


Then, in a sulk, they would turn around, and whilst walking out you would hear a 'crunch' under their heel and you would realise your number 9 was going to be out for some time with a bad leg injury, or at least until you got the Airfix glue tube out (again). By the end of a hard season most of your players were a good half foot smaller and standing in glue up to their knees, and were a bit wobbly (from the cider obviously). 


Sisters, or indeed any girls, who questioned with a look down their nose at how could Bristol City beat Pele's Brazil 7-2 with words to the effect 'that is not really very likely is it'.


Sisters who bought you for Christmas the TV stand for your set, when you had made it bloody clear it was the floodlights (real working ones mind) you were after.


Actually, scrap all that. I am seeing the common theme here.


Lets just say 'sisters'.

Can I recommend you acquire some brothers?

If one of you get an astroturf subbuteo pitch for their 10th birthday, you all have access to a subbuteo astroturf pitch to triumphantly take City to world domination (at least in your own over active imagination, anyway) and without any half-wit snide comments from bemused siblings!

When you send a witty, original, football related text they text back with 'nice one bruv, funny as **** that'. Not send back a single question mark with 'I'm confused' like certain sisters of humanity would.


There's a lot to be said for the bro-code.

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Another vote for old people in supermarkets from me, why the hell do they all appear and then treat it like some kind of social gathering by blocking the shelves and aisles by having a 6 person chat just where I want to shop.

Flicking annoying when you have queued at a checkout for what seems like ages, you are still 3 people away when another checkout opens and all the people behind me jump onto that. You rude morons!!!

People who have been stood on the bus stop for 30 minutes and then wait until they are paying the driver before they get any money out, ok you might not know the fare but don't start fishing in your handbag or pocket for money when you get on. Grrr.

People who get off an escalator and then look around for directions, I mean literally just 1 step forward leaving me to either plough into them or frantically backpedal and take out half the escalator myself whist they walk off oblivious.

I like this thread...I'll be back!!!

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